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PASSIONS: OXYGEN Confirms It is Considering Airing the Show

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A Passions fan e-mailed Oxygen and asked whether Variety was correct saying that OXYGEN may purchase the broadcast rights for Passions.

The response:

Thank you for writing to the Oxygen Network. We appreciate your interest in Passions. Yes, airing Passions on Oxygen is one idea we have been thinking about. However, we have no official plans in the works. We will be sure to let the programming department know that you would like to see this show on our air. For updates on this issue, as well as information on our current shows, please go to www.oxygen.com.

Thanks for thinking of Oxygen!


The Oxygen Network

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Hmmm. Honestly, I could see it going either way. I could see them saying that just to attract people, but also I could actually see it going there, but again I'm not sure.

Because on one hand I can't be sure Passions is going to end, I mean something just can't let me be sure it'll end for good. But we'll see.

But if it is going to Oxygen, Oxygen and NBC better be sure thats where it will stay for a good while.

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There is a quote too that you guys need to keep in mind in that email I gotten too.

However, we have no official plans in the works.

They just thinking about buit they aren't currently planning to make a transition of Passions to their network.

So that means for now Oxygen has no plans to get Passions.

And the actors have to leave after March 28th. So if Oxygen does decided to get Passions, they better hurry up and start planning now. Even with the writer's strike, some of the actors can still find work in commericals, theatre, and modeling which some are out of WGA reach, and once they are commited to something else it is hard to bring them back.

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It just sounds like a nice way of saying that Oxygen doesn't plan on picking up Passions.

My take on the Variety article was that it was only an opinion by the writer of the article that Oxygen might be a good fit but not that the writer at Variety had any info about Oxygen having any plans to pick up Passions.

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My source said that NBC prefers to have Passions air on a non-NBC related network like TBS or Lifetime or something so they will make more money. Greed and choosey should be the last terms on NBC's mind especially when this show gotten canceled from two networks and the reruns was pulled from another channel.

Damn that means if NBC couldn't find another network to pickup Passions and settle for Oxgyen I wondered will there be even more budget cuts just to make the highest profit as possible?

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Exactly nothing wont make a difference as long as good-if-he-wants-to-writer James E Reilly doesn't start dust off his bad writing skills! For the sake of the fans and actors, Oxygen should be Passions new home due to the fact it is own by NBC Universal and also it will have much patients for the show than on an non-NBC related network.

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I'm not against it continuing but I just wonder how many actors and actresses will want to or feel like going through this again. Plus, I'm not even sure it's worth it. The show has fallen back on bad habits since the move after a great summer and it just feels like JER is content on "shock and awe" and not on payoff and substance to go along with it.

I sometimes wonder if it may be for the best for the actors and actresses because they deserve better in many instances. Plus, the more chances the show gets and the more it fails, the more doors it closes for possible hope for other shows as execs will refer to Passions and it's failures.

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