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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 2

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yeah you are right. Dru was talking on the phone and saw something that she didnt even know all the facts to and put herself in the middle of. She really should have minded her business instead of going over there and putting herself at the edge of a cliff and pulling a cellphone. The whole thing was stupid. Before it happened, we saw Sharon looking over the cliff. She was standing right there and could have easily fell. It was stupid of Phyllis to arrange the shoot there. What happened to safety? All kinds of safety codes were violated. I cant beleive Dru died over a friggin cell phone and it wasnt even her fight. That was just stupid and a horrible way to go out.

But as far as it being warranted? Well Lily told him that Phyllis pushed Dru, so he's going to be fueled by her words. Plus he knows that Phyllis and Dru have hated each other for years and just that day, Dru was complaining about her. He probably thinks in the heat of the moment, Phyllis just acted without thinking and now his wife is dead bc of it. His anger and pain will drive him to make her pay

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^^ You make a lot of good points. I mean, all three of them were fools. I can't imagine a set of circumstances that would have me fighting over the edge of a cliff. :lol: It was pure camp. I really can't decide if I liked it or not. In a way it was classic soap. As far as blame goes I'm sticking to my position that either all three of them are to blame or none of them are. They all made foolish choices that led to tragedy.

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There's absolutely no way she shouldn't have stayed out of Sharon vs. Phyllis.

Dru KNEW Phyllis was blackmailin Sharon, Dru also KNEW Phyllis was (and had been previously) purposefully GOADING Sharon, so it wasn't any big secret as to what she & Phyllis were most likely arguin about.

So she ran to assist a friend, the very same friend who had been & was bein bullied in almost the exact same way by the exact same individual over somethin that wasn't (yet again) any of THAT INDIVIDUAL'S (Phyllis) business.

Drucilla had EVERY reason to be in the middle of that argument & everything that Phyllis recieves over the incident is TOTALLY & FOREVER warranted.

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Like when Phyllis plopped her porcine probiscous directly in the middle of Lily's Paternity? Or in the middle of Dru's issues with Carmen?

All that "Dru shouldn't have gotten in the middle stuff" doesn't wash given that Phyllis has done NOTHING but do that to Dru since they started heavily interactin with each other so what's good for Phyllis is good for Dru (ESPECIALLY since Dru was intervenin for GOOD & not EVIL, unlike Giggly Heffa).

That's Aunt Jack's fault for thinkin the three of them could EVER get along about anything.


Phyllis deserves everything she gets.

She WANTED both of them to go over the cliff & she's been LYIN repeatedly to make them out to be unprovoked bullies & herself out to be some sainted victim.

B!tch can ROT.

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oh I hated how she was lying on Friday. She said the reason she was calling Jack was bc they were being difficult at teh shoot and wouldnt follow her creative vision. Liar! She was calling Jack bc she was blackmailing Sharon and threatened to expose her with that phone call. As far as them bein difficult, Phyllis didnt give a damn about what was best for the shoot. She was just trying to make Sharon and Dru miserable which is why she kept changing things, just to piss them off. She was on a power trip and it got to her head. She abused it bc she could and I did like how Dru stook up for her best friend and wasnt about to let Phyllis walk all over them. I hate how she is playing this up for sympathy and I have no sympathy for Phyllis especially considering how over the top and relentless she's been over the past week. I wish they all saw her for the manipulative lying b-tch she is behind closed doors. They still see the nice reformed stepford wife Phyllis that she portrays herself to be, but they dont see the ugly side to her that she's beein showing Sharon, Brad and Dru

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I thought the photoshoot wasn't arranged by Phyllis. At least that's what I got from the conversation that Jack and Sharon had way before the shoot even began. It was just my understanding that when Phyllis barged in on the other shoot (at some other location I believe), it was Dru that arranged with the highers up (Jack) to do a photo shoot, and that when Jack learned he had other engagements, he had to have Phyllis replace him.

As for my comments about Neil, it's basically how I'm looking at things. Yes, Dru should have stayed out of it; however, like you said, Neil knows all the bad blood between Phyllis and Dru... Plus, when he does get more information about what happened that night, it will continue to build up and it will continue to build up when the photos come out.

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Yeah, but if Phyllis admits that she's basically exposing Sharon, which is what Dru and Sharon "died" to stop her from doing. If Sharon chooses to tell the truth and expose what Phyllis was up to nothing is stopping her, but if Phyllis does it that would be pretty bad. I would think that Phyllis is going to give up hr blackmailing ways at this point. I may be wrong, but I'm thinking she's learned her lesson.

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Dru's exit was a comical disaster! I couldn't believe just how poorly written it was! Latham clearly doesn't know how to write character driven emotional exits ala Cassie or John. This was fit for Comedy Central. I also am fuming that Dru was killed and it wasn't even about her. Victoria Rowell deserved the total spotlight and lots of clips. Don't tell me about Japan, SHOW ME DAMMIT! They constantly flash back to things in the same episode, why not the relevant past?

Another silly thing was focusing on Lily, instead of Devon. Christel Khalil was a total disaster, as usual and as expected. Without Dru I'm seeing why I was thinking of leaving the show. What is there to watch for in this plot driven mess?

And Phyllis is an evil stinking whore! She deserves to go down for at least manslaughter for blackmailing (which is illegal) and stalking Sharon which lead to Dru's death and Sharon's near-death. This is 100% Phyllis fault and since we know she won't play she is officially dead to me.

You don't kill DRUCILLA WINTERS and get away with it.

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Chris B, you're right. Devon's pain should be front and center as oppossed to Lily's. I liked his line about how if it Dru's last name were Newman, they would've found her. He sounds and acts like Dru.

Dru deserved so much better.

I'm also co-signing to Deedee and Cheap in regards to Phyllis being the one to blame and how Dru was right to defend her friend. Spin some Jay Z, "If you go to war for me, I'll go to war for you." Friends jump in...and on Y&R, plummet to their deaths over a fake river.

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One thing I'll say in defense of Latham is that it's easier to write a touching death scene when the character dies in a hospital bed before our eyes and we all know they are going to stay dead, which is pretty much the case with John and Cassie. With Dru I think most of us are hoping that she isn't dead and there are only so many ways to pull that off. I admit this was campy and cheesy. If only they hadn't used those pathetic graphics I think the fall from the cliff itself wouldn't have been such a bad idea.

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QUOTE(Chris B @ Apr 7 2007, 09:29 PM)
Dru's exit was a comical disaster! I couldn't believe just how poorly written it was! Latham clearly doesn't know how to write character driven emotional exits ala Cassie or John. This was fit for Comedy Central. I also am fuming that Dru was killed and it wasn't even about her. Victoria Rowell deserved the total spotlight and lots of clips. Don't tell me about Japan, SHOW ME DAMMIT! They constantly flash back to things in the same episode, why not the relevant past?

Another silly thing was focusing on Lily, instead of Devon. Christel Khalil was a total disaster, as usual and as expected. Without Dru I'm seeing why I was thinking of leaving the show. What is there to watch for in this plot driven mess?

And Phyllis is an evil stinking whore! She deserves to go down for at least manslaughter for blackmailing (which is illegal) and stalking Sharon which lead to Dru's death and Sharon's near-death. This is 100% Phyllis fault and since we know she won't play she is officially dead to me.

You don't kill DRUCILLA WINTERS and get away with it.


I am not sure I agree with this. As someone who believes that Jack and Dru are two very good reasons for watching Y&R, I think Dru died as she lived. The woman was standing up for a friend, and putting her 2 cents in something. In the past, there have been many a time when a main character has died w/o being the focus of the story that led to the death.

I am very critical of the writers lately, but IMHO, Latham did a really good job. Yeah the special affects were a bit cheesy, but with today's budget concerns, those scenes could have been a whole lot worse. Lathan addressed something (albeit unintentionally) that is very true in the business world, and that is...women, quite often, are counterproductive in the workplace. We simply cannot get along, and our personal lives and feelings toward one another will ALWAYS supercede the business task at hand.

I loved those scenes! ABSOLUTELY LOVED THEM!

I also criticize the hell out of the exits that have been taking place on soaps the past few years, and again, I am not disappointed in Dru's. Actually, I am quite pleased, and I am looking forward to the aftermath as long as Neil is front and center where he should be.

I look forward to VR/Dru's return, and LML left the door wide open for that. Dru's exit was classic soap!

As for Lily, after the screaming on the phone, I was sorely pissed! On the phone was a good reaction because it reeked of the horror the character was experiencing watching her mother take a dive off of a cliff. But that is where is ended for me because after that, I felt as if I were watching a 7 year old. CK didn't bring it, and I'm not really pissed because I didn't expect her to. Bringing her back was a mistake!

Not sure if Devon being there would have changed much, and that most certainly would have been plot driven. There would be no reason for him to show up at that shoot.

What would really piss me off is if Latham completely disregards Neil and Phyllis' friendship. This should play a part somewhere. It cannot go unmentioned.

Never thought I would say this, but...GREAT JOB, LATHAM!


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I co-sign all that said Khalil's acting after the scream was DREADFUL! I knew it was coming but I couldn't turn away. It was like a train wreck. I felt Devon's pain more when he hugged Lily and the tears streamed down his face than all the crying and whining Lily did. Neil broke my heart clutching Dru's coat as the tears rolled down his face. KSJ did an AMAZING job showing his emotions without nary a word.

I know a LOT of people here HATE Phyllis, but I can't help but love her. I feel her guilt and remorse because she truly didn't mean for anyone to get hurt and/or die. The way she broke down with Michael while she held Summer was just heartbreaking IMO because you could see that she knew her actions contributed to the tragedy. You can't put all the blame on her for this because actually all three women are to balme. Phyllis for doing all the at the photo shoot to get under Sharon's skin. Sharon for follishly grabbing Phyllis' cell phone near a cliff and Dru for doing what she does best: putting her nose where it didn't belong. You can say she was defending her friend, but Sharon is a big girl. When she didn't call Phyllis' bluff and tell Victoria therefore taking away Phyllis' power, she chose to play that game with Phyllis.

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I could understand if this were the first death involving Phyllis, but she has already deliberatly tried to kill three other people (once it worked) and she's harrassed just about everyone else. She tormented Dru who has really never done anything to her. She ripped her hat off (when Dru was bald) at the Mothers Day celebration, then of course there's Lily's paternity.

And with Sharon, Phyllis was BLACKMAILING her. That is ILLEGAL, she could be put in jail. It doesn't matter if Sharon slept with Brad once, Phyllis slept with Nick a million times while Sharon was grieving for her dead child. The woman is a total slag and I could accept that if she weren't propped and made into the victim. I'm sure we'll be getting lots of "poor Phyllis," "it was an accident!" coming up. GMAFB!

The current writers aren't capable of writing a Phyllis I enjoy to watch. She is 100% a bad person, to quote Michelle Stafford's SOAPnet.com interview last year, "she's not a nice person and she's nuts." All this Mrs. Newman crap is a bore, she should be an outsider and people should be acknowledging what a nut she is, like before.

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