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AMC: Friday

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Does anyone remember when Cameron started his current (and annoying....and bad) method of acting where he has this slow deliberate way of talking like whoever he is talking to is an idiot who can only absorb 1 word every 5 seconds?

I know he didn't always do this. Is he trying to be like Maurice Benard and Steve Burton or something?

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Cameron blew me away during the Gillain death storyline. He could make me feel absolutely everything Ryan felt. I was absolutely moved. He hasn't done tha once, since Gillian died. Hence the reason why I say, Ryan Lavery died with Gillian. Ryan died in that ER room with Gillian, it's as simple as that. I don't think Cam has felt a storyline, truly felt it, since then.

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I was disgusted with Babe persuading Dixie to try the pancakes. As much as I've hated Babe in the past, it's doubled now that she's indirectly responsible for Dixie's death.

I can't watch this show after they kill Dixie off until JHC, McT, and Frons are all fired. :angry:

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Dr. No Ryan

So he has tried out every single job in Pine Valley but now he is going for the most honorable one-yes a doctor! What kind of doctor do you ask? A psychiatrist! He claims to think that schizophrenia symptoms include peeing on a sidewalk, seeing visions of George Bush have a brain, talking to a mountain lion with three butt cheeks, and finally that a schizophrenic qualifies to be one by playing Blackjack and hitting on a 21. Well to me that sounds like someone who is just plain weird but since doctor knows best we shall never trust the judgment of St. Ryan! And then when he diagnoses someone with clinical depression his belief is the person happen to be very excited and happy in life along with having Dynamite Kiddo sex every single night for free as well as vacationing all over Europe as part of the honeymoon package...yep someone with clinical depression displays that kind of lifestyle! But now there is a new diagnosis in town known as Dickface Disorder with symptoms including interrupting private sessions between Zach/Kendall, thinking you are God and possessing that god complex, wearing a tutu that gives John Bobbett a boner (didn't they sew his wee wee back on?), and having a one digit IQ. Oh wait that is Ryan! Who would have thunk, eh? Guess he can now diagnose himself but let's not forget he also thinks that Prozac is used for an earache and Detrol LA is for heart problems...not a doctor I prefer to visit that is what I tell ya!

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I thought that it was a great show today. I hated Dixie for the entire year last year and in this final episode, I was finally warming up to her. That being said, I'm glad that it was her who ate the pancakes and not Babe. I'll miss her, but not enough to be like "NO!!! All My Children will never be the same!!"

Countdown to Janet's Return: 10 Episodes!

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