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AMC: Wednesday

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I think Jackson is doing the right thing. Making it clear he does not support what Greenlee is doing but he won't go against his daughter. Very Jackson like. Under McTavish Jackson would be up in Greenlee's face dictating to her how things should be. Walt complained alot about his character's portrayal over the last few years, its nice to see the writing for Jackson improve so much.

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That was not Stuart at the roadside bar with Krystal. It was Adam! I just know it was.

As far as Zach getting in Jackson's face, I was all for it. Zach actually gives a damn about Kendall and is considering her feelings. Ryan is acting like a jackass, disregarding everyone around him in favor of Greenlee. Annie was absolutely right. How much more is she allowed to take before there's nothing left?

I feel for the actress who plays Di. She has been reduced to nothing more than a cheerleader. Di's heart is in the right place, but she comes across as a girl from the Valley at times.

I was cheering Kendall on as she stood her ground. I rolled my eyes during Kenlee's ceasefire. Business is not worth having to put up with a raving lunatic who wants to steal your child. It's time for Fusion to go out of business.

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Jackson needs learn that actions speak louder than words. Sure he might say he's not condoning what Greenlee's doing, but his actions aren't backing that up.

IMO he's condoning Greenlee taking Spike from the Kendall-whom he supposedly loves like she's his own.


LMAO that dream :lol: :lol:

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I was fine with both Zach & Jack's reactions. Zach is freaked because Greenlee is out to destroy Kendall & Spike's lives. He's already tried the calm, rational, understanding approach directly with Greenlee and that helped so much that she's now suing for custody. I understand Jack wants to support Greenlee and not interfere. What I don't understand is why Jack won't even bother to talk to her to try to reason with her. There's no harm in that and it could actually work. Greenlee is his daughter and he is in his right to stand by her but what about Kendall? Isn't she supposedly his daughter too? What about Spike the innocent baby caught in the middle of all of it? Doesn't Jack owe it to Kendall & Spike to at least try to talk Greenlee down? Why did it take Zach's visit and Erica's prodding to get him to go see Greenlee?

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See, IMO, he is backing up his words. He refused to represent Greenlee in this entire custody battle. He told her how he felt about the repercusions this would cause, and gave her advice on what to do. She of course didn't take it, but Jackson can't really do much more than he already has. He isn't condoning her actions, but he's not going to attack her like everyone else is doing. That's not what a father does.

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Sweet Home Ryan

Oh goodie goodie for Ryan so on today's show he announced to his beloved wife that he will rule the kingdom with alongside women named Muffy, Buffy, Mearl, Pearl, Shirl, Tequila, Chaquita, Tallulah that he still cares for the Green Butterfly. Is it because she knows how to actually make it in the business world whereas Ryan tanks everywhere he goes and shows what a loser he is? I bet that is why he cares for her! Or he cares because she also has the superhuman powers to turn flowers into gorillas with orgasms or can even make the entire world hate chocolate covered private parts whereas Ryan would make sure everyone would be sucking his wee wee full of chocolate coated fudge. Icky yucky! The world has gone to h#ll in a handbasket if this is ever to be popular. So for once Greenlee can save the world from the demented, superfluous, agonizing, dumbsh1t, dumba$$, and doodlestick known as St. Ryan as he lays in his sweet home trying to figure out how to piss off the rest of the world. I bet he has plans to turn his kingdom into another nude magazine for women as they see apples attached to wee wees ready to be sucked to the core as they can be. Granny Smith must be rolling in her grave right now! But then again Ryan makes everyone roll in their graves...they all wish to want to come out and rise from the dead to kick his holiness' a$$! Can you blame them? all of them are smart individuals and have to watch a dumb idiot pollute the Earth and that is not necessarily good.

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I love the mature way Jack is handling both Erica and Greenlee/Kendall. They're both strong, intelligent women like Jack said and they need to work this out themselves.

Zach was being a total [!@#$%^&*] to Jack when she should have directed his anger at the cause: Ryan & Greenlee.

I hated the Fusion presentation. It was so amateurish that I can't believe that guy didn't see right through it.

ITA with QSteph, that looked like Adam pretending to be Stuart to get Krystal to admit she still loves him.

Based on today's hilarious preview, tomorrow should be a riot!

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haha, Zach is funny. He sees the girls celebrating and asks if Greenlee announced that she's leaving town

Ryan is being an idiot. I dont get why he feels that Kendall is obligated to have Greenlee in Spike's life or that she owes her anything. He was unbelievable with Annie and Im glad she doesnt blindly follow him and his BS.

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My strong dislike for Ryan worked to Greenlee and especially Jack's advantage today.

I was initially not happy with Jack, then I thought to myself part of what makes Ryan an insufferable toad is the way he interferes and acts like he's God, like he's done in the past few episodes and well since 2003. Greenlee did some messed up things to Kendall, so Kendall did a messed up thing to Greenlee back in 2004. Instead of letting the friends and psuedo-sisters resolve it on their own time and in their own way, he selfishly made the situation (about his hero complex) worse by punishing Kendall for her disobedience to him so he could play hero to some woman - his favorite sport. He's no different today with his "what Greenlee's owed" vomit of the past few days. Kudos to Jack for choosing not to interfere particularly with the truth being that he has significant emotional ties to both women, so it is better he not interfere (too much).

Kendall is not Jack's daughter, Greenlee is - so I shouldn't and won't expect him to actually hold Greenlee more responsible for her actions than he's doing (but I will say like Greenlee, Jack needs to realize Grenlee wasn't all innocent there either and has gotten more than her fair share of revenge since - their shouldn't be an eternal free pass). On the other side of that same hand, I don't blame Zach for talking all his shizzle to Jack, I even enjoyed it. I enjoyed Erica jumping on the wagon as well. Greenlee's stressing out his pregnant wife and he doesn't like it - if I was in Kendall's family, I'd be wanting to put an "end" to Greenlee as well. Go Zach!

Annie was so intelligent today, yesterday....until they had her basically cave in to Ryan's stupidity. That's 'AMC' for you - resistance to Ryan Lavery's gospel of crap and more crap is futile.

Fusion. Fusion. Fusion. It wasn't as terrible as I assumed it was going to be. That video part was bad, and all... And Babe, Di had to fluff her today. It made me unhappy. Either AH is staying or they're going to send Babe off to run International Fusion. Ugh, Ugh and Ugh.

Jack should have tripped Greenlee in that elevator after she made that custody suit comment, "if I get 10 oz of blood and 3 Hail Greenlee's an hour I'll maybe drop the suit." It's not funny and the kid is not stock, b***h.

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You watching the same show? :blink:

Where isn't there drama in Pine Valley these days? :lol:

I really hope Alexa isn't staying. Fly girl Fly!

I have resigned to the fact that Babe is going!

And I will be big time disappointed if she doesn't.

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yeah, there' drama but none of it sans maybe Colby/Sean is compelling. Youtube Brooke'finding out about Laura's death, the shoot-out at the Cutting Edge (1995), Bianca coming out or even later stuff, Vanessa holding Greenlee hostage, babyswitch. THAT was drama with big payoffs. These days AMC is boring boring boring (devoted 13 yer fan here too :(

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Well Kay Alden did say that she wants the AMC viewers to just be able to catch a breather and relax after all the 'crazy' drama McT kept throwing at us (unabortion, Satin Slayer with killer pancakes, Janet, explosions, etc etc.). So I think what we've experienced lately is just great, old-fashioned drama - just to get the characters and relationships back to the way we want them, essentially righting all of McT's wrongs. I think we're pretty much there, and hopefully now when B&E take over as head-writers, we can step it up and start some really good, smart, and compelling storylines.

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