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Confirmed Megan Is Out on AMC

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God all this talk of JER and connecting current things on AMC to him is seriously freaking me out! McTavish is bad but JER would be 10 times worse.

I hope you are all just reading too much into it.

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Methinks you are exactly the kind of fan Frons is trying to attract, but some of us have been watching for decades and the show just..I mean, it' sad. I dont think it's ever been as bad as it was around last summer. Not even under McTavish 97-99. OMG McTavish will always be the writer who (did not) write off Brooke, killed off Dixie AND reversed Erica's abortion. Maybe newer viewers liked all this razzmatazz but verteran viewers just want out show back: the one that gave is Cindy's AIDS, Tom Giving Brooke the news about Laura's death, Ryan as a likeable and believeable character with Gillian, Erica Kane defeating bears with a single look and all these other wonderful moments. Goodbye McTavish!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Don't worry. Hiring JER for AMC would make zero sense.

Please let the new HW be Jeff Beldner! Please!!!!!!!!!! I see lots of people want it to be Kay Alden. I'm not familiar with her work, but didn't she get fired from Y&R? Not too sure how good she'd be.

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Please. Frons is not oblivious to the fact that JER destroyed Days and just got his other soap cancelled.

I heard that the new HW is chosen and starts next week. Now, JER is committed to Passions until at least June/July so that rules him out. I bet it's Alden. ABC has never hired a "consultant" before that hasn't gone on to become a HW of a soap before.

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Even though you are done with AMC, you must be reveling in her downfall?

I know I am! :lol:

Once upon a time I supported this hack but she cleary through caution to the wind and lost all vision. Frons just took too damn long to realize it :blink:

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See, I'd love it if Kendall and Greenlee's friendship was repared, but also if Ryan's friendship (friendship) with the both of them was fixed too. For a short time between Ryan returning and the beginning of the triangle, I totally loved the dynamics between the three characters.

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I agree completely with this. She should have been fired three years ago. I just don't understand why it took so long for Frons to get rid of her. The show is a complete disaster which I am not sure can be repaired easily. If Frons actually lets the new writer do their job, then maybe it can be done. But I think he and Carruthers take their fare share of the blame for the state AMC is in now.

I have said that I wouldn't watch AMC again until a new HW was hired. Now that one has been, I am not sure that I have enough interest in what is left of the show. It is a complete trainwreck and needs a complete overhaul. I will be interested in reading interviews with the new writer to find out what direction they want to take the show. Maybe it will spark my interest in AMC again.

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I agree. Whoever takes over, they have A LOT of cleaning up to do and it won't be easy at all. I haven't been a regular view of AMC In a while, but I'll be keeping tabs to see what develops. First things first, Frons needs to realize that fundamental issues need to be resolved, i.e. bringing back Brooke.

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If anybody asks, this is what I think.

First of all...


Now... First of all, HELL TO THE NAW about some Amanda L. Beall. I simply can NOT co-sign that tom foolery. She's McTavish's protege and is quite bold when it comes to pushing agendas through her scripts. All we need is for her to get a few ideas into her self-impressed head and then we will be TOLD what to think about her ideas, just like McTavish. Seriously. Be careful what you wish for. Also, she's pro-Babe and pro-Lavery. Her aired scripts and/or breakdowns have been VERY clear about that. I think the show needs someone who has fresh ideas, yet understands the genre and the show's true style. We can't get rid of the Carey Whores and the Fetus and all the other McTavish disasters with someone who was basically her henchwoman during all of this, coming up immediately behind her.

I also feel a little sketchy about Jeff Beldner. He's the current story/script editor and I have to question WHY so much garbage have made it past his edits and went to air?

In a perfect world, my dream world, I would say ABC should hire the creators of thirtysomething and Once and Again, Marshall Herskovitz and Ed Zwick. But I know that wouldn't happen. So next, I'd say Claire Labine, Matt Labine and Eleanor Mancusi -- but also, considering the rumored bad blood between Labine and ABC, I don't see that happening.

I wish AMC could swipe Michele Val Jean, scriptwriter from General Hospital... kind of as poetic justice, since McTavish usurped Val Jean as head writer of GH back in 2001. It would be fitting that Val Jean would replace her at AMC. Again, I don't think it will happen. MVJ's been pretty loyal to GH and Guza for the last ten years. She quit once McTavish went to GH as head writer, effective demoting MVJ. And then once Guza came back in 2002, it was announced MVJ was coming back as script writer. So, that's another writer on my "Not Very Likely" wish list.

Bottom line, I just want someone to come to my show who can write true to AMC's history and concept, which is responsible storytelling of social issues, realistic storylines that are truthful to the human condition, ensemble storytelling, and, of course CHARACTER DRIVEN STORYLINE!

I'm tired of haywire sensationalistic crap, character propping and character assassination, revisionist history, and overused plot devices and contrivances.

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I'm not worrying about JHC, not like she has much influence on what's going on behind the scenes. It's obvious Frons is the only one making decisions and JHC is just the middle-man who works out his plans. In fact, Jill Hitler Phelps is probably the only EP on ABCD with some influence.

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I'd love Claire on AMC, in fact, I think she's perfect for the show. She knows how to do character-driven and socially relevant storylines, which AMC used to be known for. However, Claire's last head-writing stints on OLTL and GL weren't very good, but maybe that had too much to do with network interference.

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