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AMC: Friday

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I thought that Janet stuff was good too, until Trevor. Never in a million years will I believe, anymore then I believe that Greg Madden could, abort, save, implant, and DeSORAS an aborted fetus...that Janet, no matter how crazy, would ever hurt Trevor let alone kill him. Nope.

I always thought that David turning on Bianca was the start of the show jumping the shark.

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I had been back to watching AMC since late 2002, off on, and it was definitely not good in early 2003, but compared to DAYS at that point - I really couldn't complain. By April I stopped watching DAYS almost completely.

The show got really good in May 2003 for me. The Kane women taking down Michael (Erica and Kendall actually working together) - I love when the soaps make the women as proactive as they did there (despite the rape overtones)...even Mia/Edmund (the first woman I liked Edmund with since Brooke/Edmund Round One) were good, Lena/Bianca, Chris's death was pretty good (I still remember the Moby montage). Whoever was handling the show in May, IMO was extremely on the ball - strong, intelligent stuff. And while I loved the next year of stuff as well, the show felt sharpest in May to me (pre-McTavish).

Then in June/July, it was David/Anna really doing their thang (Finola Hughes had such great chemistry with Vincent/Michael/Walt, too bad she didn't like AMC), I still rememeber the Josh Groban montage (yes, I cried). I started liking Kaidan during this time with him always stopping her "unique" murder attempts against Michael.

Then the Michael Cambias murder started as summer ended. I loved it, the whole town really joined together against a common enemy (and for the Kane gals) and while the story did sort of eat the show (which I didn't mind at all) it was about love and despite overbearing Ryan, we had proactive women doing it for themselves, still, in a way, character evolution, relationship evolution. The whole changing dynamics between the Kane women was fascinating - Erica/Kendall's relationship had always been the shizzle for me - whether lovin' or hatin', it was interesting how they twisted stuff around in a different way and made the Kendall/Bianca relationship so dynamic. Their were changing dynamics all over the storyline, there was getting along for the bigger cause, conflicting feelings, reaffirming friendships/relationships. It was good stuff.

Greenlee ripping Kendall's dress in court, an ALL-TIME great court scene (shucks, they don't have the foreplay to it here...I still don't get why Bianca looks so shocked, she knew it was a fake belly! lol): http://youtube.com/watch?v=bRHvryVApvQ

I think McTavish is typically really good her first 12-18 months with a show. Then it's...yikes. Like Cheap, I find it ironic - McTavish is the head-writer that has always most attracted me to AMC (her alone or in combo with LB) but after that 12-18 months period she's also the head-writer that most makes me go "what complete crap" about the show.

Save frozen Uncle Pork Chops, the Janet's return stuff was the best "storyline" of 2006 for AMC.

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LOL, I better get out of this thread, you're all making my desire to see MMT burn at the stake...disipate. I actually remember for the first time in a long time, things that she wrote that I adored. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh...I won't let her suck me back in. Psychotic b*tch.LOL

MMT gave me my forver soap couple, twice, she created them, and she wrote for them (brilliantly I might add) her entire run this time. So I'm not surprised that she was my "lure" back to AMC.

I just will never be able to watch this show again, because of Josh. Everytime I see him, I see what she did. I see the history she disrespected. The characters she assassinated. The milestones and moments that put AMC on the map. And I almost throw up. How could anyone have such little reguard for a show that they're writing for? If I were in her position, I'd be so humble and honored, and write with so much love and respect for the show, that it would you all sick.LOL

Frons needs to wake up and see what she's doing before she does something that AMC will never recover from. And that pace she's going, that'll be sooner rather then later. :(

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It would have been nice if this show got KC a nomination for Supporting Actress, I doubt they did. This is coming from a "kid" who never much liked Janet all that much going back to the early 90s (I liked Natalie), so KC's really won me over in terms of liking Janet not just loving to hate her (or being annoyed by her).

I started liking Amanda/CS after JR ran Amanda over and was a jerk about it, but it was definitely Janet/Amanda that really, really made me see this girl has real potential. The dynamic between CS/KC was great, the writing for their relationship was pretty good - I felt for Amanda, I felt for Janet.

Then Amanda went from complex to a Babe worshipper at 100 mph, and it isn't an appealing formation for the character or the actress IMO. Amanda is so useless to me at this point, I don't find the character interesting in the least (even if you negate the Babe love), she has no fire, no complexity. Sigh, McTavish, she always had a knack for not being subtle (being into the melodrama), but this is what it always eventually turns into - unexplainable, unattaractive extremes for characters to fit plot.

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Nothing is sadder than someone getting power trips from internet postings. Do you seriously know how pathetic the above sounds? I think you need help. Everyone has different opinions, but to say the opinion of Pine Charles is wrong is totally out of line. They weren’t acting as if McTavish was a god (as you seem to see it). They said they enjoy her early work but hate her later work.

Grow up.

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That's your opinion that McT never wrote anything appealing, it's not an undisputed fact except in Sinclair country, lol. ;)

I don't think anbody is condoning that McTavish keep her job, we're just remembering when we (last) liked the show (a lot) better (than we do now).

McTavish has her writing "issues" all along, it's just in the first 1-2 years she can somehow balance it out and write appealing stuff, appealing to the audience (well not appealing to all the audience, obviously) not just herself. I thought her 1992-1993 stuff had many, many high moments, 1994-1995, awful for the most part. 2003-2004, pretty good, 2005-2006 some of the worse AMC stuff ever. Her stuff with LB (I would guess LB had more power), great stuff, they balanced each other out perfectly IMO, not that I'm condoning a reunion ('Tavish has been too wrong for too long).

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