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Dallas: The Series


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^^^Okay, what gives why hasn't donna been on any covers???? She's been on Dallas since season 2(although she was only in like 2 eps.), it was bad enough that Afton was on the cover in season 6, and she didn't even play a big role in that season. I'm happy clayton is on the season 7 cover, although he and dusty should of been on the cover of season 5.

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I thought susan quit because she hated the dream season, which ruined her Down Syndrome storyline and they also wanted her to have an affair with another Ewing, I'm guessing Bobby because there's no way Donna would of let JR touch her. REgardless the show treated the actresses on there like crap, Victoria/pam left because she was tired of playing the good wife and mother and they wouldn't write her any different; Linda/Sue Ellen left because she was tired of having affairs/being a drunk, theres also a rumor that she was fired because she wanted to direct like larry/patrick and they got sick of her asking; Ms. Ellie left for one season because she was sick, but there is also speculation that she left because of contract negoitiations. I also found out that Victoria would have been in the last episode if that was indeed the last episode of Dallas, there was talk about the show being picked up again, they couldn't gurantee if that was the last episode so she didn't return.

Here's the info I got on Susan Howard's Imdb,"The role of Donna Culver Krebbs came Susan's way in 1978, as a one-time guest shot. The producers were so pleased with her performance they enlarged the part and asked her to stay. She remained until 1988, when the script for the new season called for Donna to begin an affair with one of the other characters. She refused the change and left the show."

I was wrong about the linda firing part, they threaten to fire her in season 8 not season 11,"Was fired during the 8th season of "Dallas" (1978) after she asked producers to let her direct a few episodes of the series. Her job was spared when Larry Hagman threatened to walk out in protest." Thats about the dumbest thing I've ever heard, they really were going to get rid of sue ellen just for that, what stupidity.

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Yeah whatever or however it was, Susan Howard really had some bones to pick with Leonard!! I love how Larry stood up for Linda...but either way, Susan Howard as Donna needs to be on a box, ASAP! And I swear to the Gods in Heaven, if they even so much as put Donna Reed on the box of her season (which is not this one I don't think but the next) I will be PISSED!

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I don't think they will put donna reed on the box, considering that she sued them when they fired her to get Barbara/Original Miss Ellie back, and she won. But I'm gonna LMAO if they do. I hated the way the cast and crew treated her, she wasn't responsible for barbara not being there.

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If you go to http://www.ultimatedallas.com/dallasinterviews/susan.htm you can read Susan's side of why she left Dallas. What I want to know is why did they ruin Pam's character? I just saw today's SoapNet repeat where Cliff sees "Pam" and she tells him she doesn't want to see him again and after he leave she admits that she has a few months to live. That sucked! Was Victoria Principal approached to do a small return? Plus they had that Jeanne/Pam look-a-like in 1989. Seriously that was such a wonderful character.

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Well, from this book I red, she had right to. She was fired, and found out when she was on vacation in Europe. While looking at television. Susan said that, even though it was evry, very cold how they did her, she knew that it was Hollywood, and stories happened like that all the time. Larry truly liked her, but felt that even though she was a great actress, Miss Ellie was not her role, and was happy to have BBG back.

The other stuff, from what I gathered, was stuff that got started in the rags and then got picked up by other media outlets and mags.

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I agree. Callie was one of the characters that absolutely ruined DALLAS IMHO and caused its downfall.

I actually like Sasha's character and J. Eddie Peck as well.

I do to. They need to do it. Larry Hagman's in his 70's now as is Ken Kercheval, so it definitley needs to be done. Done right, a Dallas sequel would be great.

I think DALLAS made a huge mistake in killing off Kristen, the wonderful Mary Crosby should've been utilized more IMHO. She was the real future of DALLAS. She should of ended up with JR instead of that horrible Callie.

I agree that I loved Priscilla Presley as Jenna, but liked her a helluva lot better with Bobby than with Ray, they were mostly boring, agreed.

I loved Sheree J. Wilson as April Stevens. Killing her off in the final season was another HUGE mistake by DALLAS.

I love Susan Lucci but didn't like her on DALLAS. Same goes for Barbara Eden for the most part.

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