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ATWT: Monday Jan 15th

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I really think today's ATWT was a very good show, it had lots of drama with Margo and Tom, with Bob included loved all those scenes today along with Katie talking to Margo, totally loved the family interaction(looks like tomorrow will even be better in that respect) I even sort of was ok with the Simon/Carly/Jack/Adolpho/V scenes(thought it really needs to end) Finally I am really beginning to like Emily and Dusty in scenes together, there chemistry is really good. For some reason I am starting to like Craig again, that could be because he has not been on every single day. Also totally loved the Lily/Holden/Faith scenes. Most of all though I really enjoyed the balance today, I think we had at least 4 storylines going today, which is great and much better than the 2 a day we had been getting for a long time now.

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Yes, balance it the key. My favorite part of the show was definetly Margo/Tom/Bob. Even though Katie was there it was obvious they(the writers) were pimping her to Mike. :rolleyes: I just want the Simon/Carly mess to end already. I hate Simon so much. Thursday can't come soon enough for me. I thought the Lily/Holden scenes were nicely done. At least Faith wasn't being a brat today...LOL.

I was waiting for Lisa to appear but she won't be on till tomorrow. I can't wait to see her.

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The only parts that I liked were the Lily/Holden/Faith things and the Tom/Margo/Katie/Bob things. It reminds me of an episode of AMC from last week - had they edited out everything except scenes dealing with the above, it would have been a perfect show for me.

Can't wait for tomorrow with Lisa and Casey finding out about Tom's heart attack. Lisa looked like she was ready to take someone's head off...

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Someone took him. Emily thinks it is Craig. Craig sold his part of the newspaper to someone else. The new partner tired to get Emily to sell her part of the newspaper. Emily refused and the partner said she would regret not selling to him.

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Technically he is missing but Emily thinks that Craig had him Kidnapped as an act of revenge for what she did to him, so far we really don't know who did it though, it could be this mysterious guy named Tull. But of course in my dreams it will be James, but I am not holding my breath for that one to happen. :(

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I pretty much agree with you there, the scenes were ok, to me but I am totally get sick of them and what it to end. I am really trying to figure out how they are going to redeam Carly after all this mess, she is digging her grave more and more every day. :(

And the picture of JY in soapsuds banner the center one is extremely hot.

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Meh....just a so-so eppy. Actually pretty limp way to start the week off.

Good Lord...hated the magical reappearance of Mature, Compassionate, "This isn't about ME" Katie. Why can't TIIC just let her own her b*tchiness? Twenty seconds of compassion are supposed to excuse the last six hypocritical months? GMAFB...and the worst thing is Mike buys in to it, according to the previews.

And could TIIC just stop making Frasier...Simon Frasier, into a really sad clone of Bond, James Bond...???? I almost expect him to drag Carly into some futuristic lab and introduce her to Q and Moneypenny.

Why do they torture us with Jack being "this close" to helping Carly, but only after Simon's "solved" her freakin' problem (after causing the problem in the first place)? It's sooooo not fair!

Dumily....well, at least this time there's a reason Dusty is in charge of finding Daniel. All the cops Em trusts are busy. :rolleyes:

Sniffle...just caught the new Carjack promo...sniffle...

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