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AMC: Wednesday

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Kendall's biological father is Richard Fields. He raped Erica at her birthday party (when she turned 14), he was the only one there thanks to her (Erica's) daddy.

I thought they were plotting to do Erica/Zach after Maria's exit. I was fine with it at the time (my brain was not even computing the show would do Kendall/Zach), but now I can't even imagine it. The chemistry has gotten more mother-in-law, son-in-lawly. Oddly enough, I think I can still imagine Erica/Ryan (I blame Ryan lovin' writers for Erica's Ryan issues, b/c they don't make sense anymore, a mother - even if the love is new - would not adore a guy who did everything Ryan did to Kendall through 2004/2005) and Josh so totally looks like he could be their kid, lol. I don't wish that upon Erica, but I can see them "working" together.

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Kendall has loving parents who raised her, so for this viewer Erica isn't nor should she ever have been forced to be Kendall's mother. I FLOVE Kendall. But I have major issues with how MMT tried to make them mother and daugther, and never really let Kendall understand why Erica feels the way she did/does. I still believe there's something missing in Erica and Kendall's relationship, and for that reason I tend to shy away from loving them as mother and daugther.

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Sorry Kylie I can't cut her slack because she does this ALOT and at Kendall's expense. She said she accepted Zach as Kendall's husband? Ummm when? :rolleyes:

I could have seen Zach/Erica at one time, and I do remember TK commenting when he first came on the show that he thought they might pair up Zach and Erica, but I'm glad now that they didn't.

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I guess Erica was drunk for all the times Ryan did leave Kendall? He left her running after him on a motorcycle without listening to one word of reason. He left her when he married Greenlee in front of her 5 seconds after he agreed to marry her. Ryan has always been fickle and conditional with his love. No surprise there. He would have left her if Greenlee said the word when he said they could leave Pine Valley and start their own family when Kendall was pregnant with Spike. Maybe I was drunk for all that and it did not happen but this Erica whose lips are so firmly planted on the Lavery's asses that she supported the Jonathan/Lily marriage 100%.

My guess? Erica wants Ryan so bad but can't have him so she wants to live through her daughter and that's why she wants Kendall with a man that treats her like trash. It's all about Erica.

Overall it's just bad writing as I think both AM and TK have talked about not really knowing the reason why Erica hates Zach so much.

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