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B&B: Week of Oct. 15 Discussion!

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Yet another very good episode. I wasn't too crazy with some of the medical dialogue, but Taylor and Nick fussing over their son was so touching. Lesli Kay also gave a very good perfomance when she found out about Donna and Eric. God, she's such a terrific actress!

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man this show is soooo good right now. LOVED the Felicia/Donna confrontation. Im glad that Felicia is sticking up for her mother bc despite what she did or didnt do, she doesnt deserve what Eric is doin to her with the cheap whore. Pushing Donna in the end was priceless...lol

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^^^ Haha, havent you heard? Nick is Brooke's destiny. She just wont remember till she finds out he has her kid. I wonder if she will try and get custody from Taylor bc she never signed away her rights

Why didnt they just tell Brooke she was the mother for the cliffhanger? It ended so anticlimatic. Unless someone stops Nick today it made little sense

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The Good-

katie Logan is such a breath of fresh air. i was so hating the fact they brought donna on, simply because all donna is is a brooke rip off. there was nothing new to this person. she really is a carbon copy of brooke. so i wasnt thrilled with hearing Katie was comming, even with HT in the role. but wow. someone who has morals? someone with some class? and this person is on B&B? what??? just pair her with Thorne now. please., thx.

also, i am loving Ashley on the show. she even makes Ridge watchable. And i must admit, Kyle Lowder isnt half bad in the role of Rick. I also love that they have had Steph gone to far and now feel bad for something she has done. Cant wait for SF to return.

The Bad-

nick/tylor = borring. adding brooke = even more borring. please. just get rid of taylor and nick both. along with jackie. pointless. im sorry but its true. and why doesnt Bridgett have a love life anymore? and the brooke rape = the most pointless plot for her char ever. she doesnt care. it didnt affect her at all. in fact its only made her want ridge and use it to get him. tho im sure she will change it up to nick now. once a whore... never anything more.

the Ugly-

umm... why does LK never look on this show? Leslie Kay is a beautiful woman. but this show makes her look so trashy. and donna needs to be recasted. im sorry but dogfacegrace from Y&R isnt cutting it. hell id rather be with stephanie than her. shallow i know, but true.

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I guess I am one of the few that likes the chemistry between Donna and Eric. :) Eric has always been a horndog, banging models a quarter his age.

However, I love love LOVE Katie, Ashley and Felicia. I could watch these three actresses all day long. I love how Felicia has gone all Cujo on Eric. After the way Stephanie saved her life, she has now become super-protective of her mom and it makes so much sense!

All these 3 women have such charisma, especially Eileen Davidson who is carrying the entire show right now in Stephanie's absence. OMG, I never thought I'd say this but Brad has made me rediscover what I loved about Ashley on Y&R once upon a time. And, I know this is sacrilege but I love HT as Katie more than her Victoria. Is that wrong? She and Thorne have the potential to be a GREAT pairing -- if only Brad keeps the faith.

In fact, a LOT less BRidge/BRick stuff, and more T&K and (God, I cannot believe I am saying this) Ashley & Ridge, and this show would be ON FIRE. I am all Brooked out now. Brad needs to give KKL a bit of a SL break and work on resucitating and saving this character because, even with the rape, he is ruining her agan and again. He should have stuck with Brooke dealing with the rape fall-out -- the chance to TRULY change this character -- and he didn't. Instead, a day after throwing all that lingeroe around her office, Brooke was already being shoehorned into the Ridge-Ashley SL and Nick & Taylor's pregnancy issues.

By the way, proof that Susan Flannery IS B&B: the ratings have dipped since she left. I hope they recover upon her return.

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You're not the only one.

I for one love and hate them at the same. John McCook has chemistry with anyone - even the kitchen sink. Plus, Donna and Eric are fresh and kinda sexy. However, I'm still miffed about the sudden change of Donna's bedmates from son to father - to Brad's excuse part is due to Flannery's sick leave. But most of all: I'm pissed that threy dropped ALLEY MILLS (PAM) and now do this story Grace THE SLUT © Turner who's doing some very fine acting work though.

I also love Katie and Ashley and both remind me of old school Y&R. So much heart and depth - sigh!

All in all, I like basically everything about B&B these days. Sometimes I feel little urges of criticism (Why's Rick still in LA? Why is this show incapable of telling a follow-though story with teenage characters? Why did Ridge & Brooke have to kiss for pete's sake!?) but then I digress because the overall package is just too good.

@ Cat: Have you read Patrick Mulcahey's interview (posted in the WRITER/DIRECTOR thread...)? You ought to... :)

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^^^I like Donna and Eric too. I do not feel that Gareis needs to be recasted, she has been doing some very stellar acting and I love her.

Wednesday's episode was top notch! Could someone let me know who wrote and directed (as well as for Thursday's ep?). Taylor's breakdown was FANTASTIC and I assume it is only the beginning. Also, Nick's reaction to the news that Brooke is the mother was AWESOME. Terrific writing and acting (I have a feeling this ep was written by Mulcahey, the man is a GOD!).

@Cheap21: I suspect that two things are possible for the cliffhanger: 1) They ran out of time and they didn't want to push and shove anything into one episode. It's possible, it's only 18 minutes long. 2) (and the most possible) I suspect this is a Kay Alden thing. During her hay days on Y&R, Kay Alden (true to her character-based roots) prefered to end episodes not on shocking revelations, but right before them, or a little after them (there have been instances were we had shocking enders of course). Thus, she could focus more on the character (and the reaction) rather than the shock. I know, one might think that it's one and the same: By cutting it before, they prolong the anxiety of seeing the actual event occur, which is what they're doing now. We end up not seeing the reaction at all. Thus, we want to see it in the next ep! Or, if this were to happen in Y&R under Alden, Nick would tell her, Brooke would look shocked, Nick would try to say he understands and we would focus on the shocked face. Thus, we get past the OH [!@#$%^&*]! moment and settle on our feelings for the character. Am I making any sense? Of course, B&B has not reached the level that Y&R once had in making us truly care about the characters but it still is a step on the right direction.

Someone said that Bell is the best HW we have these days and I absolutely agree. Sure he makes mistakes and, sure, there are some choices he has made that make me want to throw something on the TV. But he GETS B&B. He loves it, he adores it and he feels passionate for it. How many HW do?

Also, the most awesome moment on Wed: Brooke told Ridge to let the candles be. At that moment I was like: "You STUPID, you had a fire there a few months ago, what are you DOING?" Right after, Brooke goes: Don't worry, I have new fire extinguishers" or something like that. That was AWESOME! Now that Alden is on (I know, I have been busting your balls, bear with me, I just love her :)) you just see so much more attention on details and past occurances on the show. The continuity really has been rocking!

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Is it the one where Brad has referred to PM as one of his "lifers"? Because that was awesome!

And he was so complementary about Brad Bell's leadership that it has almost made me change my mind about Bradley. Almost.

I hope Kay Alden is a "lifer," too.

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