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GH - Week of November 5th Discussion

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For once I agree with you...

She just about made me throw up. The only thing that made her bearable was Sonny saying, "I love her".

Say it AGAIN Sonny on Monday PLEASE!

Love Jason come to Liz's rescue. And the previews for next week were awesome. And Jason is so right. Its NOT Sam's place to say anything so the slut should keep her mouth shut. This is Elizabeth's secret and its HER responsiblity and her burden. The ho has no right to act rightous when it comes to matters of sex or secrets. Its laughable that she even manages to say a WORD to Elizabeth with a straight face.

Aww Ric kinda got to me today. Love the actor. The character is starting to get back into my good graces. As for Trevor I don't know what to think. The guy playing him is so GOOD at being the villian. I kinda don't want him to go all mushy on us...lol.

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I enjoyed Luke/Tracey and Luke/AZ. I used to like Scotty but I guess I must've felt sorry for him but now he's just too whiney for me with that same old tired song.

It's a toss up between whether I found Sam more annoying or Nikolas/Emily. Oooh and I forgot Carly but she was nicely shut down by Sonny and I hope they don't lose that moment in Monday's show.

I think today I was finding Nikolas/Emily's revised romantic history more annoying and it's really Emily that's the issue. I was hoping he was going to lock her up for her safety instead of the other way around. Sam was shouting way too much and was utterly pathetic because she wants Jason to want her and he doesn't move on. Because of that bitterness that she lives on her thirst for revenge overshadowed any concern she had about Lucky. I seriously doubt that after Jason tells the truth that should have been told by Elizabeth that Sam is going to confess what she did but it will be a pleasant surprise for me if she does.

Nadine just might be useful if they attempt to take Spinelli in another direction--away from the complete adoration of Lulu. It was nice that she offered to knock Lulu out.

I thought Johnny was going to kill his dad but I guess the writers forgot the plan....oh but they remembered it after he saw Leyle. Maybe he'll take another week to wander around until he happens to come across him again.

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Sam is such a jealous, whiny, pathetic , jealous,spiteful shrew! She got all pissed at Jason because he saved Elizabeth and put her safety first above Sam's!

Then she enters the barn and goes off like some screeching hyena, I swear I got a headache! Jason will never love you, You'll never come first in Jason's heart and you'll never be Jason's top priority! She's so jealous of Liz she can't see straight.

I hated her more today than I have in a long time. Shut up already! She's so using Lucky just for her petty revenge!

I hope Sam you realize you're only pushing Liason together! And I hope you choke on it!

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Sam Mcslut... where to begin. i dont think anything more need to be said other than these words... pathtic. jelous. shrew. selfish. whore. spiteful. hateful. idiot. ... i lied. there are many more worse but yall get the point... tho i must say Kelly Monaco most def rocked today, as she does everyday!

SpinLu's i missed you scene was sooo cute.

oh hawd... those lucky & sam vs jason scenes were beyond pathtic. i loved that carly finnaly told sam to stfu and stop being a shrerw.

Kate Howard... y u so fine? and amazing? i cant belive GH somehow got me to care for sonny. all new char's on soaps should be brought on like this.

the NickEm scenes... im not even gonna comment. but damn do they suck as a couple! im about to hop on that Robin & Nick bandwagon...

yes emily, we all know your are selfish, but thanx for pointing it out.

the luke/tracy/scotty scenes in the bedroom were so fun to watch. this is why i love gh. good balance of drama and humour.

and WTF? Lucky just drops Maxie off to find her own way when a psycho killer is on the lose? and then NickEm let her just walk off with Johnny? whatever. I wanted more LuMax scenes!!

I dont care what all the ~haters~ say. Laura Wright is great at what she does and is an amazing Carly. U GO GURL!!

once again GH showed it know how to good drama. the scenes with patrick, robin, ric, skye, kate, etc... were all amazing. i loved how they all interacted with eachother.

I loved CarJason comming in as well. Carly vs Kate... MEOW! theres about to be a (what!) GIRLFIGHT!

thank you GH for the amazing yet short Robin/Jason scenes.

okay so... that em/nick scene where she says "i want you to stay with me..." kinda got to me. .... okay im over it now because shes whinny and pathtic again. daymn!! psycho nick was great! to bad they didnt cut to a short flashback of conner raping her...

"yeah, id welcome a little boredom" was a great line from Liz. I am loving this Liz/Nadine friendship.

awww... spinlu. these scenes are so amazing. they are stripped down and having a normal convo and it works for them. we all know all this stuff about lulu but still - her saying them to spin and telling him he broke down her walls and doesnt know what she would do without him was great. i love this flirty friendship. its so real, IMO. n LMAO as Spin not telling her he KO'd her and then Nadine let it slip.

i do wish that someone would have mention the fact that Robin is HIV+ and handling blood transfusions with no gloves. im not saying she shouldnt given the situation, but i still think it woulda been nice if someone noted it or she tried to find a glove or something.

Anthony Z vs Luke Spencer... "your little bitch of a daughter is gonna hang..." umm.. why didnt Luke instantly jump him? but i did like Luk telling him he was sad and pathtic. "when this is all over we will get a room together in the crazy house" lolz. i heart u luke spencer!

lol at carly wanting a gun and sonny was all "no, dont you dare!" lol. thats greatness.


gawd sam stfu ... because you have never been number one in jasons heart, you have never been his priority. now im glad sam pushed for the truth to come out and all however if anyone calls it a noble or selfless thing im gonna punch something. it was every far from anything like that.

carlys face when sonny said he loved kate was priceless.

wtf? where did Maxie go? johnny just showed up to grab layla, who looks like his mother, but Maxie was gone. i swear GH... why didnt you show me the georgie/macie scenes

i loved how sam shut the hell up when jason walked in - yeah bitvh you better worry for your worthless life. you deserve to die. i wish liz woulda picked up a hoe to smack the ho.

and what the hell? not show the scene were lucky find out but u promo it? f u abc!

great show today. loved it all. cant wait for next week.

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I would even like to see him interact with Nadine more as well. Their whole little conversation that implied they never loved anyone else was irritating. Emily had a crush on Nikolas and then along came Zander. I guess that pack of mush was the love story their fans are supposed to crow about but guess again....

Going off with Johnny was okay it was that Lucky left her in the hallway after saying he was going to make sure she was safe. They made him completely useless because he didn't save her from AZ she literally ran into him and of all the people they knocked out during the week, he's the only one that stayed knocked out the whole week.

Good that they had him back Carly off Robin. I like them in scenes together and contrary to those who think that Sam is the right woman for him because she accepts his profession, I think Robin will always be a thousand times better for Jason because she wants him to be a better person. The only reason I don't want her back with him is that he chose Carly and unless it's clear that she has priority then I think they should remain friends.

At first I was thinking crazy but I realize that you are taking it to a deeper level than they would go with this. They want it to be some sort of illusion of a fairytale romance without any blurred lines because the story isn't at all about Emily, it's all about Nikolas and his torment. It has to be that his wittle princess supported him until the end.

Robin gave that as a reason for not assisting in the surgery because there weren't an extra pair of gloves but you know GH, it's a different scene and they don't carryover the sensible things too often.

I thought they gave Luke a lot of restraint there but Lulu is a pain though.

Like I said before, Sam was beyond annoying and I can't even applaud the performance either. The whole baby s/l reveal is anticlimactic because it went on too long and because they still have Elizabeth as opposed to telling the truth. It might be okay if they had her say she had let the lie continue for too long and didn't know how to find her way out or was afraid to but I still see her using the same tired excuses and the sad part is that they probably will bring the excuses to fruition in some way using dumb Lucky to do it.

It's a given that some Sam fans will try to paint her actions as noble because there are people who don't want to differentiate between her being the catalyst because of her bitterness vs. her sincerely and totally having Lucky's best interests at heart. Each instance where she's demanded that Elizabeth tell the truth was preceded by some sort of jealousy and bitterness on Sam's part. Yesterday she was full of contradictions. First she didn't want to go to the barn but then when Lucky showed up she wanted to go instead of seeking out Alexis. When she gets to the barn she doesn't want Elizabeth to breathe the same air as Lucky but when Elizabeth tells her she can leave then she accuses Elizabeth of wanting them to be killed. People will cheer her on if she convinces Lucky to go after full custody of the kids not for the noble reason of safety for the children, but just for revenge since some of the people that are concerned about Jason's dangerous life wanted Jason and Sam to have a baby and probably still do.

What would be nice would be for Jason to say that Lucky should have been told the truth awhile back. Neither Elizabeth nor Sam should run their mouths but then the truth should shut Sam up since all that's left is her own dirt.

I was surprised that they didn't end with that but that should be the big Monday show.

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I'm definitely hoping Monday is the day we get the BIG REVELATION.

However it better come out some time next week. All I know is that if its dragged on for yet another week I'll be past the point of caring....well not really but I'll be pissed.

I don't see what was great about KM performance. All she did was scream and cry like a rabid hyena in one her bipolar meltdowns!

The Robin/Jason scenes were great too although they were too brief. Loved Jason telling Carly to BACK OFF. Robin doesn't need her bs. Carly is the last person to open her mouth in that situation. In fact if I were on that island and in that mansion I would have knocked her ass out LONG ago and stuffed her in the closet until the crisis was over.

I like Emily and Robin but I don't think I like either of them with Nikolas. Maybe its just the current guy playing Nikolas but either way I don't feel any special connection or feelings for any couple that includes Nikolas Cassadine.

Spin and Lulu...I dunno. I just don't buy it. I'd rather have GSpin or Spin and Nadine.

I'm still confused as hell as to who is going to die if anyone!

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You'll get the reveal Monday, it just won't end the drama because that would be too good to be true.

IA that TC isn't really the romantic lead sort but I can still buy that Nikolas would be devoted to someone....just not Emily... or maybe Emily played by a better actress.

Someone is going to die....possibly two people but one for sure or as sure as soap deaths go.

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I want to add to my suspicious looking Coop comment. I don't know if anyone else noticed but they seem to be going out of their way to make it look as if he is up to something. I found it odd that Jerry who is so careful of what he does and says would refer to him as Number 3 in front of Georgie.

I am pretty certain that AZ didn't kill Leticia and even though they are trying to make him look as if he strangles people, I still don't think he's going to kill anyone of significance. His actual attempts at killing any of the characters has failed so far and he's more show than anything else. Even though they are pointing at Coop the only two that would work for me would be Jerry or Trevor. I hope it turns out that Trevor is the one that is strangling people. I don't care whether it's him or AZ that stabbed Ric but it would be nice and twisted if Trevor did it.

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Lol for all we know Coop could STILL be working for Jerry all this time. He might just pretended to be reformed and really Jerry still has some hold over him which he usings. I mean it would be an awesome twist I think. Especially when you consider that hes placed inside TWO crucial organizations. The PD AND the mob.

I can definitely see Jerry being that diabolical and smart.

However a part of me is hoping that they keep Coop relatively innocent....

I'm still not understanding who the other shooters are? Are they guys hired by Anthony Z or Trevor? Or some random mercernaries?

Lol the drama can continue about the baby secret. Just so long as I have my Liason moments full of love and sweetness!

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