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GH - Week of November 5th Discussion

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Brian Frons has basically said that JD looks like a younger version of KS, JMB a young GF and annointed them a supercouple following in the footsteps of Luke and Laura. All of that may have gotten to their heads a little bit. There's nothing amazing about Logan at all.

So far the character is defined by one thing: his determination to have Lulu and stop anyone who gets in his way. I fail to see any sort of spark with Lulu that doesn't make him interchangeable with any of the other guys that have the hots for her (then again I fail to see why the guys have the hots for her). Maxie should be the one the guys have the hots for simply because she's got more personality than Lulu who seems like she should be nursing a sick puppy back to health. Lulu's not believable as every young man's fantasy. She has no exceptional looks, body, personality traits or anything close to generate that kind of attention. She should be limited to two guys max.

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I can see Logan and Lulu as Luke and Laura Round 2 or w/e....

Personally I like both characters and the people portraying them. They do have chemistry.

Maxie has a personality? When did that happen?

If Maxie has anything at all its an STD...and an obsession with Lulu. Hardly a personality.

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I think it's more like she doesn't really have sparks with any of the guys and I wasn't open to her and Dylan so I probably didn't notice. I know I don't see anything with any of her other worshippers and I happen to like Johnny and so far he's not so much adoration of Lulu as he is about escaping and stopping his father.

Maxie has more than an obsession with Lulu and that was partially about her avengning her sister. She did go after Leyla last week so she does have that protective streak about her. Whether you want to call it a personality or not though, she is a more defined and complex character than Lulu is. Lulu basically wonders around doing stupid things--primarily the opposite of what people advise her to do. In some instances she is being independent which is all good since she is an adult, but more often than not she's not thinking and I can't quite label her motivation. Carly is at least thinking she's saving someone or catching someone whereas Lulu is aimless. They shouldn't build a show around her until they give her some real direction. If she's going to save Logan then let her do that for awhile instead of being an aimless center of attention.

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i liked today's GH.

Maxie was the best again. I love how she points out the obvious. like to Lulu about how Nadine, who is in the same dress, is missing and maybe someone thought she was Lulu. Her telling Georgie they would be no help to trying to find Spin. I love this girl!!

can ric just die already? please?

NLG is amazing. why she isnt on lead idk...

i liked anthony z being all whack. its fun to watch and does show just how crazy he is. like a little kid.

i wish GH would give Kate more lines. shes a great char and MW is a great actress. but all she does is stand around next to sonny.

Carly out in the rain were great shots.

Scrubs little scene was also cute.

and Liz & Jason ... :wub::wub::wub::wub::wub:

hoiw great were those scenes with robin, patrick, alexis, ric, trevor... why cant GH be like this all the time?

wow. when did Emily become a sane person? wondering around a dark house with a killer on the lose in a blackout is crazy.

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