Members Kylie Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 See thing is, Josh was never supposed to be anything more then a plot point to MMT. She didn't think past her "genius" fetus reveal. So this Babe crap, is what she does with him. Colin can't do depth anyway, so I guess it's good. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Skin Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Colin can't do depth anyway I disagree. I think he proved during the Greg Madden storyline that he gave Josh depth. I think if they used the fall out from that story it would have branched Josh out more. Colin is a good actor for the most part IMO. I don't think he is bad in the slightest. I think most of it just comes down to the montonious writing along with the angry angry Josh they right all the time. Angry 24/7 does no good for any character or any actor. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members R Sinclair Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 But then, it could be argued that a good actor that can do depth will know how to make choices to change up the monotony. Even when Josh is supposedly caring about Babe or those lesser women... his sisters... he still seems to be snarling, angry, bitter about it. Instead of saying a line like "Babe, I just don't want you to get hurt", for example, with any tenderness or softness... he will just say it angrily as if he's chastising Babe for doing something he disapproves of. He hasn't played this Bosh storyline with any compassion and romance. He's just been screaming and snippy and bitter, which gives me the impression that he's just obsessed with her -- and angry that he can't get what he wants. Not that he's deeply, truly in love with her. Sheesh. Even when MEK was given that awful dialog for months during his persecution of Dixie and Zach, he still played it to make me say, "There's GOT to be something else to this..." With Colin, Josh is pretty much... shallow. I know what he wants -- Babe. I know why he's angry -- He can't have her. But do I see WHY he loves her? Do I see his eyes light up when she walks into the room? Do I hear him speak to her lovingly and tenderly like a person would do if he wanted the woman he loved to feel safe with him, rather than the other yelling overacting freak she's married to? That's why I believe that Colin can't do depth. He doesn't know how to make choices and change it up. Colin seems like he just says "Hmmm... Josh is angry and mad... so everything he says has to be angry and bitter and mad!" There's no vulnerability in Josh. Even when he was allegedly emotional over Josh Madden -- ANGER! I'm bored with it already. Sheesh, even Jacob One Note Young knows how to rent another note and play that vulnerable, hurt little boy when things get too tough for JR. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members jenna14 Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Thank you for posting that. I think Josh is being written horribly but you know what this is Megan McTavish AMC and everyone is being written horribly. Tad tortured a man to death for petes sake but the good actors bring something to the story that can somehow make the writing palatable. CE has failed tremendously at that because he has shown no depth, no humanity, no compassion just anger. He reminds me of Cameron Mathison especially during the I am that Monster storyline, I've noticed he's even whisper shouting and pointing his finger like Cameron does. Josh "kidnapping" Babe while she was at that party scared that a serial killer would get to her was a move he must have learned from the Ryan Lavery handbook Him snarking with Kendall should be good because AM is very good with the snark but CE just makes Josh so mean spirited so there is no balance as to to how snark should be delivered the right way. The right way being the way Greenlee and Kendall used to do it it back in the day. He's too green for what they threw at him and he's drowning in the mess they have given him. When he walks into those multiple actor scenes and starts screaming and you see the faces of the other actors I cringe for CE. He's been given an awful lot of airtime with Babe, Bianca and Kendall and I don't buy that he cares for either Kendall or Bianca and I don't buy that he's in love with Babe. It's just too shallow for me to buy "their love". ETA: I didn't love BE today. I've seen her do so much better on B&B. Run Bobbie, this show is destroying your acting skills. I thought her best moment was yesterday at the end. Today was too much and I didn't like it. AM was really good with thr Spike handoff but I thought everyone at the hospital other than BE was phoning it in. The actors just were not feeling the material IMO. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Please, the man is GRIEVING!! Geez! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Ooh, thanks for mentioning that! They used the same music they used for Dixie on "the" episode. I have to say, BEST. SOAP MUSIC. EVER!!! Well, in recent memory! I'm in LOVE with that track!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Don't EVEN GET ME STARTED on Del. I thought I'd be SICK when he turned on that music so Amanda could cry at the mansion. (I will NOT say that name, guys, SORRY!!) It was obvious he just did it to cue a montage. That was so pathetic! In real life, no one -- except for maybe a mentally unstable person -- would turn music on at THAT time. It was too much for me to suspend disbelief. Sorry, Frons, McTavish and Currutehrs (sp?)...on that front, you FAILED. MISERABLY. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 One would think and HOPE, wouldn't they? But they'd be wrong. That SICK PUPPY signed off on Babe's death -- which I am, of course, LIVID about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Please, Colin has the BEST posture of any male in daytime. And a body to die for. That is SO NOT true. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Yes, Drew. They did. I'm shocked as much as you are. Of course, some fans (probably most of which post on SON) will rejoice, but a LOT of fans love Babe and can't get enough of this chick. I'm one of them. And althogh I'm holding onto a hope in the back of my mind that somehow, some way, Babe is alive. Maybe it's all a setup...this isn't "Days." AMC is "traditional" in the sense that people don't get raised from the dead every other episode. But don't worry. Just like my "Peacocks SUCK!" campaign, I have something planned for my signature line to say EXACTLY how I feel about this dumb move by another network. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Oh, please! You're just giving false hope to Babe fans out there -- which there are MANY, I'm sure. We saw her dead. The doctor confirmed it. Granted, I would hope it's an evil twin or a double or a wax figure a la "Passions" when they faked Thersa's death...but that's really HER. And I am SICKENED to see it! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 I'm considering that option, so yes, you'd be right. Some us are thinking it. I have no statistics, but I'd go out on a limb and speculate that Babe is HUGELY popular. Up there just below Erica. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Pine Charles Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Why won't you say the name? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members JER Soaps Fan Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 I think I mentioned this in a different AMC thread before. I think it's pretentious enough to the point of annoying that they always refer to "that house" as the "W" name. Yes, I know that's the name. But it's just SO pretentious. It's like it you or I named our house and expected EVERYBODY to call it that name. Hey, Pine Charles, are you coming to Four Clovers today? Naturally, you'd think that was a restaurant. Sadly, it isn't. It's the name of my house! See what I mean?! And then, imagine EVERY day having to hear that name, over and over again. Oh, it makes me so SICK!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Members Pine Charles Posted February 14, 2007 Members Share Posted February 14, 2007 Many old mansions have names. Ever heard of Tara from Gone With the Wind? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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