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Barack Obama Elected President!


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What is with these cozy debates, then the following the day they are blasting each other. Its too funny.

American political campaigns always eventually take on the negative rhetoric, but I couldn't help but laugh when Hillary was imitating Obama's basic speech, about the roof opening up and the light shining on down, it was the funniest thing I've seen in a long time.... because it is so true. It feels like you are at a faith healer's church revival sometimes :huh:

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Most people I've talked to don't seem to care who gets the nomination, just as long as a democrat wins in November.

The Clinton's have always been well regarded up here, They shared a very close friendship with then Prime Minister Jean Chretien.

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I laughed out loud when Clinton mangled Dimirty Medvedev's name. If Obama had done that that all we would be hearing tomorrow is that Obama didn't know anything about world affairs.

Don't get why Clinton didn't go for a knockout , instead all we got is another draw.

Hillary's whining was also unbecoming.

The nice thing also bugs me ,we all know tomorrow bother of their "people" will be out trashing eachother.

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I don't think I'm gonna add hillary back, I don't see obama making hillary his vp. I could be wrong about that, if she does have a chance its very slim. On the otherhand he could piss some people off by not making her the first woman Vice president, but I don't know. I will take her word for it that she didn't have anything to do with it not because she said she didn't but because I think the republicans are the ones that leaked it after all that Hussein crap they pulled at a rally. National polls are showing that obama is leading by 50% to hillary 40%, just last week it was hillary at 44% and obama at 43%. Whoever is currently running hillary's campaign needs to be fired, they are making bad decision after bad decision for her. An it doesn't bode well when bill tells people at a texas rally that its over for hillary if she doesn't win texas, and then the next day hillary says bill was wrong about that. Are the clintons even on the same page? I guess bill is a realist and hillary is optimistic.

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From what i have read Obama's camp has a couple women on it's VP short list the Gov of Kansas and someone else.

If Obama get the nom i think he will wait and see what McCain does.

If McCain goes with a woman so will Obama.

IMO if Obama were to win Gov.Bill Richardson would be his best bet , but if McCain goes with a women so does he.

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That underestimates the showmanship of church revivals. Obama is too cool and collected to break a sweat. She's a total liar for making it seem like the man offers no political substance in his speeches. It's not like she lays out reams of details in her own. What she ought to do is point out how rehearsed and repeated his talking points are.

She also finished pronouncing the Russian leader's name as "whatever." How Bush-like. It appeared that NAFTA was an issue someone finally shut her up about. The idea of riding the coattails of her husbands success but not his failures was well pointed out. And thank goodness for Tim Russert. No other debate panelist insists on an answer to the questions asked like he does, and his Meet The Press method of holding people to the statements they made makes waffling impossible. Clinton can't be in full attack mode with him around.

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I have to agree with you. She came off bad. And, even though she truly may have a point about the bias of the media (At some levels), bringing up a SNL skit to make your point is not they way to do it.

I wonder who she will blame next for whatever goes wrong with her campaign does something else stupid?

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