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AMC: Tuesday

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Todays show was good. I like the use of black and white flashbacks, the character balance. I also liked the Adam and Joe scenes.

I also like the promo at the end. Janet is back!!!

All My Children is on a roll :)

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Out of the 3 different Dixie flashbacks, I think JR had the first, then Tad had the second when Dixie said "Together Forever", and then Jamie had the last one.

Then later Tad had the Simone one. I agree, I was expecting Kendall to have a Simone one....

But the flashbacks were amazing - the way they incorporated them into the trial. Loved it!

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Today was another good episode.

I love how the writers are moving things along and using most of the cast.

Adam/Krystal was intense! I'm glad he mentioned how she raised Babe to be a slut just like herself. Poor Jenny doesn't stand a chance.

I was hoping Kendall would squeeze Babe's hand so hard she'd yell out in pain.

I love Colby & Sean now. Ever since they reunited Jack & Erica at Christmas. Now that we know more about them, I'm rooting for Colby & Sean to battle their parents' machinations and find romance this summer.

The courtroom scenes were fantastic. I loved the black-and-white flashbacks even though I hated the Satin Slayer story as it was playing out. I think this one episode was more suspenseful than that entire storyline!

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I teared up when they showed the Dixie flashbacks. And wow, that whole scene was so well done as all of you have mentioned. Good closure to the storyline, the music they played and how they kept focusing on everyone affected by the whole thing and then the black and white. Excellent! Hannah is so evil. That whole conversation with Kendall, god she had murder on her mind I think.

I was so impressed we had Joe on today and that scene with Adam was very powerful. Adam didn't fight back either.... I thought that was good. The only thing missing today was Erica, I really think Erica, Bianca and Zoe should have all been at the trial too. Zoe was beat up by this monster, Bianca worked at Fusion. I just thought Erica should have been there and finally they are moving the Kate story along. I wonder how long it is before Adam figures out Kathy is Kate. That twist is such a good one! Maybe the new writers are speeding this up.. I hope,. I can't bear the thought of waiting until the end of the year for Kate to be back where she belongs.

AMC is so good right now, the fall out that is going to ensue from the latest storylines is just going to be amazing.

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The Sum of All Ryans

2+2=4 (the amount of bullets that belong in Ryan's head)

1-.5=.5 (the size of Ryan's tallywhacker in millimeters)

148/2=69 (The position you never want to see Ryan in with Annie)

9X9=81 (The amount of lies Ryan tells every day)

3+26=29 (the total number of punches that should be delivered to Ryan's face)

5+10=15 (The amount of farts that Fart Man delivers on Ryan to knock him out unconscious)

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How many lines did Ryan have in today's show? So few I don't even recall! THIS IS FANTASTIC!!!

The rest of this garbage, hurry up and get it resolved so we can move on. I'm "loving" David Canary (he's been looking fabulous. I guess the front burner does that to a brilliant actor!). I'm "hating" the manipulation of this storyline. Somehow, Tad and Kwak's betrayl has been white washed and pretty much glossed over. Not the payoff I was hoping for. I was hoping that Adam, JR and Colby would be sick of the Carey Whores and out the door they go!

I'm not invested in ACS because I have an eerie feeling they're setting us up for yet another murder mystery -- and I'm SICK OF MURDER MYSTERIES!

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Ray MacDonnell is amazing when they feature him. He was a bright spot this summer during the Josh revelation, especially opposite Susan Lucci. Joe had always bit his tongue when it came to Erica. Ruth was the confrontational one. Joe has always kept his hand out of meddling with his children's lives.

But Erica's greatest indiscreiton was lying about her abortion to Jeff, and Joe was the one who found out about it. Now that he had a second chance to meet his first grandchild, he was not going to pass it up.

I like Joe is also seen in another capacity at the hospital, he is not always the man who is just there to tell you your mother died. I hope he continues to be frontburner. It is clear Ray is still very healthy and can handle the load.

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