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ATWT: What is this I hear about Emily becoming a....

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That article actually said that Tom and Emily were once married? :blink: Wow! These people need a serious history lesson, considering that Tom and Margo have been married for over 20 years!!

I understand KMH's enthusiasm since Emily was on the backburner for years while Hogan was in control, but seriously...enough w/ these awful Emily storylines.

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Actually, I really enjoyed the baby switch & Carly's backstory with Iris. Then again, Hogan was probably the one who came up with that story- JPiss more than likely just followed the outline.

In any event, it really bothers me what they've done to Emily. I used to like her, even root for her. But in the past year & a half, ATWT has succeeded in making me hate her completely. But this? This hooker storyline? TRASH. Emily may be a lot of things, but Sydney Andrews she is not.

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I swear Jean P has been watching too much bad television to come up with some of the storylines that she comes up with.

So Emily is willing to sell her goodies for a price? And let me guess......Dusty will come to her rescue to save her from a big bad 'john' who decides to beat on her, which will just set up for a love story between the two of them....UGH.

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I guess I like Lily's because it's somewhat realistic.

Casey's story was a good thought but the set up was really terrible. But I like most of the characters and like seeing more of Tom and Margo. What I hate is nunuAdam, who is just plain evil. I could accept Adam has changed a bit over the years, but this guy acts like he hates Will's guts. There's just no realistic motivation there.

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Oh I agree about Casey's story. The set up was horrible. But I am liking it better now. I also dont understand all the hostility between Adam and Will. I hate it...

As for Lily, I just find her story boring. Maybe it will pick up soon.

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Right now the storylines I am liking are Lily's and Casey's that is about it, I think Adam's storyline is about to start picking up as well, from a spoiler I just read for the week of Feb 5th Margo finds out something about Adam and it is not good, I don't know if this has to do with what he is doing to Will and Gwen or something about his past, but it might be interesting, maybe they will finally tell us why Adam is so evil now.

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Yeah, Casey's story is saved by the characters involved. But Lily? That is a disaster, IMO. First of all, why load Lily with another daughter when she JUST had Jade? Why not develop that relationship? Pretty soon Carly and Lily will be with Barbara with no lives outside of their kids. My problem with Lily's weight problem is how hateful and shallow both she and Faith come off. Lily almost died (as did her baby) and all she can be concerned about is a few extra pounds? Plus Martha Byrne looks exactly the same to me so it;s hard to believe.

If they wanted to give Martha Byrne something to do, it should've been Post-Partem Depression. She'd rock the hell out of that and it would be much more believable for what happened to her. Plus they could tie Luke's sexuality into and say she still has problems. Maybe he could find a love interest and she realizes she isn't has okay with it as she thought.

Thats another reason not to bring on Faith! They STILL haven't finished Luke's (or Jade's) story.

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huh :blink:

I was thinking this was a joke, holy [!@#$%^&*] are they actually going to have Emilunatic become a hooker I do not know if I should laugh or cry at the state ATWT has become.

I think I will go with laughter, much better for my mood :lol:

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