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Barack Obama Elected President!


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Well if you wanted examples all you had to do is ask? An when I say cry wolf, I'm not implying that they are liars I'm implying that they keep jumping over every little comment white america says and then when something big like say katrina happens their message falls to death ears. So when I say cry wolf its more of a metaphor. I know that alot of AA were upset with sharpton/jackson lack of help, where were these two at when katrina hit, they spent more time focusing on the Rutgers basketball team moreso than they ever did on Katrina. Those girls just wanted to be left alone and not be the posterchilds for racism. Both those men really just bother me, and I hate their double talk when they are on interviews. When Sharpton made comments about mormons he tried to blame it on the person that asked the question about mormons, well he shouldn't of said anything if he didn't want to be criticized he basically did the same to Don Imus, he needed to think before he spoke. When Sharpton was asked about rap, he said he was against it, and he was asked why he never talked about that his response was that the news media won't cover his demonstrations against rap, maybe or maybe not as many interviews that he's been on he hadn't mention that once before the don imus incident. Rap is a way bigger issue than crazy old man calling some girls names, what he said was tame in comparsion to what the rappers say about women and gays in general. Thats the issue he should of went after, not to say those girls shouldn't of been a story. I really just don't have a high opinion of these two gentleman, and don't get me started with jesse's mistress and the child out of wedlock. These two obviously don't practice what they preach. While I'm at it I don't have a high opinion of bill cosby either, his affairs and foddling of women is digusting why I'm suppose to respect a man that does those things??? I like him as an actor but not as a person.Thats my opinion and I'm sticking to it. You might think highly of them but I don't and I respect thats your opinion.

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If Obama wins his race agianst the Clintons will seem like a walk in the park. The GOP are going to go after him with this kind of trash day in and day out.

You just know that some Swift Boat like group will be buying Adds calling Obama a Muslim 24/7.

Am i'm the only worried that some nutjob or Skinhead group are going to try and kill Obama.

I read somewhere that he has as many SS guys as Bush. Hopefully that will be enough to keep him safe.

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Yeah, but her winning now would only accomplish one thing, dividing the party and most likely costing them the election in November. 3 months ago, Hillary was the nominee, and would have won the presidency. The Obama change movement took traction, and once it did there was no stopping it.

I am not so sure she could have really done anything to avoid it except maybe tackling that momentum early on by hammering home his weaknesses then and not now. Like I said earlier, now she comes off as the ogre trying to bring him down, when in all reality everything she is attacking him on, is true.

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That is a good idea. I have her on ignore so that way I can just skip the posts.

BTW you might want to add Obama/Hillary back to your avatar right now...Obama said tonight at the debate that he is certain that Hillary Clinton herself along with her campaign were not responsible for the turban picture.

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