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Barack Obama Elected President!


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Lets hope that Hilary has a big showing today.

If we were to be stuck with a Dem in office, I would rather have one that knows what experience is and knows what the job entails.

Not someone who can not say point blank any policy or any idea that they have.

I think McCain will win over either, but the better, more intelligent debate would be between McCain and Clinton.

They know what is going on, they have been there and they know how to get things done.

Obama will be better off being one of their White House spokesman...that is all he is ...ALL TALK...

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Let's see. My choices....

A man who has galvanized young voters and brought out record voter turnout (Obama)......

A politician who would rather run an attack campaign than run on the issues (Clinton).....

Or.....a Repulican canidate who said he didn't know that much about the economy and will keep the Bush economic & foreign policies going (McCain)......

Boy......a hard choice.

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I hear there was bad weather in Ohio today (or there was supposed to be) I wonder what effect that will have on turn out.

It will be very interesting to see these results come in. If Hillary does well tonight, another Clinton comeback? Her own people were beginning to write her off a week or two ago... but I sense a change over the weekend and yesterday. All of the sudden it feels as if it is really possible she could do well tonight..... we shall see. If she does..... it will be one of the biggest comebacks in recent american politics. If she does not do well tonight, for the sake of the party.... she needs to drop out. I hope she does. Bill even said she has to win both tonight to remain viable.

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I live in TX and I voted today-- going back tonight at 7pm to vote again (don't ask- some caucus stuff). But I'll do my civic duty. I hope things go my candidate's way (fingers crossed).

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I just saw at both CNN and MSNBC that bot Texas and Ohio are too close to call. The Clinton camp is now saying that the Obama camp stole chairman campaign material, to which an Obama lawyer jumped on a conference call to dispute it.

I'm so sick of this [!@#$%^&*] I could scream. Please let this be over soon.

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Okay hillary has like a 150,000 vote lead over obama in ohio with 50% of the votes in, why are the news orgs still saying its close? Obama's lead in texas is slowly decreasing, they are about 1,000 votes apart now with hillary votes keep rising. I said I would be impressed if hillary won OH and TX and looks like that may be coming true.

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Hillary began the night way behind in Texas, now she is 10,000 votes ahead....

The reason they are nervous on Ohio is they are waiting for votes from the urban centers where Obama is expected to do well.

Another Clinton comeback?

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