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Daytime Emmy Nominations: Discussion


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Y&RWorldTurner is FIERCE lol.

I honestly don't think you have to be the best actress in the world to get in, but you still have to give me something. And don't scream at the top of your lungs, or cry buckets, and call it acting. Let me feel something from your performance on my own. Make it effortless people, effortless. Give me Impact, Range, and Sympathy...and then we shall talk.

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The Emmys have always been unfair. During the 70's NBC dominated them with ABC running close behind. CBS got the token nomination from time to time usually acting ones went to Search For Tomorrow on CBS and it was basically the only one.

During the 80's it was pretty much all ABC - there were even years where ABC got all or the majority of the lead nominations.

Then certain shows started what Phelps called Block Voting which gave the larger casts an advantage over the other shows. And you saw shows put even 3 nominees in some categories. Jill Farren Phelps said she learned the process when she worked on Guiding Light. The magazines said thereafter under that process Phelps shows always did good in the Emmys and they did. I remember reading an article in the Daytime TV magazine that the worst offenders of block voting were Y&R, AMC, Days & ATWT in that order. They would even have the production departments pay for membership in the academy for all the casts so that everyone could vote.

So for awhile there in the 90's things were dominated by certain shows. GH was one of those so I was very shocked that they were not on the list of those that were the most guilty.

Then the smaller casts shows got upset because they were overlooked and Brad Bell in particular lobbied for things to change. Well they got the process changed. Little did they know that TPTB would learn to block vote again.

As to the thing about NBC not doing good. Under this whole new process they have always had only 2 shows. They have never had a full lineup under the new process.

If they reverted back to the old process GH and Y&R would still dominate because they have the largest casts thus giving them the most votes. All the other shows have been hit harder by budget and have seen their shows shrink. Under the old process recurring stars couldn't vote. Shows like GL and B&B esp. would have no chance of being nominated under the old process.

The Emmys are always going to be unfair. They ahve from the beginning. Just look at the great performers in the history of the Emmys who have had the material and still go without even a nomination ever: Philip Carey, Constance Ford, Anna Lee, Peter Reckell, Lindsay Hartley, Katherine Kelly Lang, George Reinholt, Richard Bekins, Emily McLaughin, Clint Ritchie, Kathryn Hays, Tudi Wiggins, Eileen Fulton, and so many others.

Those are ones that over the years had the material and deserved nominations but politics prevented it.

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SteveFrame, Eileen Fulton was nominated in 1988. She also has a Lifetime Achievement award. But I get your point. And Beverlee McKinsey (the best!) has never won. A crying shame.

Outstanding Supporting Actress in a Daytime Drama Series (1988)

Lisa Brown (Iva Snyder, As the World Turns)

Eileen Fulton (Lisa McColl, As the World Turns)

Maeve Kinkead (Vanessa Chamberlain, Guiding Light)

Robin Mattson (Gina Blake, Santa Barbara)

Arleen Sorkin (Calliope Jones, Days of Our Lives)

Ellen Wheeler (Cindy Parker, All My Children) - WINNER

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I don't get the argument that ABC has a lot to !@#$%^&*] about. Frons places his value on anything but acting talent and it shows up when we get to the nominations.

MEK was excellent and delivered and I certainly would have enjoyed seeing him over Christain L. but then again I don't get why CL was there over EB.

OLTL has been my soap for years but I can't honestly say I think ME, TSJ, KdP or BW were robbed. It just wasn't there.

Someone up thread suggested they didn't get REG's nomination. I can agree but even if you take that away you still have 5 actresses. Who among them should give up their spot? Should HT who actually earned hers with blood for work done while she was employeed by ABC give up something she did earn. Aren't we supposed to be honoring the best performances?

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Wow, a part of me is surprised that GL got so many noms, then again I shouldn't be. It's kind of weird how GL has been quite the Emmy darling for the past few years. I remember the days when I agonized over GL being shut out at the Emmys. Now it's like a dream come true, yet at a price; the show overall sucks. More so than it did for the years it was shut out.

GL played it smart for these emmys though. While most of the year sucked, those ITL's were the only bright spots of week, and at times both the acting and writing shined through.

KZ's nomination was obvious due to the material she recieved this year. She might get another win. If she does win I won't hold it against her.

Why does Beth Ehler's always get snubbed? I remember when Harley was being shoved down our throats and we didn't even get a nomination that year. WTF? Do they simply not like her or something? Beth Ehlers should have won an emmy by now. I'm satisfied that CC was nominated, I wouldn't be surprised if she won either.

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I like GL, but I find a lot of there cast members to be OVERLY DRAMATIC. Marcy Rylan, Tom Pelphrey, QueenHysteria, Gina Tognoni, Ricky Paul, Jordan Clarke...the ones like Beth Ehlers, Robert Newman, and Beth Chamberlain get no love.

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Kenny All year I put Kristian in my top 5 and felt she deserved a nomination. But saying that I was basing it on 2 to 3 episodes. The rest of the year she fit in with Michelle Stafford. She was lead but she didn't do anything. Her stuff opposite Patrick and even many of her fights with Bo - Peter Reckell outshined her.

Kristian as much as I love her had the same amount of material to submit as Michelle did.

The biggest problem I have with the Emmys is that the nomination is now based on one scene or one episode. I would not mind the process as it is if they were based on more stuff and I think you would see a big difference.

I have always said with the Daytime Emmys since there are so many episodes during the year voting should actually take place quarterly with the final winners of each quarter being the prenoms. But actors are not going to volunteer that much time to do it. I know that years ago it was said they had a hard time getting people to do the prescreening.

One thing we have to remember is so much hatred is thrown toward the academy. But other than setting the rules the academy itself has nothing to do with the nominees. It is the daytime actors & actresses who pick these nominees. They are all human like we are, and like Roger Newcomb said many times personal feelings and preferences go into how we choose. And for each human person they have a different idea about what is great and what isn't.

Greg put the other prenoms up against the noms and he had everyone beat Zimmer. I totally disagree with that. Many people don't like Zimmer but for each one of them there are at least 1 or 2 others who see what she does as great. I happen to be one of those. And I am not talking her over the top stuff but during the last half of 2006 she had some very good, very nuanced, very layered scenes that showed what a powerhouse of an actress she is.

I know politics go into it but so does personal taste. And no matter how much it probably shouldn't the writing and overall feel of the scene goes into it too.

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It's funny you should mention that, Kenny, because just the other day, I was thinking about how people say that like it's a BAD thing, when that makes no sense. I mean, I'd say to the Emmys "[@#$%^&*] off" or "Get bent" but "suck my cock"? If the Emmys said that to me, I'd just get a little turned on; I surely wouldn't be offended!

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I was thinking she was at first and didn't include her. I knew she had the Lifetime Achievement Award. I pulled up her IMDb page and they didn't have her nomination listed. I guess they left that part off. I should have checked further.

And yes it is a shame that Beverlee McKinsey never won. I am just glad she had nominations, but she should have at least 3 Emmys on her mantle.

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I completely agree. Which is why I think that they should have episodes chosen randomly. It would force every actor and actress to be good on a year-round basis rather than just turning in one or two good performances and using it for a lucky nomination.

If episodes were chosen randomly... God, could you imagine? LoL

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