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AMC: Tuesday

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Loved erica/adam and kendall/binks/spike/erica at the end today, other than that the show was a bore. So glad this satin slayer crap is over, my finger was getting sores from my finger being on the FF button 85% percent of the show. I can't wait to erica blows josh plan sky high. :lol: Who wants to be that erica will blame Jeff or she will turn to him to get josh back. I guess it depends on who the head writer is. Anybody know if they plan on recasting babe? Because if they are not how the heck is she leaving, jr would die before he lets her take little Adam unless they are leaving together???? I think josh just moved to the number 2 position as the most hated character on amc with first being babe, second now josh, and third ryan. I'm starting to fear for erica's safety when that fetus freak finds out that she was the one that told jr that the tramp babe was alive, he did drug her without any remorse. I think josh is going insane, a fake hospital, saying babes name every other sentence, threatening people left to right, and trying to runaway with a married woman and her child, what a freak.

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Oh, I'm so excited! I get to watch "All My Children" tonight.

For those who don't know, I THOUGHT the hot gay sex scenes on "Passions" would be so hot that and memorable that I should record them on the high quality tape for a keeper; unfortunately, the episode may have been "keep" worthy but I accidentally recorded in LOW quality -- and even due to that mixup I only recorded "Passions" and "Days" since it could only hold two hours! Sucks!

so I missed "AMC" yesterday -- VERY regretful about that. I mean, just HOW did the divine Krystal react when she came to and realized her Babydoll was alive (would LOVE to see YouTube clips, if available ... hint hint!)

Back back to today:

Julia is RUINING Kathy's life by telling her Tad's not her father. Yes, I know, Julia doesn't "know" this, but still, WHAT a witch.

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Yeah, there is rumor that alexa/justin are going to try out hollywood. An also there is a rumor of greenlee returning, with her taking babe's place of being on 24/7. I'll take greens over babe anyday. An you know she will be involved with ryass's storyline.

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That sucks JSF! I know how much you're loving AMC nowadays - I'm surprised you put DAYS and PSNS over it ;)

Anyway, while I try and find some YouTube clips of Krystal's reaction and Reunion with Babe from yesterday, here is a FUN little video to tide you over:

Drunk Opal serenading Krystal and Tad - LOL:

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