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AMC: Recast Question

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I edited the topic title! Yes Justin and Alexa are rumored to be leaving and wanting to move to LA when their contracts expire.

Erin Hershery Presley has been tossed around as a recast Babe! I don't see them recasting Jamie though.

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I hate all this snobbery with young actors who just use soaps as a stepping stone, a steady paycheck whilst they whore themselves out at the latest premieres and get themselves some exposure, and then they turn their back on the shows that give them their big breaks, for what, a couple of bit parts on CSI, ER, etc. They should realize that only a select few soap stars strike it big, and as much as I love Alexa and Justin, neither of them have that star potential to strike it big in prime time. They should be grateful for their soap stardom.

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I think at this point if Alexa is leaving then Babe needs to go off screen as well. Alexa is Babe and I see no reason to recast the role. They need to wait for Alexa to comeback. I think they should just have Babe go over to the Lake house JR gave her and have her take Little Adam with her and Little Adam can stay there until he needs to be sorased to give his father hell.

I don't want Erin Presley anywhere near Babe. EHP can't act. Kelly Monaco used to shred her in scenes on PC. Erin Hershey makes Kelly Monaco look like Erika frikin' Slezak. She was such a dragging bore as Alision Barrington and I watched that show for 5 years and she sucked during all of it.

Jaime can be recasted. Justin is already the 7th Jaime as it is.

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I don't think that's fair. I think they should atleast be able to try different things even the wonderful Cady McClain and Micheal E. Knight have walked away from the show before. I don't see what's so bad in spreading ones wings and trying different stuff. Steve Burton, Josh Duhmel, Sarah Michelle Geller have all done different things and experienced different stuff. I don't think that makes them any horriable as people just because they "walked away from soaps"

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Why do either need to be recast? PV will be much better place without Babe Carey Chandler. I won't miss her, in the slighest. And Alexa hasn't been the powerhouse she was during the babyswap in a long, long time. So both can go, I'd not blink.

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I saw her for five long years and was never impressed. She did nothing and was more or less just a monotoned, santimonious valley girl who over pronunciated and dragged out her words more then anything else. Oh yeah and she whispered alot. That annoyed me. Oh the whispering. :rolleyes:

I agree Kelly was way better on PC but again I wouldn't consider her the next Bette Davis or Vivian Leigh, my point was more or less Erin was so bad that she made Kelly look like a larger then life iconic actress and that just isn't the case.

Alexa is Babe and she IMO is a much stronger actress. Much better then Erin who can't seem to land a stable job since PC ended.

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