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AMC: Thursday

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Zoe's mom has arrived - and I'm glad she looks the way she does....if that makes sense ;)

I'm loving how Erica is just dumping Jeff. Jeff Martin needs to leave Pine Valley ASAP. I'm loving how Erica keeps saying Jack has her heart and always will. :) Watching Barbara seduce Jack is ok for me actually - bc I know she won't get last with Jack and Barbara just makes me laugh bc she's so pathetic yet funny.

Hannah/Kendall/Zach is ok so far....

I thought Adam would be on today? I thought we left off with him and Janet talking....I want some of those scenes :( At least no Babe/JR/Chandler Mansion stuff today.

Emma is too adorable today!


Wow - Erica is really being a mature adult today. I haven't seen this much maturity out of Erica in years! haha And how great was it when Jack imagined Erica walking in and not Barbara. He still has Erica on his mind...but is trying to get over the pain. Barbara is just being used!

These Zoe/Bianca/Josh/Zoe's mom scenes are very powerful today. Great dialogue from both set of scenes (Zoe/Bianca and Josh/Zoe's mom). I've never heard of that theory about the brain and body developing at different rates as a fetus - which explains the body growing as a boy, but the boy hormones not going to the brain until later in the development, which explains why Zoe thinks as a woman. Again, I don't know much about TG's and I'm very science-driven when it comes to the body and humanity - so I'm learning from this storyline and its quite interesting.

Dramatic introduction to the Hannah/Alex Sr. scenes - I love that.

This episode, much like yesterday's, seems very Kay Alden-oriented. This is a good sign.

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After Hannah went off on Alex Sr. - that was the moment I realized this actress is actually good and I'll love to hate Hannah too.

Did anyone else see a young Dixie in Annie today? She definitely made me think "Dixie" when watching her in the last half of the episode.

Anyway - today's show was great - much like yesterday, had a MATURE feel to the whole thing. Loved it all.

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Today was a really good eppy. I loved it from beginning to end and no Babe/JR/Chandler mansion was a well needed break for me.

THIS is the Erica I like. She finally admitted what everyone else already knew: Jack will always have her heart. Barbara is such a pathetic skank. Hate her! :angry:

The scenes with Zoe and her mom were really good and I actually likes the Josh and Zoe's mom scenes too.

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I hate the fact that erica sees jack/babs in bed and then it seems she runs to josh. I hate that fetus freak and that would be the last person I would go to. I'm glad erica dumped jeff today, I was all for the pairing until he took advantage of her when he knew was josh was. An I hope the spoilers that indicate jack wants babs to move to the valley inn don't indicate that babs tries to manipulate jeff into trying to pursue erica again, erica was pretty clear on what she wanted today. Thank god there was no babe today. Josh is only tolerable when he's not with babe and when he's not talking about babe, and only when he's surrounding by his family.

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Chicken Run Ryan

Chicken pox chicken pox who wants chicken pox?! Not you, not me, not Smee, not Annibel Lee but Annie! And guess who is there to guide her through this trial and tribulation in her life? Why the St. of all saints! The one who can turn bongs into crack smoking dogs and also be able to bridge world peace in the Middle East and be able to buy some beachfront property in Brookylnn and name it "I Have Menopause" over his latest medical procedure gone wrong...yep the vastectomy may be reversed and he can have more mini-Ryans with women named Mearl, Pearl, and Shirl and then be the father to oooh like a hundred children any Saint can take on that daunting of a task. But yea this is just lame and a ridiculous story to have a grown adult woman to have a pizza face that can sell by the mouthful at Pizza Hut for Paris Hilton's squeezes and flavors of the months. Good lord what is next on Annie's list of medicine problems? Does she have diarrhea and go poopey on his Dynamite Kiddo outfit? Or better yet she has heartburn and then does not have that loving feeling to make whoopey with Ryan and go toss around thos tonsils and make the neighbors get all cranky over the noise! Oh wait I know what can happen...Annie gets measles and Ryan treats it with beatles to make it rhyme and then she becomes a Beatle and sings "Help!" like get me away from this a$$ goblin!

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That is a very, very good sign for Jackson and Erica fans :wub:

I never believed that Jeff/Erica would work or that they were meant to be longterm. I'm not saying they didn't test it to see if it would click so they could milk it for a while, but I believe that there was always meant to be a J&E reunion at the end. :D

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