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AMC: Thursday

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I haven't watched my tape yet for today’s show. I know that Babe's death is a fake and some people are wise to it. But would Babe really do that to her mother? KWAK doesn't know, does she? There's no secret I dislike KWAK, but I think it's outrageous that Babe would make her mom think she's dead when she's really not just to catch a killer. At the same time, though, I’m happy that KWAK thinks Babe is dead because now she knows what Bianca felt like over Miranda when KWAK was feeding Babe’s desire to keep the baby.

It just doesn’t make any sense from a character standpoint. Babe would never do that to her mom.

Or was she given a drug - unknown to her - to make her appear dead?

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Oh Kylie what could have been :(

A David/Erica affair. I am repulsed by Erica and Jeff. Not just for happy fetus family stuff, but they just have barely any chemistry and it just seems so forced. Susan Lucci looks like she is not into it at all. I wish she would speak out.... but Susan is nothing at all like her character. Jack and Erica did become boring, but this in no way makes them more interesting. But on the other hand Frons could look at Jeff/Erica not being popular as a way to say fans truly do not want vets in romantic storylines.

Its a catch 22.... always is with Frons. He'll twist it into something its not.

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Amcfan, I don't know about that, susan was bragging about her love scene with jeff on Rachael Ray. So susan might want j/e but she's not against jeff/erica, plus she seems to like John/jeff, they did work together before as husband and wife. I don't mind erica/jeff, I can't stand erica with jack so todays episode didn't bother me at all. I do wish it was david, but as long as she's not with jack I'm good.

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Kiss the Girls Ryan

Awwww how cute so right before she packs up her bags to travel on over to Weirdwind Ryan just plants a kiss on her but thankfully no more love scenes or else poor Annie might be stuck with some germs and more than likely the I Smell Virus so she skated by that time but next time ooh she may not be so lucky. So anyways why is she moving out? One would think if you are in love with a man that you would stick close to him and not be further away. Well Annie is more than likely finding out that Ryan carries a lot of dead weight and perhaps that can translate into really happening where he finally dies and then he can jump off the Golden Gate Bridge yelling out "Eureka!" and then everything goes flat as a pancake (speaking of which, shouldn't he have eaten some), including his precious little tally whacker but it's not like it will go to good use anyways since he got fixed and neutered so no poor little baby ever has to put up with his bug eyes and what not.

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I still hope that when all of this is said and done with J&E and Jeff and Erica, that Erica takes a trip to Indonesia to "find herself", of course that would be finding herself in David's bed. ;)

ITA with all you said. There is so much wrong with Jeff and Erica. So very much. :(

Susan is to classy to say word. She'll suck it up, and do as she's told. I love her for it. But I hate it for Erica.

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She must have clout. I’d say something! If AMC gets any lower, she’ll lose that 1.3 mil when they show is cancelled.

Eh, not like it really matters, though. That Youthful Essence thing has made her millions alone.

It's just sad for AMC. I admit there are some good scenes and episodes, but there's no consistency. The overall stories are not written well. A little spike in the ratings from a stunt won’t last.

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Loved today's show... was totally rootin' Krystal on!! KaneFan, JR is not evil for wanting to rid himself of an unfaithful wife, he was evil to wish to remove his son's mother from his son's life and he was more evil to care so little about the outcome of Krytal's baby's real paternity that he had no concern for the fallout for all concerned, but only to torture Babe and use this as leverage. Babe cheated on him, but he did try to kill her too, so let's not forget who JR is... He is Adam Chandler Jr. Carbon copy of the man who gaslighted Dixie to take him away from HIS mother. ;)

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I wouldn't play the mother a walking fetus for any amount of money in the world. Thanks but no thanks. As for the Jeff and Jackass triangle, I could do that for 1.3 mil. I'd just close my eyes and pretend they were both David (which is probably what she does anyway. ;)). LMAO

I respect Susan for just going with it, and doing as the script says. But like I said, I hate it for Erica. Because that script is making Erica sink deeper and deeper into pod'um everyday. :angry:

And why Jeff? Damn. It's not her cheating that bothers me. I'm quite happy she tanked this marriage too (marriage doesn't suit her), but for Jeff Martin? Gags. Why not have given her the new face of New Beginnings or something? Some stud of the day. Jeff Martin...blech. HTought I might have to see clips, I have a morbid curiousity. LMAO

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