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AMC: Friday

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I'm grateful for only one thing in this impending nightmare, and that's that Dix's last pain-free words on this earth, while she was just starting to feel positive about her life, were good ones about David, and she was able to comfort her DIL about her father. Dix will be leaving without anger and bitterness toward anyone, warm, caring and loving, which is how I'll always remember her.

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This is the SLOPPIEST murder ever. The killer picks up some PB at teh supermarket and poisons it. How did he figure it would make its way into the Chandler mansion let alone Babe's mouth? Unless he placed it in Winnie's cart, how would he even know she would be shopping and would pick up that particular jar? Way to random. And why couldnt Babe die from her favorite poisoned pancakes? Why couldnt Krystal have cravings for those pancakes and die instead? While I've hated Dixie since her return, it makes NO sense that they would kill her mid storyline. If she had to go at least wait until AFTER she has reunited with Kate and Tad

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That's the only reason I don't hate her. But it's still such a leap for me to think she'd hurt him, let alone kill him, even when she was that messed up. Trevor and Amanda are like the only two people that Janet lived for, and it just doesn't flow for me. :(

Dixie and poison pancakes, meant for the Piglet....disgusting. I still don't believe it.

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You expected logic from McT?

If I'm not mistaken, the killer poisoned the jar that was in Winnie's cart while Winnie was off looking for something else. But, how did the killer know that Winnie was out of peanut butter? What if she was buying extra because she was planning to use what she already had in stock for the pancakes?

ICAM that both Babe & Krystal should have eaten the pancakes instead. :angry:

Why kill Dixie anyway, given how popular she was with Tad? Is this Carruthers' way of admitting she and McT are too inept to regain that popularity?

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:unsure: Just a thought that's been nagging me about Ryan and I don't remember seeing it in other posts...

Back in the Madden uproar, it was discovered that all the pregnancies under Madden's care were caused by sperm "Donor 1". It was automatically assumed that Greg Madden was referring to himself. But now that we have been given DNA results for Spike and Emma as both Ryan's children, does that mean that all the inseminations performed by Madden were with Ryan sperm instead?

We'll probably find out down the line that all the children on the eastern seaboard under the age of 10 are little Ryans. :blink:

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