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Dallas: The Series


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I still can't believe they ruined a perfectly good season so patrick Duffy could return. That happens to be the only season that jr did not cheat on sue ellen, and they had a really healthy relationship too. So in a way the dream season for them was a dream. :lol: Donna and ray were going to have a child or did they adopt a child that had mental deficieny? Anyway, thats the main reason the actress that played Donna left, plus it was rumored that they were trying to have the character have an affair with someone else.

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I also thought the dream season was pretty goo writing-wise: loved the Ray/Donna story which indeed involved some kind of deficency plot (My memory says that Donna was pregnant and convinced Ray on having the child). Yet in the five or so last episodes of the season everything was turned upside down and it was a riot: totally bizarre events without an end...

...well until the end of course when Bobby walked out of the shower. :lol: Wasn't too impressed by the next season but when Pam got killed/disfigured (and Vickie Principal left) the following season was amazing.

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The dream season gets praise, but not the later years?! I think people instantly are ready to dislike the later years because of the cast exits. Some of those new characters were good, but don't get a fair shake compared to the early ones. Carter McKay, Michelle, April, Tracy, Cally and smaller characters like Rose, LeeAnn (Barbara Eden) and Susan Lucci were great.

BTW, the dream year Dallas and Knots Landing switched headwriters. Both were largely unsuccessful with Knots becoming more masculine, Dallas more feminine. I actually liked both. I think the dream season finale is one of the all-time best, minus Bobby. I also hate that they killed off Jamie (twice lol).

Am I the only one who thought Jamie was fabulous? She and Jack should've been further developed so we could have more Ewing's at the end. Cliff and Jamie fighting in season nine was awesome! Lesley Anne Down's character was good too, but totally wasted. Great chemistry with JR and Cliff then goodbye.

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Jamie Ewing was awful, I'm glad they killed her off twice. I didn't like the later years because the writing was dreadful, plots even worse, and I couldn't stand majority of the newer characters. If they had had decent characters I would of loved the show without Linda Gray, Victoria Principal,etc. The only new character that fit to me was Michelle, the others were horrid. I loved Barbara Eden and Susan Lucci as guest stars, they were the only reason I got through that dreadful last season.

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The season after the "Dream" which is airing on SoapNet at the moment was just beautiful, filming wise. And oh my did Susan Howard look so beautiful!!!! I like the season after the dream...except for Pamela's death, I think it was this season!

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I just receieved season 6, and I don't think sue ellen's hair is that bad, I remember it looking alot worse. I love pam's hair and the hair color. Afton has waaaaaaaaayyyy too much make-up on, she looks like a clown, hopefully it tones down as the season progresses. An jr hit his lowest point with Ms. Ellie, threatening to leave southfork with sue elle/John ross, just because she voted for him to be out of Ewing Oil and he hit his lowest point with bobbyh blackmailing him for his votes in exchange he would keep the fact he was christophers father(when he really wasn't) a secret. I glad both of them voted against jr, he's is such a slimeball, but he's my fave. :lol:

I loved Priscilla Presley as Jenna, but I hated it when they put her with ray.Talk about yawnsville.

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I can't believe JR tried to launch a terrorist attack in Saudia Arabia. :lol: I guess I shouldn't laugh at that in light of what's happened in the last 5 years, but it's just so over the top. I bet that storyline would never be allowed these days.

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