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Some memorable names that define 'soapy'

Augusta Lockridge SB

Palmer Cortlandt AMC

Vivica Strand TD

Dorian Cramer Lord OLTL

Greelee Smythe AMC

Schuyler Whitney EON

Let's discuss names,weird and wonderful...

Those you like and those you don't.

Have you met anybody with the sam name as a soap character?

Also,let us know your soap name(take your middle name and the street you grew up on)

Mine is Christian Cumberland!

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Ooh, I loved the name Schulyer Whitney on EON. And don't forget Raven. ;)

Stone Cates/GH

Robert Scorpio/GH (great spy name)

Clint Buchanan/OLTL (the character initially had a different name but they asked Clint Ritchie if they could use his)

Asa Buchanan/OLTL (know any other Asas on soaps?) :lol:

Harley Davidson Cooper/GL

I don't really like OLTL's Nora but Nora Hanen Gannon Buchanan is pretty funny.

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I've heard that joke somewhere before lol it's so true, though.

Some of my favorite utterly-soapy names:

Lahoma Vane Lucas (AW)

Lauren Fenmore (Y&R)

Katherine Chancellor (Y&R)

Reva Shayne (GL)

Lucinda Walsh (ATWT)

Monica Quartermaine (GH)

Margo Flax (AMC)

Estelle LeTour (AMC)

Phoebe Tyler Wallingford (AMC)

Myrtle Lum Fargate (AMC)

Greenlee Smythe duPres (AMC)

Elizabeth Collins Stoddard (DS)

Siobhan Ryan (RH)

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Never noticed that before lol.

I notice how sometimes, if a character becomes big and popular and known across the soap industry, all other soaps seem to "retire" the character's names. For example, I'll give you a list of names, you tell me how many long-running characters with that name you can think of:











And something that annoys the crap out of me is when soaps have multiple characters with the same name. AMC's had, to date, three David's: one in the late 70s, one in the late 80s/early 90s, and one in the late 90s/early 00s.

I love the tradition of a couple naming their kid the mother's last name and the father's last name...let's see...Ryan Fenelli, Shayne Lewis, Greenlee Smythe are just three that I can think of right now.

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I was seven when she was on but the name Silver Kane always stuck with me. Or maybe I just remember her because she was stabbed with scissors while trying to kill Natalie, thrown into a pond by Palmer, and then found later by Dixie Martin. No, it's because Silver is just such a cool name.

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I think JR Chandler is pretty fabulous. Harkening back to Dallas in all of its soapy glory.

I tend to adore most of the names they gave characters to make them sound wealthy. Myrtle Fargate, Palmer Cortlandt, Victoria Lord, Edward Quartermaine etc.

And I think John McBain is hilarious. I remember when PC got canceled, and the adds for ME going to OLTL started popping up, with soapy voices telling us that "John McBain is coming!". My sister and I cracked up everytime. John Black is along the same lines.

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Bill Bell used his own family names when writing Y&R.

Phillip Chancellor (his wife's maiden name is Phillip)

Bill Foster Sr and Jr (aka Snapper)

Brad Eliot and then Brad Carlton (his son's name)

Lauralee(Lorie)Brooks (daughters name)

Colleen Carlton (grandaughters name)

Maybe Jack Curtis and then Jack Abbott were in honour of his good friend and co-writer Jack Smith.

Katherine 'Kay' Chancellor -names after Kay Alden?

Henry Slesar used some unusual names in the 70's on Edge of Night

Brandy Henderson

Star Stoner

Ansel Scott

Draper Scott

Jinx Avery

Raven Alexander

Taffy Simms

Raney Cooper

DiDi Bannister

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Whenever I see, hear, or even think of names like "Star Stoner" and "Taffy Simms," two things come to mind: stripper poles, and "Pour Some Sugar on Me" playing somewhere in the background.

And I don't even want to tell you what I think of when I think of "Didi Bannister."

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