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GH's 24...

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Sam is starting to gain a little place in my heart. ;) She really is. I really want her to be happy. I just don't think Jason is the one to do it, she loses her independence. The reason I have disliked her is because I always feel like she could be so much more. I have also been loving her and Elizabeth's cooperation with one another, especially the silent "take the knife" moment.

Lulu? She hasn't shut up yet, made stupid moves and I am so tired of her screeching. Its like she's taken lessons from the Laura Wright school of acting. I like Laura, but she overdoes it alot of times. Carly's been delightfully subdued lately though and seems to have much more compassion sense the crisis, which I always suspected she had.

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:lol: Natalia

Minus the Alan and Q's vs Lorenzo stuff, Spinelli (who is a waste but funny nonetheless), Maxie/3 (God help me but Maxie has been tolerable the past few episodes), and the Luke/Lucky moments it has been lame. I hope things get better because this has been painfully dragged. I know they need to play out all the hours and stuff but can't they find more interesting things to do with the characters then have a few moved here and there and be threatened daily.

I give them credit for doing this but the majority of it has been draggy and going around in circles alot. I am anxious for the big climax.

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