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GH: Jill Farren Phelps

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Kenneth L. Fitts became P&G's executive in charge of production, and he started to interfer with all three P&G soaps. He then switched things around on each show. JFP was shipped over to AW from GL, John Valente of AW went to ATWT, and former AW producer Michael Laibson was hired as GL's EP, while Laurence Caso was fired at ATWT. This switch saw a big change of writers at all three shows, with Maggie DePriest coming to AW, Megan McTavish at GL, and Stern and Black at ATWT.

Needless to say it was a disaster for all three shows. The higher-ups at P&G came in, fired everyone including Fitts, and for better or worse P&G nabbed longtime ABC Daytime president Mary Alice "Mickey" Dwyer-Dobbin(aka the MADD cow) to be executive in charge of production.

So JFP was rightfully unemployed, why oh why Angela Sharpiro hired her for One Life in '98 is beyond me.

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Sigh. That moron Fitts ruined basically all of the shows in one fell swoop. Isn't that the time when the P&G soaps started to decline a bit in terms of quality, and ratings?

JFP is a horrid bitch and has the rap sheet to prove it.

Fired Ellen Parker and had Maureen killed.

Fired Alice Barrett Mitchell and had Frankie murdered.

Fired Paul Michael Valley and killed off Ryan.

Fired Barbara Berjer and killed off Bridget.

(BTW, at her period at AW ... no one was on contract over 50)

Fired Kari Wuhrer because she was pregnant.

Fired Laura Koffman because she was pregnant.

Basically fired Lesli Kay because she was pregnant.

Backburnered both Robin Christopher and Rebecca Herbst because they dared to become pregnant.

Drove off Genie Francis and Robin Strasser from their shows.

She's a woman yet she seems to really hate them!! Unless they're her friends of course!

And didn't Robin Christopher (who played Lorna at the time) depart while JFP was at AW?

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Forgot one. Vanessa Marcil's return gave the show a considerable bump in ratings, but she did not come to terms with the show to contiue her run because she wanted a flexible schedule, with a small child, and JFP doesn't do that.

Also Kristina Wagner was taken off contract too, and asked to be on recurring if I remember correctly, so she left the show.

I think she just does not enjoy not being the alpha dog when it comes to the women on her shows, nor does she value them as much as the men. Even when the numbers show it.

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