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Confirmed Megan Is Out on AMC

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I think that was true in the early and late '90s, but I FIRMLY believe JER gives into money now.

"Passions" viewers know there's a character named Judge Reilly on that show. He's a crooked judge who accepts bribes. JER has made it a point, on several occasions, to say, specifically, that Judge Reilly can be bought. He can sell out. I firmly believe he was trying to send a message to viewers that "Days" or NBC paid him to rewrite the controversial "Days" serial killer storyline so they'd all be alive, and that he just bowed to the money and allowed his first vision to be compromised.

So, if ABC offers JER the right deal, I could see him bending. That's what he's become.

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McT has a proven track record with ratings. Save her early 90's stint with FMB (when AMC almost consistently ranked #2), she pulls a stunt, ratings go up for a week or so, the stunt is over, and she has nothing but boring filler in between. That’s what happened during her last two stints with the show. She brought AMC down to a 2.4 not too long ago. The woman is not good. We need someone with a clear vision for the long-term. We need someone that doesn't prop their pets. We need someone with some creativity. JHC needs to go, too.

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The ratings are up because she pulled a gimmick out her ass just like she always does. She writes (wrote, Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee) plot point to plot point, with no thought to the fall out. Ratings will more then likely plummet after this week, it's her pattern. We're tired of her breaking AMC's foundation down one rewrite at time. She got what she deserved. I'm not sad. I'm not sorry. It should have happened last year. I hope the door hits as they're throwing her out it. Good riddance!

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Oh, ouch! I don't know if I'd go THAT far, as to what you're alluding, ( :o :o :o ), but I think JER is an under-the-table kinda guy (money-wise). He said as much about his television alter-ego, Judge Reilly. I just know he was trying to send a message to his fans, that now, he can be bought -- just like Corday or NBC, or whoever, paid him off to rewrite the Salem serial killer story -- and make "Days" traditional again. You KNOW he didn't want to go there, especially since he was brought on to do the OPPOSITE!

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LIKE McTavish?! I LOVE McTavish!

HER "AMC" is what finally got me HOOKED on this show.

She brought on the best mother-daughter soap duo EVER in Babe and Krystal.

She created the AMAZING character of Zoe/Zarf, the incredible and controversial potential romantic pairing of BARF (:wub:) and she wrote this suspenseful and INTELLIGENT (and actually sensical) Satin Slayer umbrella story.

And once again, JR is the best bad-ass in daytime, Aiden is painfully HOT, as is Josh and, to a lesser extent, Del.

Then there's the "next big" couple, Annyan. :wub:

Let's not forget that PHENOMENAL Dixie is dead episode. Sad twist, but that was the best hour of daytime television, surely the saddest as well, in at least a year.

This soap is the best written, acted and produced of all on daytime, in my opinion. What is NOT to love?! :huh: :huh: :huh:

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Eh, would depend how something like this was done. POD Erica would just whine and shreek at him the whole time. If it were the REAL Erica Kane, it would good drama. I'd rather her divorce her husband, tell her family to kiss off, get Enchantment back, find some stud boy toy , and start rebulind her life. Heck if I had my way, she'd charter a plane and be on top of David, I mean, visiting David, before any of use knew what hit her. ;)

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