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THE VIEW: Rosie vs. Elisabeth Part XXX!


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Elizabitch is a brainwashed idiot. I don't care about this individual argument between the two... "Boo hoo! You should've defended me!" "No sister, you gotta defend yourself!" Who cares about that. In the end, Elizabitch is still a brainwashed moron who would defend Bush even if there was concrete legitimate video footage of Bush sucking Osama's... well, you know.

Elizabitch will stay put at The View as long as they'll have her, cuz she sure as hell wouldn't get any offers elsewhere, other than as a Sunday school teacher. Rosie will come out on top, cuz she sees the whole picture. She doesn't live in a bubble. (I just wish she wasn't so aggressive)

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First off you have to love ABC...Joy is on the Dancing with the Stars kick and no sooner is it done, "Still Ahead: Dancing with the Stars"

Oh they straight up went to a side by side view! They knew what was going on!!!

Joy: "Is there not a commercial on this show? What are we PBS?"

I don't agree with Elisabeth's views politcally or sexually and such, but we knew this would happen, a no hold bar and it finally happened!! I side with Elisabeth here, Rosie just jumped in and bitched to bitch!

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Okay as a foreign outsider I lapped this [!@#$%^&*] up. American television has a reputation from shying away from real issues but our version of the The View never touches anything hotter than speed cameras.

Much as I loathe Elisabeth's politics and she totally skirted the validity of the Iraq issue with that ill informed al-qaeda rubbish, Rosie was childish to let it descend into a grudge match, using the unconvincing "friend" card. I can't believe they just let them go at each other like that. Great TV.

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I normally shy away from TV embarassments, but this was actually entertaining. There was no winner, IMO. Personally, the American troops themselves aren't terrorists, but they are acting on behalf of one, George W. Bush and American government, and are committing acts of terrorism.

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But why is up to Elisabeth to clarify Rosie's statements for her?! I think Elisabeth got it, but I also feel that she thinks there's an underlying meaning there, which is troops=terrorists. It's not her fault for getting that out of Rosie said, which, if you think about it, Rosie IS saying the troops are terrorists if she is saying Bush is one.

These men and women volunteer their services for war...they had to know what they were getting into before they signed the contract. These men and women esentially work for Bush. Rosie made a comparison and instead of backing it up, she tries to hide in front of Elisabeth and play the poor me card with the token Conservative.

Rosie has alluded to and outright said a lot of conspiracy theories, probably most that I agree with. But if she's gonna be bold enough to say what she says, she doesn't need Elisabeth to be her spokesperson/translator for Conservatives.

I'll agree that the Donald Trump thing was a "low-blow," but she was right on the money with everything else. Rosie hides behind her "poor-me" routine all too often.

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Why couldn't Elisabeth just answer Rosie's question? Why did she have to, as Rosie pointed out, double talk everything? And she does cherry pick her facts. Elisabeth may have finally shown a spine, but it doesn't make her a winner in anything. She just showed herself again to be a brainwashed idiot like she always does.

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You go Elisabeth, tell that stubborn loud mouth what's up! I usually like Rosie, but this time Elisabeth IMO was so right in what she was saying. I am a Democrat and I don't like that Elisabeth takes up for Bush, BUT Rosie just kept dodging questions although she was the one that kept accusing Elisabeth of doing that same exact thing.

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What is Genie's problem? And Alicia's?! WHAT BITCHES! What, just because of Bitsy's politics? I'm a stone cold Republican and if Hillary Clinton came on, I'd hug her, because I like her as a human being. HATE her politics and some of the things she says, but I wouldn't be rude to a [!@#$%^&*] former first lady!

Alicia is OFFICIALLY on my [!@#$%^&*] list.



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I was NOT expecting that. I mean, if Babs was there, I think we KNOW she could have shut them up. But when the cat is away, the mouse (or mice) will play!

This was a SHOCKING, no-holds-barred FIGHT. Not discussion. Make no mistake of that!


You didn't need more proof that Bill was milkin' that baby for all its worth.

That was INTENSE.

I just wish that damn studio audience wasn't made up of mostly liberals or the pathetic Repubs who can't even clap for Bitsy when she puts Ro in her place. I mean, they were ALL clapping for Ro and Bitsy got no love, and if she did, I missed it, and if I missed it, THAT'S testament to how little love she got.

They're all evil!!

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