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AMC: Wednesday

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I'm not sure how realistic it would be for Zach to just leave Kendall and Spike right when they get to PV, but I really like how he apologized to Zoe.

Bosh is boring me today, of course. Actually most of the episode so far is boring me.

Ryan is only proposing to Annie right now bc he saw how close Zendall is when they hugged in Las Vegas. He is being way too pushy today. I like Ryan and Annie as a couple, but out of the blue he proposes, then against her will shoves her into a car, and then forces himself on her - wanting to make out and be wild, and then declaring how much he loves her and how they WILL be the best couple ever. Ok, slightly exaggerated, but still he is being way too pushy today. Annie should be freaked out.

The Kane bonding scene was nice. Erica/Kendall especially.

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^^I agree, I really liked them on V-Day and then the day they were deciding to not be a couple bc of Emma, but were secretly imagining having sex with each other. Haha - for some reason those two episodes really made me a fan of the couple. But today, it just seems like Ryan is using Annie to get over Kendall again, and things are forced.

Alexa did a great job in that scene with a confused Little A - telling him what happened to her. Good job.

Haha, close to the end of the episode, Babe asked Little A what he had to eat and he clearly says "Blow Pop" and Babe is like "AHH a BLO---ohh you had a SUCKER?" LOL - Tsk, tsk Little A. You know you can't be calling out brand names like that. You get the big people in trouble!

That damn Lily/Jonathan hoot-owl sound makes a comeback today! UGH

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Ryan's an asswipe. End of that story for now, since I won't be watching until later.

Please tell me it wasn't a Rebecca Taylor day. She's due a script since her name hasn't been in the rotation for the last several episodes -- so I'm fearful.

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We're on the exact same page. Both of those episodes had my hopes up. If only they would slow this couple down there is some potential there. As it is they have Annie totally head over heels, so there isn't much drama here. Maybe if they throw Jon in the mix. I like his chemistry with Annie and I don't want her to be Ryan's lap dog.

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I think Taylor was an improvement over the past few days, but that wasn't difficult to do.

I particuarly liked the Kendall/Erica/Bianca and Adam/JR's scenes...

Kendall/Erica/Bianca, the part of the conversation where she brung up Erica harping on Zach in relationship to how she felt about herself for so long. Really strong scene in terms of actual history and correlation to the present. Made me all the more mystified at why we're getting everything but actual scenes of Z/K discussing everything they've just been through with each other.

Adam/JR. Really sweet, when you negate the Carey stuff. I enjoyed how they expressed their love for each other and the errors they've made in terms of fatherhood. Didn't care for the "Carey's are the Light" discussion moments.

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My Favorite scenes are with the Chandler men: Adam, JR, and Little A.!

Adam & JR were really Sweet, and I Love them for acknowledging their mistakes, while the Careys continue to lie and cheat and act like they've done nothing wrong while badmouthing the Chandlers! Whatever!

And I guess Little A. is old enough now to be taught to lie by his Mommy! And they say the Chandlers are a "bad influence" to Little A.! :rolleyes:

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I loved the Zach and Zoe scenes. Loved how they related to each other...how they apologized and just basically had compassion towards each other...also loved the hug at the end. Would love to see more of ZaZo. LOL :)

Minus the RyanISLove crapola coming out of Erica's mouth, loved the Kane gals scenes also

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Indecent Proposal Ryan

So now he has not even known Annie for a good solid year but St. Ryan decides to pop the question and nope the question is not "When will I get menopause?" but rather if she will take him to be her husband. Wow they still have barely known each other but Ryan wants to jump right into a Dynamite Kiddo marriage with the Greenlee look-a-like lickity split gosh he is a quicky speedy kind of guy to pull this stunt on her. I can only see the wedding right now folks as Ryan dresses up as Dynamite Kiddo ready to take his beloved princess away from the horrors of Pine Valley and off to Dynamite Kiddo Land ready to sip on apple core and rule the kingdom by giving everyone the power to fart and knock someone out and yes they will rule for what seems like an eternity and who knows they may ask each other who wants to be a millionaire and request for Meredith Viera's help! A lot of possibilities for a Ryan/Annie marriage but give it more time and I am sure she finds out Ryan is an a$$ goblin who thinks 2+2 equals 149 or that "adios" means "my penis is huge"

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Well, I can't believe I'm sayin' this, but I actually didn't get nauseous today when Ryan was on the screen! :huh: He spoke in a normal voice, was reasonably sweet and nice... someone shoot me please! B) I'd love to drag Erica around by the hair a bit... what a total biotch! :D Josh is REALLY starting to grate on me... and I liked him. :blink: The new HW sure does have their work cut out for them!! :lol:

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