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AMC: Wednesday

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Wow - I wasn't expecting a Bianca/Maggie kiss! I'm impressed, but I have a feeling this is a 'goodbye' Maggie episode :(

I love snarky Erica the MOST! And I'm loving these Annie/Erica scenes.

Haha - I loved it when JR walked in on a shirtless Josh and Zoe walks out in her robe....JR's expression was priceless "Oh you sick freak" to Josh, as if Josh slept with Zoe last night. LOL

Ahhh, Babe is gonna get it! Watch out girlfriend!

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Whoa - Bianca just admitted that she slept with Leslie on NYE. I wish we could have seen a few of those scenes.

The Bianca/Maggie scenes were so sad and both Eden and Liz did an amazing job. I love that there is still a little hope for those two, as Maggie is leaving, yet still fighting for Bianca's love. So sad.

I can't get over how much I loved those Annie/Erica scenes. Annie totally won me over after she was able to keep up with Erica and give it back to her just as good. I loved Erica calling her a little twit though after she took Spike.

JR is right - Zoe is a man who wants to be a girl who STILL dresses like a guy. I understand that she isn't out to everyone, but I want to see Zoe actually look like a woman again - one week wasn't enough to be believable. It's time for the real Zoe to come back out again.

Raymond is such a nice guy - he could have made a great love interest for Brooke or even Opal. Lost opportunities :(

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I didn't like Maggie and Bianca the first time around. I liked Lena and Bianca more. I actually like "BAM" now, they have a nice tension and there's a certain maturity there. Too bad the show wants to put Binks with a man (yeah, don't bother correcting me). And to quote SOW's Peanut Gallery:

MAYBE SHE SHOULD KIDNAP HER DAUGHTER AMC's Bianca forgave Babe, but she wasn't able to forgive Maggie?!

No matter who I think is wrong or right in that conversation, I liked Erica taking Spike from Annie. I just don't think what Ryan did with Spike/Kendall (telling her she can't even see him from months ago) is anymore justified than anything Kendall did in keeping the truith about Emma/Ryan.

P.S. It's not Erica's fault she doesn't seem to be concerned about the SK, that probably has something to do with paychecks and bad decision process on where SL's limited time as Erica should go.

JR's Zoe/Josh snark. Heh. I can't help it. LOL at Babe/Kendall's snark also. Oh Babe, so now your relationship woes are Kendall's fault? Okay JR's fault, Josh's fault, Kendall's fault, etc... Babe's fault? Not so much. Sigh. Oh no, hugging again! Stop hugging Bendall. Erica's head is going to explode, lol.

Aw, Little Adam is so stinken cute. Is that a new Little Adam or did he have a growth spurt?

I'm typing as I watch, and I started typing 20 minutes ago.

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Wow - creepy ending - I loved it! Posing as a bag(man or lady?). Unless they are wearing some major disguise on the face, Babe didn't recognize him, so I'm guessing the killer might end up being a random person associated with Zach :(

AMC by far as the most adorable kids! I loved when Annie was trying to explain the whole Ryan thing to Emma and was having a hard time and Emma just threw her arms up and said "Oh I don't care, why don't we live happily ever after!" :) And then Little A eating his cookies - just adorable little kids!

I loved how Erica just stormed her way around Pine Valley today - it must be her time of the month! ;)

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Damn, I love Erica in scenes with her kids (even if she has to prop the great King Ryan, sigh)...cause she's such a doesn't-realize-it "bad/misguided" mother and that's good soap - makes me miss the "bad" Erica/Kendall days a little, sigh.

Take your baby, Kendall! [Now I do think Kendall should give the baby back after the Babe thing *spoiler* but Ryan's you can't see you kid until you're safe or dead thing that started a long time ago - so wrong!] For the first time eva that Emma annoyed me [and that's difficult becuase she's EXTREMELY cute], I was all "shut up kid" during the preview.

I think Ryan/Tad have a plan to catch the killer thus the very anti-Zach convo in preview ;)

The ending was good, it would have been better if I could actually get myself to worry about Babe being killed (I think it's more likely they'd kill Erica, sadly).

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Erica and JR exhaust me. They really do. They infuriate me. After today's episode I'm just tired from watching them. Erica and her Annie conversation bothered the heck out of me. Erica is too much and not in a good way. While I didn't like the way she treated Annie I did understand her. How that happened I have no clue. Then we got to see Erica/Kendell. Erica always makes me feel sorry for Kendell. If I had to deal with a mother like that I would throw myself down the stairs?

Loved Babe's line don't scream at me i'm leaving lol.

JR is getting on my neveres with his comments about Transgendered/Gay people. More over he barges into Josh's home and then has the nerve to spew insults.

I liked Kendell/Babe today. I understood where they were both coming from. Babe and Kendell both feel they are losing there children. So they identified with one another. I think Alicia and Alexa have quite a bit of chemistry when they aren't biting eachother's heads off. I always got the feeling Babe wanted to be Kendell's friend. Something she never really has a chance at.

Zoe and Babe warm my heart. It's touching stuff that reminds me of Old AMC. Friendships. Something that's been lost for a while now. The last scene of today broke my heart. Babe wants to help the homeless man. I can't help but think that's just soo sweet. lol.

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I loved Erica telling Annie off. She and Ryan are no better than kidnappers! La Kane also gets points for trying to get through to Kendall.

I'm glad Bianca got her head out of Babe's crotch long enough to verbalize how JR might be feeling over having a skank for a wife.

Zarf needs to tone down on the babe is love crap too.

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