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Flavor of Love/Charm School: Discussion Thread


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Why did the new episode (featuring New York) air on MTV but not VH1, its home channel?

Anyway, whatever the case... BEST EPISODE EVER!


I think that either Saaphyri, Shay or Leilene will win.

Saaphyri needs the money. Probably not more than anyone else, but she keeps milking it and it will gain her a little bit of sympathy.

Shay is a strong woman, but she's not flat-out nasty like the other girls (most of the time). She knows how to hold herself with composure, but she's not a push-over, either. Her only downfall is picking bad friends (Larissa).

Then there's Leilene. In my opinion, she should win, because she's the classiest of them all. I know, she was a stripper, but she still carries herself with more femininity and class than all the others. The one thing that could hold her back, though, is that she's BOOOOORING, LoL

Anyway, I'm just happy that Larissa got the boot. Bitch reminds me of Trina, the rapper, and I can't stand her nasty ass, either.

Edited by Kennylicious
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I want Saaphryi to win bc she has had the best journey and ahs changed the most. She is alot more composed and in control now than in FoL2. Sure she slips and has reverted a few times, well mainly the clothing task, but for the most part, she is a better person. I think she deserves it. Shes my favorite there.

I actually think Leilene might win and I do not want that to happen. She is getting alot of sympathy though thanks to Larissa. WTH was she calling Leilene a crackhead? Does she think she's Omarosa? That was just uncalled for bc her children might see that. When I saw this clip below, I did feel bad for Leilene

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I hope that bitch gets run over by a bus. I can't stand her!

Who the hell does she think she is telling Leilene how to be a good mother? Does Larissa even have kids? If so, I feel sorry for her litter... they have a mom from hell! And her line about how a good mother wouldn't have to take off their clothes to pay the bills.... pfft! Not even ten minutes ago I saw pictures of Larissa on the net from a new calendar of hers or some sh!t, and she's barely clothed. Pot, meet kettle!

What does Leilene stripping have to do with Larissa at all? She acts personally offended by it! Why? Did Leilene wrapping herself around a pole have ANYTHING to do with Larissa? Really. Girl went psycho crazy over something that doesn't even involve her! LoL Oooh, I hope she dies. Really. If I turned on the television tomorrow and heard the words, "Larissa, star of VH1's 'Flavor of Love' and 'Charm School,' has been brutally murdered," I wouldn't feel sorry in the least. I'd probably be asking what took so long.

Yes, I'm a coldhearted bitch.

Edited by Kennylicious
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LMAO Kenny! :lol: Larissa is a miserable bitch. She's no kind of friend because if Shay hadn't told Monique the truth, Larissa was gonna pin the picture thing on her. Larissa doesn't know how to handle herself with people. You can't always run off at the mouth and start talking crap. She's gonna run up on the wrong person and they are gonna put her on her ass. She had no right to call Leilene a crackhead. I'm glad Leilene didn't respond to her.

I loved Saaphryi's reason for thinking Shay took the picture, "Larissa is stupid. She couldn't think up this scheme" or somthing like that. :lol:

Edited by a2sassy
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I think that Larissa over-estimates her strength. In the heat of the moment, she feels the adrenaline and it makes her feel invincible, but one of these days she's going to catch a bigger, badder b!tch in a bad moment and open her bigass mouth, and her ass is going to get laid out, hard and quick. I hope someone has a camera and sends the photos to Perez when it happens!

It's so funny to me that she calls Shay a snitch, when what she did to Shay was ten times worse than what Shay did to Larissa! Which is worse, really? A snitch, or a backstabbing, coldhearted bitch? The latter just sounds a bit more heavy, I think. She wouldn't have had to snitch on your ass if you weren't trying to pin the sh!t on her in the first place! LoL

Gawd, I really shouldn't watch reality shows. These people just piss me off too much, and not unlike some soaps, too many of 'em don't get the payback they deserve.

Edited by Kennylicious
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I am soooo glad that I actually turned on MTV to see that episode....What went down was a given, especially after the last episode.

As for this being reality tv....you can outright tell that a large majority of the show is scripted...and when watching it, you can pretty much guess who's going to be going home.

I can imagine that Brooke will be the next to go, after the episode where they go out on dates....simply because of all the trashy stuff she was doing while at the dating event.

I think the last folks standing will be Laliene, Sapphyri, Becky, and Shay.

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I think Im the only Bootz fan. She was drama and made the show worth watching. I think Shay did her dirty in the last episode going up crying and "confessing" to Monica w/o telling Larissa she was going to . She made it seem like she had nothing to do with the stealing bc she didnt actually physically take it, but she was there plotting and is just as guilty.

I think Larissa's biggest problem is that she doesnt know when to STFU. Her mouth gets her in too much trouble. I wonder why she even came on the show. She is so dam hard headed and doesnt want to learn anything. Theres $50,000 at stake adn she doesnt even seem motivated for that. She was a hater on FoL2, but she is taking it to a whole other level now and I wonder if its all for show. Me things she's trying to get her own show which is why she's out to be head bitch. I think Pumkin put it right when she said she's trying to be like NY

Did you see Monique offer to have NY come on season 2 as a contestant. If there is a season 2, I wonder what they will do bc they will have to recycle the girls bc I can only see a handful of those that didnt make it come back. They need to do a FoL3 to get more girls to choose fom

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Your right about that. When I saw the two episodes involving the pictures. I thought to myself" This is a serious soap operish plot." It was almost to good to be true. They way it was excuted, Shay and Larissa, framed Shataar, then that act alone got Shataar and I forget that thick girls name voted off. Then It almost made Becky go home, accused of starting trouble. Then the climax Shay tells all to Mo's potraying herself as innocent and caught up in some mess with her friend. THat had to be scrpited. All the peices fell into place too easliy. BUT I LOVED IT THOUGH. I love Larissa. I also feel Saapharyi should get them 50 g's.

Edited by aMLCproduction
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Larissa - ok the girl has a LOT of growing up to do and is such a hater - but she brings the drama and I like it. She's not a funny bitch like New York is, but she still brings good drama.

I feel bad for Leilene - but she does have a few screws loose. I couldn't believe she would give away her mother's ring just to win the competition.

I love this show though! Was expecting more from NY - she was only on for like 10 min.

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Brooke is so slutacious (love the new word Mo...lol) It was so obvious from the beginning that she was going to get eliminated and Im glad she was. How ugly did she get? She started acting like Larissa and I hated her being such a bitch when she knew damn well she was the worst. Nasty ho. I did like that Leilene stood up for herself and didnt do as she said.

So glad Saphyrii is still there. One more episode from winning it all, well at least I hope. She deserves it. Either her or Shay

Oh and it doesnt look like next week will air the finale. I think Fit Club will get 90 minutes bc they are having a Charm School recap show at 10:30

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