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AMC: Wednesday

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We never saw anything being signed, Angela. They just discussed their settlement while we watched all of their lovely flashbacks and Livia looked at them like they were nuts. She knows what we all know. ;) I still have hope that we will find out down the road that the divorce was never finalized.... :P

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LOL, well I won't partake in the J&E lovefest, but I am happy family fetus has been derailed, for now at least. Like I've said many times, J&E being together is like putting acid in my eyes. But Erica with Jeff togther is like putting acid in my eyes, shoving bamboo shoots under my nails, and gargling glass at all that sme time. No joke. They're sick. :blink: So pass me the acid. LOL

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LOL, it's okay. When you don't see this crap, it helps a lot. As far as I'm concerned, Erica as I knew and loved her is in Indonesia with David. ;) The woman on screen, is an imposter, with bad taste. Jeff Martin gag me. Jack ain't a catch in my eyes either, but he's not Jeff, and he doesn't bring the Family Fetus stigma with him, so yay. LOL

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I can't WAIT to see his face tomorrow when she tells him that she doesn't love him, still loves Jack and always will. That's the onlly part of the show I want to see.

Lots of people feel that way until they begin another chapter to their love story and people fall in love with them all over again. :wub: What I have loved about the last few days is that ERICA is the one that is showing most of the emotion. SHE doesn't want the divorce and didn't want it to get this far but was too prideful to tell him plus she thinks this is what HE wants. He thinks she wants Jeff (HURL) and that's why he rushed this through. Just another sample of the classic soap misunderstanding scenario which usually leads to reconciliation. :D

Even their costars see it. Alicia Minishew is a big J/E fan (she speaks about them in mags and on talk shows all the time) and she writes a blog each day on her site as Kendall..Here is what she wrote on Tuesday:



Tuesday, March 27, 2007

I don’t know what to feel. I want my mother to be happy. She’s funny, caring, gorgeous, radiant – she’s pretty much the perfect woman, and I can’t believe she’s my mother most days, but… above all else, she loves Jack. It’s so obvious. And Jack loves her… for who she is. All of the amazing, successful "fantastic" she is and all of the stubbornness, too. When they are together it’s… they are just meant to be. I want my mother to be happy and in love and feel as amazing as I do every day when I wake up next to Zach. She and Jack – I truly believe are written in the stars. I hope they find their way back to each other.

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Finally Jack and Erica are divorced! Ive always hated them as a couple and hope this is it for good

I think the b-tch deserves it. She was plotting to keep him from his child for life and let his enemy raise her. Im glad Tad isnt letting her have a free pass. I want the tramp to go down
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I think Kay Alden's influence was very strong on the show today.

I don't believe McT could be responsible for such subtle scenes as Jack & Erica had or even Hannah & Zach.

Adam cracked me up when he gave it back to Jamie. I can't wait for his revenge plot to kick in.

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Megan McTavish sure is still credited..... but I am not convinced her stamp is on everything related to the show lately. The Carey propping is for sure her stamp... but as Steve mentioned.... Jack and Erica today WOW! The respect given to their history and Erica and Jack so quiet.... remorseful even of what is going on but both are too proud too stop it... I really loved all the flashbacks.

Colby thank you! She is my new favourite characters! The only person sticking up for Adam! Adam is the victim! Krystal, Tad, Babe, J.R they all deserve all what is coming to them. J.R though was looking really hot today :)

I always have loathed Jamie and his role today just proved why LOL. Adam rocked! "I step on people like you when I get out of bed" and I loved the Amanda/Adam scenes.

"Don't get smart with me lady!" Or the Wild wind dormitory comment :lol:

All around today's show was awesome! Only thing I hated was Tad being insufferable.... loved him turning on Babe though after that Babe is Love praise he gave her a few weeks ago.

And big fat yes to Jeff and Erica done. Kylie hang in there! Hopefully the new writers will phase Jeff out. His contract expires next month I think.

I also loved Hannah and Zach. Hannah is gonna be awesome! I already love her.

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Hannah creeped me out, something in her eyes is saying she's going to be BSC IMO.

The guy who is Haley Evans'(Miranda) dad on AMC said that he saw a script dated for late April that had McTavish's name on it, so yes her handiwork will go on for probably another month or so-unfortunately

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