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AMC: Friday

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Yeah - I mean I personally don't really want a romantic pairing of Bianca and Zoe....BUT I really don't think we can say that her falling in love with a TG female who is about to undergo sexual reassignment is degaying or making Bianca less of a lesbian. That's like a slap in the face to all TG's - bc that means they can't be loved by either straight or gay people...

That's like calling any straight guy who can't tell their girlfriend had surgery YEARS ago is now gay bc they have fallen for a guy - well that's a slap to the TG, you know?

And I don't think they are afraid of writing lesbians - I mean we did have Rain...Frankie...Maggie...Lena...Leslie...we saw her be intimate with these girls at one point...she was just going through problems on the same level that all straight couples have gone through. And then they needed ratings to go up and they wanted something brand new, so they thought of Zarf/Zoe - and I really don't think they were thinking "Hmmmm...what story can we give Bianca so she doesn't have to be with a girl..." I just don't think that's the case.

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I'm with you Always... I don't see the problem with Zoe/Bianca... although I'd rather they stay friends for now. Zoe has a LOT to go through... being in a romantic relationship isn't necesarrily a good thing for her or Bianca, but I love their friendship.

I love Krystal too, but Adam is ROCKIN'! :D

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Looks like Krystal is going to be kicked back to the trailor park. Maybe she will fall for someone named Lyle and be pregnant with septuplets and name them all Doc, Bashful, Sneezy, Grumpy, Dopey, Sleepy, and Happy.Then the seven children's first words can be "Hi Ho" like they say in the movie

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How anybody feels sorry for Krystal is beyond me. :unsure:

She came into town as a cheap scuzzy whore, giving doctors blow jobs as bribes so she can alter pregnancy tests. She doesn't care. She uses her body for the moment without thinking of the lasting consequences. Like mother, like daughter.

These two never should've gotten together FOR THIS PRECISE REASON.

Adam, baby, get your wits -- and ur nuts -- back in place and dump that trailer trash off at the nearest truckstop.

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