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AMC: Friday

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Um what about Skye? Today JR said to Adam, "why do you think 2 of your kids are alcoholics" and we was referring to him and Hayley, but um Skye was his daughter and an alcoholic. I hated that she was disregarded and it would have made JRs point even more valid had he mentioned her

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Thats not true bc Adam knew she wasnt his blood child from the getgo (according to the rewrite). He chose to adopt her and loved her inspite of her biology. Regardless of if Adam cares about her or not, the point that JR was making was that Adam's negative influence on his kids drove them to drink. Adopted or not, then Adam's influence on Skye drove her to drink as well.

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Lewis is my fav. SW + she has 22 yrs. of experience with the show. Maybe that's a contributing factor to the strong use of history this past week (and Alden's influence etc).

Skye being on GH still ticks me off. The Skye/Adam relationship was always my favorite Chandler family dynamic, and Skye's fireworks could sure shake up the Chandler Mansion right now, even moreso considering it's in complete chaos right now.

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I've always wanted to see RC's Skye with Tad.

Adam/Skye (back from the 80s-90s) reminded me a lot of a more functional pre-2004 Erica/Kendall. Skye wanted to be the apple of Adam's eye, everything he desired, he loved her but there was always another kid that suddenly came in and was more important (JR, Hayley). I remember her sadly looking left out at him and the newest kid. And before ABC started playing musical Skye with RC and the soaps thus changing her parentage 68 times, she was Adam's biological daughter. Loved RC/DC's chemistry.

Adam is not the only parent that influenced JR's addiction habits, it was as much if not more Tad and Dixie and their "selfish" ups-and-downs. Touche to Adam on that point. And Arlene did "raise" Hayley, not Adam.

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