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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 2

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Today's show is SUCH a tearjerker. :( Seeing Neil silently break down clutching Dru's coat and Devon hugging Lily and the tears streamed down his face. And even Sharon breaking down as Victor and Jack tell her about Dru.

I feel so bad for my girl Phyllis. She has all this guilt. I'm glad she broke down with Michael ane told him he could take care or her if he wants. She sounds like she's having a panic attack. :(

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I want Phyllis to pay dearly. I hope, Neil, Sharon, Lily and Devon bring her down. Who the hell is supposed to feel sorry for her? I have NO sympathy at all for the blackmailing witch. I wanted to ring her neck when she said she was Sharon's sister. I just cant stand her and I cant wait till she gets hers. I wish Michael and Lauren would tell her to f-ck off after she was so nasty to them. Selfish cow

I have to say the makeup department did a great job on Sharon bc she really looked messed up. It was hard looking at her left eye bc that seemed so real.

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oh yeah. The nurse wouldnt give out any info except to Sharon's immediate family so she told her she was Sharon's sister. That really p-ssed me off.

I know most dont like him, but I loved Brad getting in Phyllis' face today. She deserved it

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Y&R has been friggin AWESOME all week! Only thing that sucks- It made it hurt that much more that Victoria Rowell's Drucilla was SO DAMN ENTERTAINING on Wednesday. When she started picking apart the "room service cart" and called it a "rinky dink setup?" ***Dies***

Haven't watched Friday's yet, since I generally catch it on Soapnet. Can't wait.

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^ I know. Where the hell is Victoria anyway? I hope she shows up at the hospital and witnesses the little lovefest going on there.

I thought Phyllis was pretty smart to say she was Sharon's sister. At least Phyllis had the sense to get people the info they wanted. Brad was his usual stupid self and didn't have the sense to claim kinship when really he is sort of family or at least used to be.

Maggie Sullivan really should not be allowed around victims families. My gosh that woman is insensitive. Just the way she blurted out the fact that Sharon was pulled out of the water dead made tears well up in my eyes and I have mixed feelings about the woman. :lol: I can only imagine how a loved one would feel. Maggie needs to stick to Detective duty, imo.

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The only person I want mad at Phyllis is Neil. Who cares about dippity doo Brad being mad at her (never liked, him, never will, so his anger don't count to me). I want Neil to be the one to bring the heat all over Phyllis. It's warranted and it is FAR more expected for him to rage at her than Brad's little tirades.

I cried when I watched Neil gripping Dru's coat tightly and the tears welled up in his eyes. You could see his heart breaking in that whole scene. Kristoff will definitely shine in his upcoming scenes.

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I did think the scene where Jack and Victor broke the news to Sharon was good, but I had to wonder why they couldn't wait until morning to tell her. It's like they rushed right over there to give a woman who nearly died some horrible news about her friend.

I knew it wouldn't be long before Phyllis and Michael made peace. Those two are meant to be friends. I wonder if Phyllis will face some sort of charges down the line and Michael will defend her. I'm not sure what the charges could be, since Sharon and Dru initiated the physical side of the struggle, but on a soap it's always something.

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