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GH - Week of November 5th Discussion

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today show was again awsome. i loved how they show Kate in dinal about what Sonny does. The carly/anthony scenes were actually really well done. im glad he just let her go. I loved the tracy/luke banter. the jason/spin/jolene/liz scenes were fun to watch. i forgot nadine was a nurse. and once again Maxie had the best lines. "compared to johnny your a cubscout" or whatever her exact words were to logan, lol.

I cant wait to see tomorrow!! esp with Maxie vs Anthony. I hope she spits out some good lines to him.

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I really liked today's episode. Anytime that Scotty and Luke are sparring, it will be a good epiosde. I loved Tracy's enterance.

I have to say, Jason and Liz were kinda hot for me.

Carly and AZ were spot on! I was thinking, don't say Michael or Morgan, say another name. The actor playing AZ is so freaking good. I loved when Carly got back and she was wanting to know where Jax was. Then she had to go find Sonny. Thats when she pissed me off.

Did I see a gun in Jerry's pants? Did anyone think, hey there is a killer going around this house and the same guy that held up the Metro Court is here? I have missed a couple episodes, but has that been brought up?

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JP I thought you liked Sam :unsure: Here's another preview clip Link for you in case you haven't seen it already. I think it's for next week but it could be the week after.


IA with you. Apart from Sam attempting to ask Emily whether AZ was invited, Maxie has been the smartest. I liked when she backed Coop about not going with Logan to find Lulu. Since Lulu is stupid enough to keep leaving the room then why bother looking for her.

I loved Carly vs the rock yesterday. And I loved how Logan couldn't admit he was wrong about Johnny today when Carly confirmed that she had seen AZ.....not only does he manhandle and fly off at the handle but he has a massive ego.

Are they trying to suggest that Kate is bringing out the good in Sonny because you've got Carly on one side saying let Ric die and Kate saying he will do the right thing?

So far no one has died for love.

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i like sam depending on what she does on what day, lol. it all depends. but i always love Kelly.

i love carly - im glad she was okay and i srsly loved her scenes with crazy

IDK but i sure do like sonny a lot more since hes been with Kate.

yeah... i think the die for live comes next week...

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Unless someone voluntarily dies for love then the closest we might see is people risking their lives to save the loved ones. The only person I would actually like to see dead is Leyla. Maybe not so much dead as just plain gone. She's completely useless. She might have made an okay princess type instead of Emily since her acting is kind of so so to me. She's definitely not working for me in the middle of Patrick and Robin though.

Hey by time this Blood Ball is over, Kelly should be all cured of her sex addiction. :lol:

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Sam has a gun!

It is Super Sam to the rescue! So first she shows off her knowledge of boats as she knew all about them during her HOoker days and now she is off with a gun and someone has for some stupid reason entrusted her to use it wisely. Well wise is not in Sam the H0's vocabulary but then again neither is it with the GH writers. So once again we get more pimping of the Port Charles H0 as she comes to save the day and take out those bad guys on Spoon Island. Sheesh where is a drink when you need one? Sam is still more boring than watching George Bush give a press conference!

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