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Your Ideal Y&R Creative Team...

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With constant rumblings of Latham soon being gone from Y&R, what creative team would you recommend for the show?

I know Steve Kent is running the show as EP during the strike and Josh Griffith is possibly dealing with the writing. However, this is only temporary, since Griffith is no longer apart of the WGA and can't be a long-term HW and Kent has bigger stuff to do, working for Sony and all...

Is Sony smart enough to beg for some of the old creative team to come back?

-David Shaughnessy should definitely be rehired as Executive Producer. I'm sure he'd return if they made him a generous offer, and he hasn't been doing much since 2004, other than occasionally directing for B&B and Y&R.

-Not just anyone can write this show, so Kay Alden needs to be rehired ASAP. Remember, she quit after Latham was becoming a monster to work with. I can see her coming back freely to a non-Latham environment.

Writing vets like Trent Jones, Jim Houghton, Janice Ferri Esser, and others should return as well...

If Alden doesn't want to come back, I think they should hand over the Head Writing duties to Trent Jones. He was Alden and Smith's co-head writer for a short time a few years back, and seeing that he has a significant history with Y&R, I think he could handle the job quite well. It will be different, but it would still feel like classic Y&R IMO.

Anyway, what suggestions do you all have? You know regulars, like ChrisB, DaytimeFan, Toups, Sylph, and others...:)

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First off, I hope this doesn't jinx LML's (hopeful) ouster. I'm desperate for her to be fired!

EP: David Shaughnessy. He's my pick, he was fantastic with production values, brought Y&R into HDTV, kept the pace nice and easy, kept the core actors front and center. Loved the Shaughnessy years. He's still in the Bell fold. Love him.

HW: Kay Alden. Easily, it's the no brainer. Y&RWorldturner is absolutely right it takes a certain kind of person to write Y&R, LML has demonstrated that. I also really like the Trent Jones idea if Kay Alden turned them down (which, frankly, I don't imagine her doing). Trent has spent a long time at Y&R and it was his most steady gig. As long as he'd be in it for the long haul, I would be for it.

The Writing Team: Janice Ferri Esser, Natalie Minardi Slater, Jim Houghton, Eric Friewald & Linda Schreiber, Randy Holland, Rex Best, Sally Sussman Morina and Saundra Weintraub.

Directing: Fire all of 'em except Sally McDonald and Dean LaMont. And it would be time to beg Mike Denney to come back and assemble a team who could do the classic Y&R directing style.

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My Ideal Y&R Creative Team:

Executive Producer: Wendy Riche

Supervising Producer: Shelley Curtis

Producer: Sally McDonald

Head Writer: Kay Alden

Co-Head Writers: Trent Jones and Jim Houghton

Writers: Eric Freiwald, Joshua S. McCaffrey, Linda Schreiber, Natalie Minardi Slater and Sandra Weintraub

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I think Denney "retired" to get away from LML. If the old team came back, he'll probably come out of retirement. LOL

I agree with you guys. The people who trained under Bill Bell should be brought back.

Executive Producer

David Shaughnessy (because Ed Scott's at DAYS; Wendy Riche is my third choice)

Supervising Producer

Kathryn Foster (try to steal her away from DAYS....but as a DAYS fan, I want her at DAYS :P)


Sally McDonald

Head Writers

Kay Alden & her protege (the one Kay talked about at MIT)


Janice Ferri Esser (protege?)

John F. Smith

Trent Jones

Natalie Minardi Slater (protege?)

Jim Houghton

Eric Freiwald & Linda Schreiber

Joshua S. McCaffrey

Sandra Weintraub

It's simple, just put the band back together.

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I would allow Kay Alden total control in terms of the writing staff. For Executive Producer I'd bring back John Conboy! I know many will say I'm crazy due to his GL stint, but despite not fitting that show, he did make it look great. With Y&R's largest budget and being the original EP, he knows what it takes to make a glamourous soap, particularly this one, work. I just wouldn't allow him any power with the writing.

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Ok...why do you people want Kay Alden back as HW? :lol: Y&R was fing boring with her as HW. I hated the show. It was so slow and so damn boring. LML needs to exist. But no way do I want Kay Alden back at Y&R. She is doing fine at B&B because she is not the HW.

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QUOTE (Chris B @ Nov 28 2007, 10:50 PM)
I would allow Kay Alden total control in terms of the writing staff. For Executive Producer I'd bring back John Conboy! I know many will say I'm crazy due to his GL stint, but despite not fitting that show, he did make it look great. With Y&R's largest budget and being the original EP, he knows what it takes to make a glamourous soap, particularly this one, work. I just wouldn't allow him any power with the writing.

No thank you, Santa Barbara was the epitome of a "glam soap" and he started that show's downward spiral. Patrick Mulcahey quit SB's writing staff because of Conboy and called him "comical and clueless."

Y&R needs a strong EP, not a push-over like Conboy.

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