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ATWT Luke & Noah: Thursday Aug 9th Discussion

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I believe the initial script for when Aaron came back had him interacting with Maddie in the Synder farm, or something to that effect.

I must say about the Nuke thing, I HATED how they first established these two characters. I especially hated how Luke fell for Noah, like one day after meeting him. Remember when he was in the office with Jade and telling her how he did it again, falling for the wrong guy? Um WTF? It would've been much more realistic and better had they started Noah and Luke off as friends getting to know one another, with Luke not really looking for something with Noah at the beginning. Over time, as they developed as friends, they both would start falling for one another. Noah would eventually confide his secret to Luke and they's go from there. Those idiots need to learn that you can't give everything away at the beginning. You can lust after someone after the first meeting, but it definitely isn't love. Those scenes made me want to gag.

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I agree with you...The whole set-up was just poorly written and set up. It was as if everything was behind the scenes and we, the viewers were just to be expected to accept that Luke had feelings for Noah, despite the fact that they didn't have any time of interaction or have any mutual feelings develop.

It would have made sense if the two had scenes together where they just bonded and had a deep friendship; and then Luke started to develop feelings for him based off of that; but it didn't make sense to have him suddenly have a liking for him when there was nothing that sparked that attraction to begin with.

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First, nice to see you posting on the ATWT threads. :) Second, I agree with you. I get the feeling we are going to get shafted with Nuke. The "kiss" will more likely be offscreen. Which pisses the hell out of me! Why do NUke if they are going to treat this story this way? Shame on ATWT if this is what will happen. Really what the [!@#$%^&*] does ATWT have to lose? Their ratings suck! All other stories are idotic and boring! Why not take a shot and see what happens. It figures ATWT would chicken out! <_<

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I agree with you all about the Nuke set up. But when has Jean Passanante done a great set up for any story. Susan's supposed drinking again? Bad set up. I even think the storyline is over with. This hack is still in charge and I dont know why.

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Correct me if I am wrong but didnt Cady McClain say there was a "kiss" coming up? I believe Jake and Van said they wanted to play this story to its fulliest. If this "kiss" was being done offscreen I am assuming they are not happy about it.

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Oh ok....Jean Pissanante's writing of storylines is getting on my last nerve. If it wasnt for some characters and Nuke storyline I would bolt from this show. I am so feed up with Jean's horrible writing. No changes are being done. She is still there sitting on her high chair with Chris Goutman applauding her. Makes me wnat to just gag!

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Not when ATWT sends Jake out on publicity ops with Van and Jen Landon (the GLAAD media awards), etc, when the ink is barely dry on his contract in MARCH, and introduces him as "Luke's new boyfriend" and makes sure it gets written up in the mags. No, CBS hasn't built a commercial around Noah and Luke (and probably never will), but that's not the only way to get the news out about this story. That's what I mean by ATWT pimping this story.

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Can you imagine a ATWT preview during Y&R about Nuke. On ATWT Luke and Noah ...things start heating up ....and they show the scene that happened yesterday.....Yeah right ...we will never see anything like that on daytime tv. <_<

Yes, I also read it in the spoilers. But it looks like it will be offscreen. <_<

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