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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 2

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I was home sick yesterday and I caught Passions on TV. So, those of you who say that Y&R was like Passions yesterday, I can assure you that Passions, with the Teresa/Ethan stuff, was *better.* And more realistic. Oh, and I hope a soap snaps up Lindsay Korman Hartley after Passions is done. But that's for another thread.

FauxLily did, like, her Primal Scream of Total, Like, Agony. "Mahm! MAHHHHHHHHHHM!" VR must have been, like, "That's my send-off?!"

The sad thing is that the Phyllis, Sharon, Drucilla interaction was actually one of the best parts of Y&R in recent years. I loved that threesome of hate and envy and friendship and strategic alliance. Phyllis & Dru were once the Supercouple of Hate & Rivalry.

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I'm going to miss the Phyllis/Dru/Sharon interaction too. I think Y&R is going to have a different feel from now on. I'm not saying it'll be worse, but I'm going to miss the old era.

Today was pretty good. I felt for everyone involved. It was awful seeing Sharon take that fall. I think the actresses are what made it real because the set itself was cheesy as hell and very distracting.

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I think we got a clue that Nick lied about the paternity through the flashbacks. He had a deer caught in the headlights look when Phyllis was going on about Michael and Lauren's "betrayal".

Victoria is beyond petty. Ugh.

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When it rains, it's gonna POUR hard on Phyllis....Her world is slowly coming undone..and Steph, you and I both know that Phyllis is going to be in a world of pain when the truth about Summer does come out.

I do like how Phyllis didn't balk when Nick told her that Lauren had Summer with her. But I know that will all be washed away and Phyllis will go back to not talking to her.

Oh, and if Brad's reaction to the news isn't the BIGGEST clue ever for Victoria, then she is as Dumb as I've always thought she's been. The minute Sharon's name was mentioned, Brad went into 'scared' lover mode.

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O/T....Thanks Steph.

Okay, just answer me this....who was more annoying. Lily with her high pitched screams or Noah who kept whining to watch tv, make a phone call, etc, or better yet Brad, who thinks HE is the only one that needs to know everything?

I will say Brad, because he was forever cooking my last grit demanding this info and that info.. Would he even be sweating that hard for Sharon if he hadn't have boinked her brains out in NY? I doubt it.

I am glad that the previews have Phyllis going to the one person that she knows will have her back: Michael...She's going to NEED someone after Neil gets through with her.

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If I were Michael, I'd tell Phyllis to go f*ck herself.

Maybe it's just me, but I would've jumped in after my mom. Or at the very least got in Phyllis' face. Act like Dru's daughter dammit!

I think Brad genuinely loves Sharon. I wish Victoria weren't in the way...

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I don't feel any compassion for Lily what so ever..... I mean its just way to dramatic.

At least Dru went out in style.... god I'll miss The Fab Drucilla Winters!

Damn you Sharon for surviving! :P

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Michelle Stafford, wow she is rocking these episodes! I just want to hug Phyllis! I mean she should feel this way.... but it so was not her fault they fell. But man. Michelle is playing the material so well.

I support you Phyllis to the bitter end!

I know deep down you wish that skank Sharon had met her maker ;) Its ok. I won't tell.

God I am so bad.

Vee, you know me all too well.

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