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AMC: Friday

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Oh God - Dixie is dying :( I can't believe I'm watching this....I absolutely HATE this decision. I haven't been this upset with an AMC decision since I started watching in 1990. Even Julia Barr's exit didn't affect me this much... :(

God those previews disturb me :(

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I was cringing knowing Dixie was gonna eat those pancakes. And when she started gasping, I just felt so bad. JR begging his mom to wake up in the previews were heartbreaking and Derek telling Tad he was sorry. This is just wrong! Those IIC just don't know what the hell they are doing!

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Nope, they don't, even though they are convinced they do and are brilliant and right. I haven't seen the show yet but it seems like it was two minutes of Dixie with Tad and 10 minutes of Dixie discussing pancakes with Babe. When Dixie returned, they gave her and the fans a year of crap and then when they finally started the story that many wanted to see (some, like me, for 18 years) they pull this. The least, and I mean very least they should have done is had Tad, Dixie and Kate reunite as a family for real and have them be happy for five minutes. This show is too damn depressing. I never thought it would happen but I'm done.

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They're saying we're getting flashbacks before the actual death. Now what I want is a 4 minute song-dialouge montage of mostly Tad/Dixie (and baby JR) - what I'm afraid we'll get is like 3 minutes of Babe/Dixie flashbacks and 1-2 Tad/Dixie flashbacks thrown in.

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Something had to have happened behind the scenes. This just sucks though - It's depressing :(

And I read that there will be a flashback for each character close to Dixie - over at SOD.com, there is an interview with Justin Bruening and he said that there is a Jamie/Dixie flashback.

Whatever - this IS very much like Alice's 'doughnut death' over at DAYS....it is just WEIRD and I hate it :(

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Poison pancakes, the same type which happen to be Babe's favorite, kill Dixie? Yeah, she pissed someone off. And god, she's dying in Babe's place. That's even more wrong. It's going to be all about Babe, " Those were meant for me." " I can't believe someone tried to poision me." " I should have been the one to eat those pancakes." "I'd be dead right now." " I can't believe that someone would poision pancakes that I could have ate, or Little A. This person is sick." Of course, ten minutes into her "me, me, me" speech, she'd remember that Dixie actually died, and we'd get to hear her whine aobut that to.

This is disgusting.

There better be a nice long, T&D, T&D JR/Jamie, Dixie JR, whatever, montage. If not, I've got my pitch fork with Babe's face on it, ready to rumble. :)

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