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OLTL Discussion: Week of March 12th

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I don't what's going on behind the scenes but I find myself enjoying OLTL again! :D

I'm so glad I got to return in time to watch the ski lodge storyline. It's so entertaining. Blair's snide remarks about Marty and Evangeline have me cracking up. I like drunk Blair! :P

And how hot was Blair and Cristian? Wow!

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Yes! Cristian and Blair! I have been waiting for that for a while, and I love how sexy KDP remains into her mid-40s. Also: David Fumero, yummy.

I agree with everybody that these scenes at the ski lodge have been delightful!

Marty, Van, Blair, and Layla scenes were my personal favorite. I liked it when Marty told Blair that she defines herself by her men, because it's somewhat true and part of a great character analyses for Blair. And then, of course, Blair sort of proved Marty right. I also loved when Blair called her a self-righteous !@#$%^&*]!

Made me happy that TPTB chose to end the eppy on Cris and Blair too.

Terrific ensemble work from KDP, Trevor, David, Christina Chambers, Tika Sumpter, and REG. Now if we could get similar for some other characters!

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Nu-Marty is definitely growing on me, shockingly. Unfortunately I didn't get to see the entire episode today, I'll try to catch it on Soapnet. Sound like the lodge stuff was great.

I've been programming myself to not like the B/C fling. Will I have to fight the programming? Maybe.

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I'm so happy for One Life To Live these days.

It's actually enjoyable again.

It has always been my favorite soap since the 80's.

But it hasn't always been watchable.

Like for the last few years.

Then something changed, because for a few months now I haven't missed many shows.

Which with these days when I have baby spew rolling down my neck, puppy accidents to avoid stepping in, phone's ringing non-stop...it does makes it hard some days.

But I still try to catch what is going on...baby spew and all.

I don't know why I'm so entertained with the show...but I am.

Right now there is no character I hate or actor I don't like.

Maybe that's it.

I care about all the people on the show

and I want to see what's going to happen with their lives each day.

I like that.

Over at Y&R there is many characters I hate.

Same with GH and Days...AMC too when I force myself to look at it.

This ski weekend, where half the town decided to go to the same place at the same time,

(reminds me of when everybody in Corinth moved to Soho on the same day)

is really fun to watch.

I'm loving the Todd/Blair/Evangeline/Cristian story.

I was shocked that Blair and Cris slept together.

(Didn't they before a few years back?)

And Vange's feathers all riled up about Layla and Cris was great.

Layla has really started to become more rooted in the show, which is nice to see finally.

I want more !@#$%^&*]yness between the sisters.

That was some good stuff.

Evangeline and Todd have got to get together.

They are smoking hot.

Blair and Todd have been done to death.

I say stick her with Miles.

I like Miles.

He seems like he has been on the show forever.

He reminds me of Max Holden.

I like him with Marty though too.

I like the kids.

Cole grew on me.

But I'm not sure what I think of Brittany.

A teen with that much power over others isn't believable for me.

And what is the deal with Langston?

Is she a lesbian in love with Starr?

I also like the new guy...Tate? Nate?

He is fine.

Poor Adrianna...between Rex and him, what's a girl to do?

(I know what I would do...lol)

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I loved today show. The girls were funny and I am finally getting what I want to see a little Vangie versus Blair. This is a rivery I have been dying to see.

Cris anger management honey really I thought you were done with Vangie so anything Todd says should not get to you.

I am liking Miles and Marty ( Still prefer the old one but with Miles she seems ok)

And well Todd/Vangie were just romantic, passionate, sexy and great to see. I was in awe with them today.

I am sorry was not impressed with Cris and Blair cause this is the usual Blair dont get her way with Todd she beds the first man who comes her way.

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Okay, the snarkiness was so there today between the ladies. They had me giggling on more than one occasion.

It just makes me sick to think that Starr was deflowered. She's WAY to young for this. LOL.

Brittany just doesn't have that evil thang going on, she just comes off as a little girl trying to do a woman's job.

Still don't see "it" where Tate is concerned.

And believe it or not I wanted more of Blair and Cris. Go figure.

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The writing was spot on for the ladies, and every actress delivered. The lines just kept rolling off of Blair's drunk tongue, and Marty and Evangeline gave it back to her in equal measure. Add in Layla's snide comments towards all of them, and I haven't been so entertained by an episode in months.

Kassie has always been so adept at comedy, but I was pleased to see that Christina held up in that dept. too, like with her line about suggesting coffee.

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OLTL pay one male actor in particular the big buck$ to stay on the show -- but it is the female actors that truly carry this soap and keep me glued to their scenes.

KDP was awesome as Drunk Blair! One moment I'm loving to hate her, next I'm feeling sorry for her. How does she do that?! There was also something in her scenes with CC's Marty... rivalry, jealousy, sure. But there was one second where I thought they might reach, I don't know, some sort of grudging understanding? Especially when Marty pointed out Blair's loneliness -- something she, a widow and also undoubtedly lonely, must surely feel at times, too. After all, Marty was once a girl who, like Blair, craved love and attention, especially male attention once upon a time... Then that moment slipped away as they continued snarking at each other. Some real zingers, too! Priceless.

And woah! Whip off that sweater, Blair! LOL, careful you don't give Cristian whiplash.

The scene between Todd and Van was really tender. Hot and tender and I liked how OLTL filmed that in such an initimate way. I'm also glad they decided to put their friendship first... for now. That made the scene almost poignant.

Most of the show felt almost like Sweeps in its paciness. It is also the first Friday show in a long time where I cannot wait until Monday. GREAT cliffhanger with Blair and Cris tearing at each other's clothes.

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Cat! I love your posts so much, and I agree with everything you said here.

I am fascinated by Blair and Marty's hatred for one another, and I also thought there was a brief moment after Blair banged her foot when they were going to come to a brief acceptance. But no, LOL.

Hate Blair or love her, KDP does wonders with the role, and I agree with you and Scotty that she plays a fab drunk!

The women do carry this show in many ways, and as much as Blair is my favorite, the ensemble work with Christina, Tika, REG, and KDP is what really won me over on Friday.

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OLTL has really been good this week! This show has really been going in the right direction all through 2007. I have not been really bored by any of the epidoes and the show is slowly integrating new characters with the cast, I LOVE it.

I can't believe how much Antonio has become such a likable character. I mean I know he had his fans before and I loved him in 1995 and stuff but when he came back he was just huffy and puffy. IMO he finally has regained his rooting value. And the new cop is awesome, I know she is still on recurring (or is she?) but they have definitely laid some type of integration for a future "big" role and a potential triangle with Antonio (though that is kind of predictable). She's VERY likable.

The whole Evangeline/Todd/Cristian thing has been so enjoyable. It has all been so good to watch.

And I loved the whole ski lodge thing, I love it when shows do the everyone ends up in one place thing (and it is not even sweeps!!). Everything has been great...

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