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PSNS: My Stalker Theory (maybe spoilers?)

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I sort of figured that Vincent would be the Evian Child, (actually posted about that earlier in a spoiler thread...)

Makes perfect sense with the Vincent/Pretty/Stalker thing too...maybe the whole Crane family is involved...as a plot to destroy the Lopez-Fitzgerald...

I actually would like this story play out, as Vincent is connected to everything in all of it...but I just wished it was a character that I liked more...like say Jared...

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yeah, making vincent the big stalker incest racist creep would be great -- just great to pin all that on the gay guy.

if JERk does that, he's SICKER than i thought.

it's reprehensible writing to create a thoroughly evil character like that -- and make his homosexuality an integral part of that evil. it's disgusting that ANYONE can think this would be a good story and good writing.

of course, if posters are at home thinking of their own family members and whacking off, i can see why their sense of reason is in the toilet.

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Why, because bisexual or gay people cannot be evil? John Wayne Gacy & Jeffrey Dahmer were both evil gay/bisexual serial killers. Not all storylines involving gay characters have to be socially responsible or politically correct, especially on soaps. Maybe Big daddy Reilly should have made it into a love story, in which Chad and Vincent fall in love, and then have Spike find out and decide to kill them for being bisexual? Would that have been a better story?

If rumors are true, Vincent was severly abused as a child, possibly sexually abused. So it would be plausible that his sexual orientation would play a HUGE part of his reason for doing the things he is doing. These kinds of things happen in real life. And if the story does turn out like this, I give major kudos to JER for telling this story, which is truly a daytime first.

Okay that's just nasty. No one here said anything about being sexually aroused by incest :unsure:

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Passions can have all the daytime firsts it wants but if the story sucks it doesn't help. Outside of a few people on here and a clear minority of fans, no one thinks most of the stories on Passions are good. Vincent/Chad is interesting due to the soapiness but giving it an incest angle butchers any interest I have.

The rape, misogyny, and violence still bother me...so much so that it ruins my investment in this stalker tale. I liked it last month when it was about blackmail, murder, etc. When it focuses on sex, the rape angle, and disturbing things like that I can't stand it.

This show focuses way too much on sex and in a bad way. It's one thing to have a little fun but they are pushing it and why is rape, sex, assualting, etc a part of nearly every story. Variety, please!!

Sheridan, Chad, Fox, Miguel, Kay, Julian, Ethan, and soon Fancy (and we all know that horrible spoiler/rumor will come true just to continue to the rape parade) have all been destroyed. Let's also mention they ruined Al big time by making him so one note and over the top it made him irredeemable. Theresa has lost her spark and is so watered down Lindsey clearly has no idea how to rise above it anymore. Jared has become a waste and Stevenson is being wasted. Juliet Mills and Nicole Cox do absolutely nothing, which is sad and appalling. Oh, and just because Liza Huber is gone does not mean you don't have to use Andrea Evans. More Rebecca please. Same goes for Pilar. Give me her and Ivy. Mix things up a bit.

It's sad because I love the actors and the show has so much potential but it's so hard to invest and get into the stories. I hope Passions is able to shock me and impress me even a little before it goes off or moves on to some other medium. Just give me a little something so I am not totally down on the show.

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Well it sounds like Vincent just might have SOME excuse for his vile behavior as well as a different dynamic to his homosexuality. But I wonder what Chad's sudden homosexuality is all about? Doesn't this mean that both Chad and Vincent had adoptive parents? Maybe Chad was sexually abused too! All of this is baffling and I can't wait to find out where it all leads.

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Yes, of course I realize Adam and Eve had to get it on in order to populate the earth. That's common knowledge. However, considering that that was billions of years ago, and as I see it, the world has no problems with its population, incest is not only unnecessary, but disgusting and unnatural. The End.

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Sorry, Hogan, but the mainstream media loved the shocker of Chad and Whitney being revealed as brother and sister -- and I just KNOW JER somehow, even on his own show, was forced to rewrite that. I just know Chad was the real, intended Evian son. But since the show is being canceled, I'd bet money he made Chad gay AND Vincent the Evian son just to stick it to NBC so he could have his dream shocker incest storyline -- and make it all the more shocking. Frankly, I give him kudos for doing it.

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It really sucks that the only good character JER has created on this show in five years is going to be ruined by the fact that she molested her sister.

This storyline had a lot of potential. A serial killer storyline could have done wonders for PSNS, especially in the show's final months. But now, it's a serial rapist, and it's a mess. JER has ruined this story like he ruins everything else.

And Pretty or Vincent is probably the analrapist. But I will hold up hope for Beth posing as Sheridan. At least that won't suck as badly.

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