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AMC: Friday

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I am SO sick of Ryan Lavery and his attitude. His manhandling towards anyone has GOT to stop. He is so unlikeable most of the time.

Why is this nuBabe always a bitch? She's had maybe 1 smile ever since she started. Everything else has been straight up seroius bitch to Richie and now Annie today. She is so different - her voice - her attitude - her seriousness. I guess I wouldn't mind this actress in another role - but as Babe - I'm just still having a hard time accepting.

Annie looks SO hot with this darker hair - especially when she's wearing this contrasting white shirt. I really think she looks hot.

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^^Seriously - he is!

This whole Kendall/Greenlee/Zach/Aiden/JR stuff is a mess! And Kendall needs to learn how NOT to give herself away. She gives herself away soooo easily. Ex: Yelling at Zach to drop the backpack? He was just HANDING it to you - you could have said nothing, taken it from him, and he would have no suspicion of you packing a gun in a little boy's backpack!

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OMG - are you serious Kendall? You're sooo gonna lose the 'Mother of the Year' award for flashing a pistol in front of your baby's face, with intent to either shoot or threaten Greenlee right in front of him. Way to go mother!

Poor Richie :( What is he dying from??? That makes me sad.

LOVED that last Erica/Adam scene. So divine!

Ohhhhh can't wait to see Greenlee slap JR next week. He deserves it again and again...

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My god this show is even worst then it was 4 weeks ago when I stopped watching. I couldn't even watch it live, I taped it just so I could see what erica is up to. The only thing that looks promising is erica/kendall/zach revenge on greens, I'm definantly gonna watch that because that will put a nail in the coffin of Jerica.

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Sinclair, that avatar is creepy, heh.

The gun flashing in front of Spike is so not appropriate. I guess I should be happy she's not explaining to him what exactly she's going to do with the gun, heh.

I had thought Kendall was planning to shoot her for some reason (reading the spoilers) although I knew deep down Erica would have never been onboard with that plan, which she has been onboard with off and on. The new clothes with price tags and gun "polishing" (how about using gloves while cleaning off prints?) the past few days made me pretty sure she is just planting a nice amount of incriminating evidence on Greenlee for Spike's new "kidnapping."

Greenlee is coming off like the same delusional, obsessed, bitter, vengeful woman that decided to kidnap Spike after seeing Kendall going into premature labor - yet I think I'm suppose to feel sorry for her while she discusses the embryos? I'm not supposed to think she could just flip and do something big again and thus Kendall is right to worry about it, with these scenes? Additionally, she can hold a grudge, and an obsession, forever but Kendall can't/shouldn't for more than a second according to Jack anyways?

That storyline is really a flaming mess (but not the only storyline that sucks on the show, unfortunately). I found myself thinking how great that simple picnic Zach described would have been verus what we've been getting. Since late July the only thing - well not the only thing, but almost the only thing - Zach and Kendall have been given to do together is worry about sick kids and secretly plot against Greenlee (to prop Greenlee's redemption) while being suspicious of each other. Very, very, very little happiness, sigh.

Evul Richie taunting Ryan is a bright spot on the show, as was that last Adam/Erica scene. LOL, she basically called him Satan to stroke his ego and is now going to ask him for advice on how to do "a Dixie special." Delicious. I love their mutual evulness.

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Eeeeeeeeeeee go Ritchie, make the monkey look like the tool he is!

Annie STFU you sanctimonious bitch. You taking "smug" lessons from Babe?

GreenME: STFU and stop your damn wah wahing. You don't want to be a mother, you just want a way to worm your way back into Kendall and Ryan's lives.

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Ryan Lavery's Diary

Well it seems as if Ryan can now add to his diary that he has the ability to heal Ritchie since it looks as if the beloved brother in law now has a big condition and that is he is suffering from leukemia. Well just go to Dr. Ryan for some help, Ritchie, and he can do it just like he pulled his beloved Greenlee out of a psychotic stupidor. It looks like Ryan can now add to his medical miracles of saving Ritchie but then again would Ryan actually care enough to help someone out in need, especially a true guy like Ritchie? After all, his cuckoo wife who flew over the nest a couple of times sent him to prison for some thing he never did and now he for some reason does not sympathize with him although he was falsely accused of a crime just about nine years ago with Kit Fisher. Hard to believe Ryan would not support someone like him when they were in the same predicament. And it was around that time when Ritchie spent some time in prison having to avoid Bubba getting his just desserts and making him more frightened than Casper the ghost running into a blinding light ready to make him human when he enjoys being a B00b.

Erica Knows Adam

Yep she is the one who knows who to go to in order to get someone committed to a mental hospital and that would be Adam! He did send Dixie there and also gaslighted Liza to the point where she could have been institutionalized to shag Nurse Ratched!

Nod to the writers for remembering history!

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Ritchie rocks!

Greenlee really needs to STFU and FOAD. I can't feel anything for her. If being a mother is something she really wants...well she can make it happen for herself. Pathetic that she is going on and on and on about having Ryan's kid

I'm really liking Amanda's Babe....her take on the character is really enjoyable to me

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Im glad they are palying her more hard bc Alexa's Babe got way too nice. Babe needs to be edgy, not all smiles and cheery. I thought Annie was the bitch in those scenes. Her atittude is matching her new dark hair, which Im liking

Ryan sucks. Someone needs to run over him

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