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AMC: Thursday

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Today's show so far is really good - you can just tell by the dialogue and feeling that it has been touched by the hands of the same person who touched last week's episodes Wed. - Fri. It is a Walsh/Beall day - and there is no Chandler/Martin/Carey scenes. No Babe and Beall writes....hmm?

Anyway - Love the banter between Kendall/Annie - they are making me laugh and the scenes are just fun to watch.

I got a little choked up with Ryan talking to Erin's coffin. Really touching stuff - although I could have done without that damn comic book. haha

Loved Hannah and how Lily reacted to her. Hannah and Lily both seem freaked out and I love how Zach is trying to interfere and calm things down.

The Ava/Aiden stuff is good too - I'm happy that he is telling her about Lily. Nice to hear about how bad Denny was to Ava and she's happy he is dead.

Freddie/Margie - great stuff. Very emotional and Jeffrey is doing a great job playing Freddie, the boy. After not seeing him play a man for so long, you can definitely tell there is a difference in his girl and his guy scenes.

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I couldn't agree more. The balance we've had in the last couple weeks is what fans have been wanting for so long! I'm hoping this great balance continues into the new HW's work. We can already say that not 1 person will have been in every episode in April...and March wasn't bad either.

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Whoa - major flaw! I just noticed in that flashback to Bianca/Zarf's first encounter....Zarf's cross tattoo was on the left side of his neck - but every since he's been Zoe, it's been on the right side. I wonder why no one else caught this, or how long into Zarf's introduction it was moved? Interesting....

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I know you've previously posted a thread or two about Alden's influence, but I didn't get the chane to read them. Could you please post the links?

And why is no-one mentioning Walsh & Demorest? Becuase it's just a rumour? :)

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Well if you're talking about the episodes from last Wed-Fri., then just go back a few pages and read about how good those episodes were.

I'm not sure where the threads are about Kay Alden helping out AMC - but it's been talked about and the press released late last year that Alden was consulting AMC - and it's so obvious when watching each day what episodes are really good and have been worked on by someone outside the current writing staff -- and when they aren't. During Dec-Jan., there was major consulting going on, as those months were outstanding on AMC. Now lately, there have definitely been some episodes with Alden's touch. You can just tell by the feel of the show - and the way they flow - balance - use of different sets - dialogue - etc.

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I really didn't care much for today's show (IMO, it's been a blah week), but the woman playing Zoe's mother (Baker) - she's just been terrific. I love the way she's playing the love, the confusion, everything...

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If I were Ryan and Annie, I wouldnt trust Kendall one bit

I love Zarf but Im sick of the crying every single day. Enough is enough already. Loved the scenes with Bianca. I will be sad to see them go and wish they would consider recasting bc this is one of the best stories

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I haven't seen the show yet, but I am guessing that Hannah showed her true eveil colors.

Why is Ryan touching Erin's coffin? Did he dig her up?

In any event, AMC seems to have finally struck a balance; the stories have a personal touch and aren't that far fetched. I can't wait for the complete overhaul.

Zarf/Zoe/Freddie scenes seem interesting.

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