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Confirmed Megan Is Out on AMC

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Adding in the times she was hired and fired for OLTL and GH, that makes a grand total of FIVE times she's been fired by ABC within the past 12 years. (We won't even discuss how unceremoniously she was let go after hatcheting up GL...that's SIX times.)

The second and third hirings at AMC were inexcusable. Unlike many, I HATED that Babe/Bianca/JR babyswitch plot, which could possibly have been the single most destructive story I've seen on AMC. As a plot it was at least paced well and superficially entertaining, but every major player in that plot came out deeply diminished, if not completely obliterated, as a character. Just another example of McTavish's trademark nihilism.

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You know, I'd actually love to read a book about all the real-life scandals behind soap operas -- particularly this Megan McTavish thing. I mean, you KNOW it's juicy when it involves a head writer of a soap, because they have the imagination to make their characters get what they want through blackmail, extortion and other devios plots. Just IMAGINE how devious this whackjobs are in real life! I'm VERY intrigued.

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Oh goodness Kylie lets not get ahead of ourselves!

But you are right, I can see her coming in to "save" AMC one more time.

But lets not jump ahead. Sure, we had a revolving door of writers in between 1999 and 2003. The only one that really was worthwhile was Richard Culiton, but even he had his faults.

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Well, I hope we have awhile before AMC is canned, but yeah, I don't think we're free of her forever. LOL You know that sad thing? MMT gave me David and Erica, twice. She had a gift for writing them, and she kept it alive right up until their final scenes. I should thank her, but I hate her. LOL

We might play musical chairs with HW's for awhile, but I think it'll be okay. :) A little new vision is just what AMC needs. :)

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The fact that ABC is making all these changes tells me one of two things.

1. They are still very interested in keeping their daytime line up alive

2. One last ditch effort to raise the ratings and then they will bail.

I am hoping its the top one. The ABC shows still continue to be proftiable for the network. It helps when they own the shows. I seriously do think ABC will be the last to leave their shows behind. I hope anyway.

I think AMC will benefit greatly from a new vision, Frons or no Frons.

Frons can only take so much of the blame. Megan is what was dictating the overall storyline. Now that she is gone I am confident we will see a positive change.

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