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Y&R Discussion: Week of April 2

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I was thinking earlier today that it would be interesting if Phyllis wasn't sorry. If she was secretly glad Dru died and wished that Sharon had too, but I think the majority of the fans wouldn't accept that at it this point. The character has changed from back in the day. At times I wish she hadn't. I think a private grin when Sharon went over the edge would have been an interesting twist, but the character has gone in a different direction and I think at times she is a nice person. At this point, you never know what you are going to get with Phyllis. She has a good side and a bad side. I'm just glad the bad side is getting to come out to play again because the good girl routine was getting pretty dull.

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I'm going to co-sign you...Where they messed up in the Lily department (meaning the switching back to basics) they had to step up and have Devon be the male version of Dru...He is more like Dru that I ever realized, and the statement he made was dead on Dru...

I will only say this once and let it drop.. I still believe if there wasn't the switch of the Lily's we would have seen some real instense scenes. Kahlil's performance will always remain lackluster to me. I just don't believe her to be Dru's daughter. Devon, however, who's adopted, seems more like Dru/Neil everytime I see him on screen.

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Cause between DS!Lily, Devon & Angry!Neil, Giggly Heffa would need a table or somethin to hide under.


It's a shame BM's a relatively new character (though, Devon = Love) cause he would've rocked as Nate.

She isn't sorry.

And the majority of fans would definitely accept it (a good amount already have) cause Phyllis & MS is (and always has been) a prime example of WWS.

And there's the blackmail and extortion of Brad too.

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I don't know what WWS means. If it was being played and written like Phyllis isn't sorry that would be fine by me, but that's not what's being shown on screen at all. Not sure how anyone can get that from what is airing. The woman practically had a panic attack in Michael and Lauren's living room the other day. I kind of wish Latham would go a different route. Original Phyllis wouldn't have cared. Life without Dru and Sharon would be a lot easier for Phyllis.

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Now I will give Phyllis a pass on Brad, lol. If anyone deserves it, it's him. The problem with Phyllis blackmailing and tormenting Sharon is that she already stole the womans husband! How much more can you hurt her?

Phyllis has made a history of picking on good people and portraying them as the bad guys. I was just watching the episode where Phyllis changed Daniel's paternity results and made Christine feel like catshit for doubting her, when of course Phyllis was lying. Even after she was caught she still believed she was right and also the victim. But the reason I can watch that an enjoy it is that you have Danny, Gina, Christine, Paul, Katherine, etc. acknowledging what an evil, manipulative nut she is. Yes she has her allies, but even they are fairly objective with her and try and steer her in the right direction. Now everything is about justifying her actions or overlooking them.

Look at the Fishers and all they get away with (while people like Jack and Ashley take the blame). Phyllis is just joining the club as I knew she would once Latham turned her into a baddie. In addition to the Fishers, Sheila is a great example that Latham can't write anyone with even a remote shade of grey or anything. Hell, she can't even manage to write for Noah who still acts like he's 5.

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WWS = Weak Woman Syndrome

I get you on the blackmail but I dont think she can be charged for manslaughter. Not to defend Phyllis bc I hate her, but she didnt lay a finger on Dru. She was having an argument with Sharon and talking on her own cell phone and Dru came out of nowhere and started grabbing on it. She didnt even know what was going on and died not even knowing why she was grabbing at Phyllis' phone. I cant see how the police can put manslaughter on her for that. Had she actually put her hands on Dru, pushed her or something, then that would be the case, but not as it was portrayed. If she were alive, technically Dru could be held accountable for assault for trying to grab the phone out of Phyllis' hands
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Maybe its' the background of a Sony video game!? Before I comment in entirety...

Three continuity mistakes:

- Lauren saying "Michael is on business trip" when her already was back in GC

- Kevin asking for a DINNER meeting with Jill & Ji Min when it was bright sun and middle of the day

- Victoria changing her hair-do from Wed to Thursday although not one hour has passed on the SAME day...

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White Woman Syndrome

She ISN'T sorry. In the slightest.

She's been LYING about the ENTIRE incident since the very time Sharon & Drucilla took their stereo swandives off the cliff.

She has no remorse for either of them or their families AT ALL.

If she was TRULY sorry she would have no problem tellin the TRUTH about what happened.

But she doesn't care that two innocent kids (one of whom bein her daughter-in-law) lost their Mother & a relatively close associate lost his wife or even that her stepson lost his Mother.

All she wanted to do was eliminate her two biggest enemies.

The one she was insanely insecure & jealous of (Sharon) and the one that she couldn't, wouldn't & never will be able to beat (Drucilla).

And for that her Keyser Soze azz can R-O-T.

The only reason she had "the panic attack" in front of Michael/Lauren is cause she KNEW the two of them already wanted to mend fences with her & were predisposed to coddlin her sociopathic azz.

She could've had her "panic attack" in front of Aunt Jack or Bradtox or anyone else but she didn't.


Because they would've been more critical of what actually happened & her hand in what actually happened.

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Thank You!! She only mended fences because they were inclined to baby her to get back in her good graces. No, she wanted to stay clear headed and without a sedative in front of them so she didn't get tripped up.

At the end of the day, this happened because Phyllis is a jealous biitch. She's jealous that her so called husband still has feelings for his ex wife. She wanted exorcise the shame that Sharon made her feel and bitter taste that she had because Sharon dared be upset that this hootch screwed her husband. Regardless of what Sharon has done, she had the right to be pissed about someone screwing her husband. But was she vicious to Phyllis? No, in fact, in many ways, Sharon was very gracious to her. She was nice enough to bring her son to the house to see his sister so that he knew she was okay with it. She made tapes congratulating Nick and Phyllis on their wedding.

But see, Noone can be mad at Phyllis. Oh no, noone can feel righteous anger at her for a wrong she has done. Sharon demeaned Phyllis for being a homewrecker? Oh Sharon has to pay...

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Seems to me it could be felony homicide depending on what can be proven. I think it depends on what they have on tape. In the end as cheesy as the production was I think this ended up being a decent story. If nothing else it's lead to a lot of discussion. What kind of makes me sad is that a lot of the dynamics of the show are about to change. I've really enjoyed the show in the last year in terms of who has been paired with who and the acting partners (not just romantic) and such(The big exaception to that being Brad and Vikki) and I think all that is about to change. VR leaving is going to leave such a huge gap in the show. I'm going to miss her friendship with Sharon a lot and the whole dynamic of the Winters family. Things in GC are about to change in a big way and I'm not sure its for the best.

I guess I'm grateful that Brad and Vikki are bound to blow up. but the jackass is bound to land just fine with Sharon and really the only pairing I want to see is Brad and the Grim Reaper so....I can only be so happy that Vikki is going to be free.

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