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Is ATWT all teens?

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Oh please. Compared to the teen scenes on other soaps ATWT has the BEST quality of teen actors and actresses. JL is an excellent actress and shes changed the show for the better with Gwen. Jesse Soffer and Van Hansis are both cool guys who are able to carry a scene that makes you pay attention to what they say and not how they look. AC and Elena Goode are great as well.

I don't have problems with the actors or the characters. However I agree that some fanbases are beyond ridiculous.

VH is basically carrying the whole gay community on his back on ATWT. People who don't have a clue what the show is about or its history or are even remotely interested in the other characters are now hearing about teh show because its going to have a "gay love story". To me thats cheap and I'd rather they not tune in at all. Because to me they're not real fans.

The Willen fanbase is huge but I don't think its their intent to have JL onscreen as much as possible. Plus I think they actually watch the show consistently.

In short this cast is amazing and to top it off the preteens are just as exciting to watch as well.

As for balance on the show I think its well balanced. Or at least I don't see or notice anything strange or wrong with the amount of airtime devoted to the different storylines. Some people say they want to see the older characters. Well what do you want to see them do? As cute and as sweet as Bob and Kim are I don't see any storyline they could possibly be involved in that would have me tuning in for them and them alone. Same thing goes for Tom and Margo. Yet this has nothing to do with age. Lucinda is also an old character and yet I could watch her all day. Because the character is exciting and fun to watch. Susan on the other hand is as boring as a pile of dirt. Watching her get drunk over Emily and Alison is not anything new or excting.

So I like the teen scene on ATWT and I hope they continue to get stronger.

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Really?? From what ever I can always tell they b itch up a storm when there Willen is not on everyday of the week, they call the show boring when they are not on. Most of them only watch for Willen and have zero interest in anything else(notice I did not say all). Look what most of the Willen fans have already gotten done

Luke getting zero airtime again alot of Willen fans don't like Luke and don't want him taking up airtime(again not all of them). They also don't like any of the other storylines on the show and just FF or don't watch when Willen is not on.

As for the teens as a whole, it would be alot more interesting even Will and Gwen if we ever had anything new storyline wise, the last time Will and Gwen did anything remotely interesting was during the baby switch storyline, ever since it has been the same dialogue and storylines over and over again. case in point how many times now has Maddie had the chance to blame something on Jade? I can't even count that high. When was the last time Will had a storyline about him and not Gwen. When will Will find out his brother is dead, my guess, probably never will. That is not good writing.

Where has Luke been he has been on 25 times this year while Gwen and Will have been on 85 times? not exactly very balanced is it? I don't call stopping a storyline for 10 months good writing so that we can make a double of Gwen. Which even in the newest SOW they made fun of it and how stupid the idea that Cleo could even be a front burner storyline.

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This from someone who attacked me a few weeks ago about not caring about the history or the show itself. You suddently want any viewers to watch the show as long as they watch?

Where are the new viewers even? There aren't any. It seems that not even CarJack and Nuke together can get people interested in ATWT.

And Luke's storyline has already been fake in so many ways that its ridiculous. One day he hates Noah. The next hes madly and secretly in love with the guy while writing a story for the both of them.

As for the balance of the show I told you that to ME it seems balanced enough and I like it the way it is. I see all the characters I want to see and all the important/critical ones to the storylines progressing. Luke's lack of airtime is not Willen's fault. And even with him getting MORE airtime the ratings still stuck (according to people on this board).

Jade being gone is the viewers fault. Not the Willen fanbase alone. Most people hated her when she first came on and hated her for the longest time. Well they finally got what they wanted.

And I also have looked at the Willen fanbase and I haevn't see anything they've done that is out of the ordinary when it comes to fanbases. Truth be told the CarJack fanbase probably did the same last year and is probably doing the same right now as millions of disgruntled CarJack fans get their "Carly begging for forgiveness" scene....

As for Will finding about Paul's death I think they'll show that. They showed it the first time Paul was thought to be dead and the memorial service was held for him. Already we know Barbara will find out that Craig is responsble and a sketch loser. In addition Lucinda knows for a fact that Craig is 100% guilty.

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When might Will find out it won't be in the next two weeks seeing as they will be in Branson in less of course Will just blows off his brothers death. There is such a storyline here for Will. I wish I wrote this show just think of the possibilities for him, in the last year, his sister is dead, his dad is dead and now his Brother, and yet Will is going to Branson to hear Gwen sing. Total waste of talent and storyline ideas.

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You know if you can't stand our fuckin fanbase then why the hell do you go on our board every single day?

You really are making us out to be something we aren't. We didn't get Jade fired off the show, and we certianly didn't write letters to try and get her off there. And you are only spouting off half of the truth. The Will and Gwen Fans at Rough Edged are sad to see EG go they just didn't like Jade and wished she had a storyline that was outside of Willen. As for us not like the other storylines that is untrue as well. A lot of the Willen fans do watch the whole show. I know that several of them are Carly/Jack fans, Dusty Fans. And we dont' "bitch up a storm" when they are not on either.

I understand Luke isnt getting much airetime and that Willen is but for you to be taking that out on the whole Will and Gwen Fanbase is ridiculous. Its not our fault that Luke isn't shown for his storyline.

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Y'know, WillenFan has a point. I've been part of a fanbase that gets pegged as manipulative and as "being catered to"....Carjack.

I don't think TIIC had ANY plan for Elena Goode when they hired her to play Jade. They couldn't decide if she was a con, sympathetic, or a bitch. She has no purpose other than obsessing over Will and occassionally being Luke's sounding board. Jade's never even had a love interest, and I can't remember how many rumors were floating around about who she'd hook up with. (I once had a coronary over a rumored hook up with JACK of all people.)

I think EG suffers from being on at the same time as Jen Landon, who TIIC obviously adore. But that adoration started the minute she got hired. Who TIIC pimp is beyond our control. Case in point...Peyton List.

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1. This bullshit is going to end. For weeks we have gotten complaints about some of the attitudes in the ATWT threads. People are not posting because of it and finally, FINALLY, I can do something about it. I'm banning people today, so if you find that you can't get into your account, maybe you should look at some of the posts you've made recently, and think about your piss poor, sarcastic know it all attitude.

2. Regarding Winterguy, he didn't say ALL of the Willen fans. He said "most". If in his experience, most of the Willen fans he has spoken to and/or read their posts, and he has gotten that impression, that is his opinion. I'm sorry, but Roughed Edged is NOT the only Gwen/Will fan board. There are many of them out there. Had he bashed the RE board, then maybe I could see you being upset, but didn't. For the record, I know that there are many Willen fans who ONLY watch for them. I know that there have been people who complained to the show through letters and e-mails that "Jade was wrecking their happy couple." To say that no one complained and blah blah blah is very untrue because we have archived posts here from when Jade was involved in the Willen story heavily as a foil and people were not too happy.

When you take it upon yourself to speak for an entire fanbase, you really might want to be sure that NO ONE within your fan base has done something that you're denying.

I know what it's liked to be grouped in with a majority of a fanbase that is deemed "rabid and crazy". GH fans are known for grouping other fans in with a certain fanbase and it really causes problems, however we know not to speak for the entire fanbase because there are plenty of groups that get together and do campaigns without everyone knowing.

We all need to take a step back and stop letting our emotions get the best of us. People are NOT going to like certain characters, couples or fanbases. That's just way things are and they've always been that way. But we don't have to go along with the trend and fight with each other.

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Ryan, I just might think that you, my friend, are a beast. Thank you for that post :)

I can't imagine they had this type of problem thirty-five years ago. I can imagine the old ladies sitting in the retirement home..."If you have a problem with the BOB AND JENNIFER FANBASE, BITCH, you better solve it! We don't give a DAMN about Susan and Dan! SCREW THEM! Screw them and their daughter Emily!!!"

Sorry...I just got carried away.

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