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Daytime Emmy Nominations: Discussion


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I agree that Days doesn't deserve a buttload of nominations this year. In fact, I would say that only Kristian Alfonso and Peter Reckell deserved the nods. Aside from that, everyone is debatable. I wasn't asking for the moon and stars or anything... in fact, I wasn't asking for anything. I knew they wouldn't get it, LoL. Sucks for them and their fans, though.

It's just that year after year of getting a complete snub is hard as a fan of the actors, because I know that the actors put alot of work into their performances and to repeatedly get ignored saddens me. I still can't get over Renee Jones, Kristian Alfonso and Ali Sweeney getting snubbed in 2003. Those three actresses gave the performances of their careers in 2002 and got nothing.

Doesn't matter, though. Everyone knows what the Emmys are all about. It's no secret.

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OMG DAYS is SHUT-OUT *AGAIN*...I am TOTALLY shocked....NOT!!!!!!!!!

What a [!@#$%^&*] disgrace the Daytime Emmy's are.

Hopefully now ABC fans will SOMEWHAT understand how NBC daytime fans (especially DAYS fans) have felt for the last 5-6 years regarding being snubbed.

The process is simply unfair.....ABC and MAINLY CBS bloc vote down network lines and the nominations only prove that. Then top make sure there isn't a blatant snub of NBC, they throw them a Younger Actor/Actress sympathy nod....which is EMBARASSING to the rest of daytime IMO.

How CBS got away with THIS MUCH bloc voting this year is beyond me...this new nomination process is worse and even MORE unfair than it was before.

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Man I have been pissed all morning about this.

CBS and their actors, with their damn pretentious, snobby attitude towards NBC Daytime....well you know what F*CK YOU CBS!! GET THE F*CK OVER YOURSELVES ALREADY!!

AND F*CK YOU ABC while I'm at it!!

Kristian and Peter DESERVED to be nominated this year....the fact they were snubbed is INEXCUSABLE especially for the likes of massively overrated Jeanne Cooper who did NOTHING this year (amongst MANY OTHERS)

PS - And yes I WENT THERE!

PSS - Please James Stevenson from PASSIONS? *shudders* They even screwed up the token NBC Daytime nomination....can the daytime emmy's be even more of an industry joke than they already are?

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I don't get all this hate for CBS and to a lesser extent ABC. You guys know damn well if NBC had the most soaps on the air, the nominations would surely be in their favor. It's not the fault of CBS that NBC has no interest whatsoever in their soaps. I remember hearing NBC doesn't even lobby for their soaps come Emmy time, so right there proves how much they care. When AW won Emmy's (they've amassed more Emmy wins than Days), it was P&G who lobbied for them, not NBC.

That said, the hate shouldn't be directed to the networks. It should be directed to The Television Academy of Arts & Sciences. They're the ones who came up with the crappy selection process.

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Hey, I'm not saying that NBC is smart. NBC is an idiot network. Still, it's unfair to the actors who put all their effort into their scenes and get no recognition. They shouldn't be held accountable for NBC's idiocy. I don't care what the reason is behind it... I don't care about politics, numbers... bottom line is that the system is flawed and isn't a true representation of the best of the best in each category.

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Days submitted the episode of Zach's funeral where Grandpa Shawn and Doug sing and so on for best drama. Kristian sent in the episode where she says her final goodbye to Zach and Bo has to pull her away. I believe Peter sent in the graveyard scenes. They all submitted right IMO.

Here is the issue. We go through this every year. NBC gets left out and so on but this year this is worse. Much worse.


How the hell does Jeannie "I have no story or screentime" Cooper get in over NLG? Michelle Stafford did nothing last year but jump Nick's bones. I love both of them but come on. It says alot when the emmy's can even get the nods right for ABC and CBS.

The lead categories being pretty much dominated by CBS suggests a clear message...THIS SYSTEM DOESN'T WORK!!! Perios. If one person says that NBC doesn't deserve to get recognition, they are out of their mind. Yes, NBC screwed themselves but why should the actors be punished? They aren't the ones that did this or told NBC to cancel soaps. GMAB. CBS has matered the block vote technique. ABC does it too but CBS has had more experience over the years and it sickens me. Yes, they had some deserving performers in West, Park, St. John, Chappel (not lead but whatever), and so on but this has happened too much and needs to stop. Now we have deserving people from ABC being snubbed because CBS ganged together. It shouldn't be like this or about promoting or how many soaps a network has. Get a committee together that isn't determined by how many soaps a network has and actually make it about the material and acting. Period. Yes, some will be left out but I have never seen an awards show leave out so many deserving actors and put more undeserving actors in like the daytime emmy's. It gets worse every year. Honor soaps and daytime AS A WHOLE. Honor those that deserve it.

The NBC stuff is the worst because it has been happening for years. They have gotten snubbed year after year for performances that would get them emmy wins on other shows. I don't blame NBC for pulling out of broadcasting it. Why should they? Better yet, why should ABC fans even watch this year or NBC fans? The ratings will tank this year and like Ryan said, you are excluding to many fans due to CBS dominating. I am ok with one network dominating if those that get in deserve it but the argument could be made that nearly half of those nominatations are undeserving.

Also, how bad was that telecast this morning? It was a mess. No one even read off the nods right. Pathetic. Give ABC credit...they make an effort to give the emmy's class.

If the emmy's wanted to give NBC a token nod and it had to go to Passions, why didn't they give it to Lindsey Hartley? That girl has spent 8 years turning crap material into gold and you give it to newcomer James Stevenson? I like him but seriously. It's sad what this has come to. It really is. It started out slowly eliminating NBC and now it's given ABC shoddy treatment. Ryan was also right about one thing...they want to split the vote in supporting and that is why ABC got well-represented.

I will not be watching the CBS DAYTIME AWARDS ON JUNE 15. Instead, I am going to watch video and clips of those that should be nominated and enjoy it, laughing at how messed up and how much of a joke the emmy's have become.

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I am going to be nice as I can here, its just sad DAYS and PSNS for that matter get snubbed year after year. Considering PSNS is done come September there is now way DAYS can grab a nomination come 08 or 09 with it being NBC's only soap.

I honestly think DAYS has one of the better female casts in all of daytime(with Renee Jones included), but I can agree DAYS lacks BIG time compared to other soaps with the males. I don't think PSNS has that many good actors, but Mills, Ulrich, Evans and especially Hartley are great actors in my opinion. I actually find Masters to be average at best. Its just frustrating to see NBCD get snubbed every year, especially since DAYS is my favorite soap.

The only thing I am pissed about is Reckell and Alfonso being snubbed once again. I think KA should have been nominated 3 times by now, her Princess Gina year, Baby Switch year, and last year with Zach's death. I am royally pissed, but like many others I had zero expectations.

I wont even get into too much detail, but some of those nominated are a joke.

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